Our Heartfelt Thanks to You
THANK YOU to the 2,949 donors who supported the first Vision for Student Success campaign and are listed on the Honor Roll of Giving. Thanks to your generosity, every student in our school district will have the opportunity to succeed. We are truly honored to have your support.
School Board Votes to Fully Fund the Vision for Student Success
At its February 6 meeting, the SMMUSD Board of Education approved a one-time allocation of discretionary funds to the Vision for Student Success so that the program will be fully implemented in 2014-15.
Fundraising for the 2015-16 school has already started. Should the required funds not be raised for the 2015-16 school year, District staff will recommend reducing the program so that only funds raised by SMMEF are used to support it. For more about the School Board's vote, click here.
This Valentine's Day, "Like" us on Facebook!
Won't you be our Facebook Valentine and like us? We're going for 1,000 likes by the end of Valentine's Day. Say you'll be ours!