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Bravo! Hugs! Thanks! Every donor on this Honor Roll of Giving has made a commitment to our students to continue the important Vision for Student Success programs next year. Thank you for your support!
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![](https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/letters/images/1101116784221/T.png) Did you know that your contributions to the Education Foundation pay for 73 Instructional Assistants in our elementary schools? As a result of your donations, these Instructional Assistants are receiving increased training this year to work in tandem with teachers on small group instruction to boost literacy and help meet Common Core standards.
"This is very exciting for us across the school district," says Irene Gonzalez-Castillo, Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction. "In my conversations with Instructional Assistants, they are excited that their role is changing from someone who has been there to help prepare for lessons...to someone who can be utilized during instructional time to help stretch all students." Meet some of our Instructional Assistants here!
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