Vol. 6, Issue 26

Find Solutions & Strategies                June 29, 2015

 Top Panel DecisionsTop 25 Noteworthy Panel Decisions (January-June 2015)

Plus some bonus cases you should know about 
In This Issue
A Note From the Editor
top 25 noteworthy panel decisions (january - june 2015)
LexisNexis has picked the top "noteworthy" panel decisions issued by the California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board during the period January through June 2015. The list features a number of split-panel decisions, including bonus cases addressing the validity of untimely independent medical review determinations and a decision discussing the ability of professional athletes playing on out-of-state teams to pursue injury claims in California, as well as a case in which the Court of Appeal has granted writ of review to address constitutional issues surrounding the independent medical review process and a rare decision where the WCAB describes discovery restrictions applicable in sexual harassment and assault cases. These, in addition to the other cases listed, provide a look at some evolving issues of interest currently before the Appeals Board. Lexis.com and Lexis Advance online subscribers can link to the WCAB decisions to read them in full...read more.
california compensation cases 
Cal Comp CasesUR Untimely When Defendant Didn't Subject Treating Physician's Requests for Authorization to UR: Cal. Comp. Cases July Advanced Postings (6/26/2015). Lexis.com and Lexis Advance subscribers can read it.

california news headlines

CA: DWC Announces Temporary Total Disability Rates for 2016. 

CA: Zurich, SCIF, AIG, CNA, Other Insurers to Ramp Up Work Comp Business in 2015.

CA: Senate Confirms Sum as Chief of Cal/OSHA, Carter as OSH Appeals Board Chair.

CA: WCIRB President Outlines Accomplishments, Proposals for 2015-2016.

CA: WCIRB Submits Regulatory Filing to Dept. of Insurance.

CA: DWC Posts Scope of Practice for Physician Specialties Relevant to QME System.

CA: Governor Signs 2015-2016 Budget, Funding for State Compensation Insurance Fund.

CA: Governor Signs 2015-2016 Budget, Funding for Dept. of Industrial Relations.

CA: Governor Appoints Former SCIF Adjuster to Calif. Dept. of Human Resources.

Coventry Workers Comp Services Releases 2014 Drug Trends Analysis.

National Survey Finds Big Decline in Poor Uninsured After Affordable Care Act.

US Sup. Ct.: Same-Sex Couples May Marry, Obtain All Marriage-Related Benefits.

Big Business Case for Same Sex Marriage.

Employment Expert Warns of "Hidden Traps" for Employers in Same-Sex Ruling.

JAMA: New Meta Analysis of Cannabinoids for Medical Use.

How the Press Misunderstood JAMA Study on Medical Marijuana.

notice of correction: table 1 present value of permanent disablity

It has come to our attention that we inadvertently omitted the revised Table 1, Present Value of Permanent Disability, in the 2015 Edition of Workers' Compensation Laws of California. We apologize for the inconvenience and have included the corrected Table 1 for your use here.

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