November 1, 2012
Issue No. 63
email header nov 1 2012
Abundance Foundation's Pecha Kucha Night, Transformative Workshops, Chickens + More!
O' Abundant Ones, 

We hope you had a happy & safe Halloween! This coming Monday is Pecha Kucha Night at Top of the Hill Back Bar! Come see what PKN is all about! Thought-provoking, high-energy presentations on every topic from exploring Cashew Plantations to Manifestos to Medical Qigong. Meet friends, drink a little, learn a lot!
kind of like a mini-TED talk...but way more fun. 
If you haven't yet filled out the Pepper fest survey and you attended, please take 4 seconds to fill it out!  
                                   Pepper Fest 
(fill it out and you could win a weekend getaway at the
O'Henry and free Burt's Bees stuff!)

Want to learn how to improve your life habits and thinking patterns for the better? What we eat affects how we think and feel and how we think and feel affects how we eat. This can either be a vicious cycle that leads to dis-ease within the body and mind or a liberating experience of vibrant health.
The Transformative Life workshop is
 coming up fast (this weekend)! Register to reserve your spot today!   

Our goal is to bring sustainability to central North Carolina quickly, innovatively and while enjoying the journey.

wool socks and first frost, 

Tami, Jenny, Mary & Beth
The Abundance Foundation 

PS. Check out our list of upcoming events and activities!
  Monday, November 5th!
(day before Election DAY!) 
@ Top of the Hill's back bar in Chapel Hill
6pm doors/6:30pm presentations start

Come enjoy a night of local food & drinks with Innovative, energizing presentations! 
$5 at the door
Check out the stacked line-up!

Doug Lorie
Pilgrimage To The Source
Walking through a forest of cacao, to touch and to experience the culture of cashews, and to be present at the source of a treasured food.

Matt Zigler

Matthew Ford
Where is the Good Bridge?

Logan Parker
Natural Living, Politics, and the Ship I'll go down with...

Bernard Penney
Medical Qigong

Geoffrey Neal
local tarot, part 5: the suit of nerf
Lyle Estill
The Actually Not So Big House
Tami Schwerin
The Politics of House Building



A night of thinking & drinking...

Don't miss it!  

 6pm doors open
Presentations start 
6:30pm s
Top of the Hill BACK BAR   
Franklin Street, Chapel Hill  
The Abundance Foundation 
220 Lorax Lane #5 Pittsboro, NC 27312
The Abundance Foundation is a non-profit working to educate and empower the Piedmont about sustainable agriculture,renewable energy, and local economy through hands-on workshops, 
community-building events and by actively engaging youth.
abundance logo
Like us on Facebook
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a Monthly
of Abundance! it's easy,
click here 











The Transformative Life

in Pittsboro with Ron Veitel and Jaime  

Powell, Saturday, November 3, from  

What we eat affects how we think and feel  

and how we think and feel affects how we  

eat. This can either be a vicious cycle that  

leads to dis-ease within the body and mind

or a liberating experience of vibrant health.  

Catalyze your highest visions of physical,  

mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness  

in this inspiring workshop with Ron Veitel  

and Jaime Powell. 





A Walk Down  

the Wellness  

Aisle, Sunday,  

November 4, 10am-12noon in Burlington  

with Ron Veitel.
Ever wonder  

what all those supplements  

in the wellness  

aisle are for?  

With over  


supplement products on the market  

it can be overwhelming to know what's  

right  for you.
Come join local nutritionist, Ron Veitel,   

for an interactive walk down the wellness  


Ron will discuss, from A-Z, the nutritional  

and  herbal supplements that can be used  

for a  variety of health imbalances. From this class  you'll gain a deeper understanding of your  body's chemistry and how to bring it into  balance for optimal health, how to identify a  

quality product, and a greater familiarity with  

the products that meet your health needs  

throughout the year.


Angelina's Kitchen Greek Chicken Soup 


 Saturday, November 10, 12noon-2pm.   

Learn how to make Angelina's famous  

Chicken Avgolemono with Angelina!  

Award winners  of "Best Dish NC" and  

Local Food Goddess,  

Angelina makes our community healthier  

just by her commitment to local sustainable agriculture and her deep knowledge of  

nutrition and herbs and spices....
(and John of course is the Pepper King)










Canning 101

with Ali and Ben from This & That Jam,  

in  Pittsboro, Sunday, November 11, 11am-3pm.  Participants will learn to  

make a Eastern  European Beet Jam.











Beyond the Lightbulb

in Pittsboro with Adrienne Bashista,  

Sat, November 17, from 10am-12noon.
Ever wanted just some basic questions  

answered about energy and sustainability? 
You've replaced your traditional bulbs with  

CFLs or LEDs and turned your thermostat  

down a notch or two, but what's next in  

your quest to make your
home more energy efficient? In this  

workshop, Adrienne Bashista, co-owner  

of an energy efficiency contracting  

company and writer and teacher about
sustainability, will teach you all about  

energy audits, weatherization, moisture  

problems, and saving money by retrofitting  

your home.  Adrienne has first hand experience through the retrofitting of  

her old farmhouse.   

Join us in making your winter more comfortable and more affordable!  

 Homemade and Homegrown Food   

(and stuff) SWAP! in Pittsboro. Sunday,  

December 9th - 2 - 4 pm.  Get together

with your neighbors, fellow gardeners and  

DIYers and SWAP! (What we swap is going  

to depend on YOU!) Pre-registration required **FREE**


A big *Thank You* to our workshop sponsors, Whole Foods of Chapel Hill  

and to Larry's Beans for their ongoing support! 

Register for workshops here

Back Yard Chickens Intensive
Daylong Workshop by
Jim Adkins of International Center for Poultry

Chickens make you happy. 
Preview: November 27, Tuesday evening @ 7.00pm @ Burlington's Company Shops Market
Workshop:  January 12, 2013 @ Company Shops Market and TS Designs chicken coop!
To register, click here.


Jim Adkins started his poultry interest as a young man who grew up in 4-H, raising and exhibiting poultry in southwest Washington State.

For the past thirty years, Jim has raised over fifty breeds and varieties of standard bred poultry: chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. In 1994, he received his poultry judging license from the American Poultry Association. His work has taken him to more than thirty US states, Canada, and Australia to judge standard bred poultry.
Transplanting Traditions
 Community Farm
postponed to Nov 11th, 2012 ; 4-7pm
at Vimala's Curryblossom Cafe!
Tickets & Info online at: 
Tickets are $20 the day of the event and $15 if bought ahead. Children under the age of 12 are free and welcome.