WFPC Leaflets  Rooted in Christ; Growing together in faith; Reaching out to others  February 6, 2015



Click here to listen to WFPC's most recent sermons.


Scripture Reading and Sermon for
Sunday, February 8, 2015
 Please take a few minutes to read the highlighted scripture below, and anticipate how it will relate to Rev. Maul's sermon topic for Sunday also listed below.

Old Testament: Psalm 42:1-8
New Testament: Romans 12:2

Music Selections for Sunday,
February 8. 2015
To see rehearsal times and the various Music ministries
Click  Music 
Financials & Attendance 
Tithes & Offerings

February Budget 
2-1-15 Tithes $17,895.50
Febuary Actuals 
2015 Yearly Budget $852,807.00
2015 Year To Date Budget$133,398.00
2015 Year To Date Actuals$83,140.48
2015 Budget Needs Remaining 


1-25-15 Attendance


Sunday School
9:00 AM Service  212
11:15 AM Service 219 


WFPC Debt Elimination
As you continue to prayerfully consider how much you are willing to commit to help eliminate the $1.3M debt of WFPC, please remember the following.  Your contributions should be above the general fund contributions in which you have already pledged. There are several ways to make your pledge. You may turn in your commitment cards in the Sunday morning offerings, mail to the Church office or turn in to Debbie Choplin's box in the administrative area. We would like to receive your commitments by February 15 so we can monitor our progress. If you have already pledged thank you. As you may make your contributions you may do so in several ways, by check in the church offering or you may make your contributions on line on WFPC's website.  If you are contributing appreciated stock, mutual funds etc., please call the church office for directions of how to make the transfer.
WFPC Knitting Ministry!

The Scarf Drive continues!

Help us reach our goal of 200 scarves by August 30th so Wake County school kids in need can receive a scarf for the 2015-2016 school year!  Right now, we have about 20 scarves, so only 180 to go! Need a pattern? Click here.

The Knitting Ministry is for knitters OR crocheters.  Meetings are once a month, the 2nd Monday at 1:15pm to 2:30 pm in Rm. B103 in the CLC. One does not have to be a member to participate in this ministry. Completed scarves can be dropped off in the basket near the Front Desk in the Narthex. Contact persons are Nancy Bates,
[email protected] or Leslie Olmo, [email protected].   Thanks for your support!
 Ministry To Military

M2M sends care packages to our those deployed overseas, and we need your help! To provide for them this winter, we are looking for canned goods, nuts, tube socks, protein bars and hand warmers.  You can drop them off in the donation center in the main building, or in the box located by the exterior doors in the CLC. Contact Deidra Powell at [email protected] for more information. 


POTS (Parents of Teens) 

POTS (Parents of Teens) will be starting back up on Sunday, February 15 at 6-730 pm, Location B103. Please join us for encouragement, guidance, and fellowship as we go through this journey together!

Contact Jay or Susan Kennedy at [email protected] for more information.

Tell Me More Class
Have you ever wondered what we do at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church? The "Tell Me More" class will have a class on Sunday February 8, 2015 and will meet for the next 3 weeks at 10:00 am in Modular 3 Room 2. If you have an interest in learning more about the church and how to join the church please come to the classes or for more information on how to  join please contact either Krista Fuller at: [email protected] 
Bill Stevens at [email protected].


First Fridays for Families is great family fun! Please make plans to join us in the CLC for our friends and family movie night on Friday, February 6th. We'll enjoy pizza, drinks, and dessert while watching THE INCREDIBLES on the big screen. Bring your own beach chairs, blankets, pillows..... whatever you need to get comfy and enjoy a night of food and fellowship  with your WFPC family! Dinner starts at 6 pm, the movie begins at 6:30 pm. We'll finish up around 8:30 pm. There is no charge for this event and all are welcome. Please RSVP to either Angie Perry at [email protected] or Amy Stevens at [email protected]. If you are unable to RSVP ahead of time, please come anyway! We hope to see you there and invite you to go ahead and put First Friday for Families on your calendar for March 6th. Our movie in March will be BIG HERO 6!. 
Bereavement Care  

As God's people, we are called to help each other in time of need.  Whether there is a birth, illness or a death, we at WFPC are aware of the increasing need to reach out with Christian love and concern to our families. 

Did you know that through the Bereavement Care Team WFPC provides to all members a funeral service and reception at no cost?  Wake Forest Presbyterian is a caring community of faith that seeks this opportunity to support our church family in times of a loss.

If you are interested in helping with the Bereavement Care Team please contact, Sandie Buda at [email protected].

The purpose of the team is to allow the Pastor and the church office to continue with the day to day work of the Church while members of the Bereavement Care Team follow the guidelines and move the funeral process forward in an orderly manner.



 Joy Group 


The February JOY (Just Older Youth) Group get together will happen on February 13, 2014 in the CLC. We will gather around 6:00 PM with the plan to enjoy dinner at 6:30 PM. Karen Reigle and Fred Drinkard will coordinate our covered dish dinner. Please let them know by February 11 of your attendance plans and what you can provide for dinner. They can be reached at
 919-457-3353 or [email protected].

Our Parish Nurses will provide a "Heart Health" program for the evening. They will show us how our AEDs (Automated external defibrillators) work, where they are located on our campus and allow some hands on training. In addition we may see, in video form only, someone experiencing a heart problem and learn more about heart healthy nutrition which sometimes gets lost in our day to day living. Please come join us for an interesting evening and maybe meet some folks you don't see at the worship service you attend.



Adult Mission Trip 2015


Was one of your New Year's Resolutions to step out in faith to help others? Do you have the desire to  take a road trip with some of your fellow church members; are you handy or have some skills that may be utilized in the rebuilding of a disaster area? (No construction skills or experience are required.) The 2015 Adult Mission Team is once again traveling to New Jersey to assist in recovery of the area impacted by Super Storm Sandy and your help is needed! The group will leave the morning of Sunday, April 19 and will return Saturday, April 25. If you desire more information, please contact Judy Finch Ide at 
919-971-6237 or
 [email protected].

Ash Wednesday 2015


  Immediately following the 11:30 a.m. Ash Wednesday Mid-Day service February 18, WFPC's women's Bible study groups will provide a light lunch of soup and sandwiches in the CLC. All are invited to attend, and reservations are not required. 
Morning Glory Circle
Morning Glory Circle
A women's Bible study and service group open to women. This group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, September through May.
Location: Youth room in CLC B-112
Time: 9:30 a.m.
2015 study: Psalm 23 chapter 8 using the book by Max Ludado, Traveling Light. The Morning Glory Circle will meet on Thursday, February 12, at 9:30 a.m. in the Youth Room of the CLC. All ladies are welcome.
Bible study leader: Sally Gadd
Chair: Ann Cobb 919-847-0820

Luke 22:20 -- In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."


This past Sunday, Super Bowl Sunday, I did something I hadn't done in many, many years.  In fact, the last time I did this thing, the last words I heard were, "That guy doesn't look so good."  And then I hit the floor.  I had just given blood.  I was a sophomore in college.  Never again until this past Sunday.


I had always wanted to give blood.  When I was a child, my dad always gave blood at work and would come home with a little pin that looked like a drop of blood with the Red Cross logo on it.  My dad's contributions were measured in gallons; he had donated so many times.  As a child, I thought that was such a noble cause and I couldn't wait my turn.  I wanted to earn one of those little pins.   However, passing out takes the shine off the nobility of it.  It also serves as a lengthy and poor excuse not to do it again.


But lately I'd been reconsidering whether to give blood or not.  For blood tests, I have no issue with needles or the site of my own blood.  So why not abandon my stubborn refusal?  Because it's just easier to do nothing.  Until God speaks to you in way that words that you've heard a hundred times take on new meaning.  A new covenant.  In HIS blood.  Poured out for me.  And you.  Whether we think we are deserving or not.  It's not up to us.


And on this past Sunday, I got out of my own way and walked in Christ's footsteps and poured out a pint of blood for the benefit of others.  Admittedly, on a much lesser scale, but it's what Christ calls us to do as his discipleships.  So ask yourself this question:  what obstacles have you put in front of yourself to keep you from doing something beneficial for others.  Set that obstacle aside and go do something marvelously outside your comfort zone.  Let the love flow.  Celebrate with a cookie.  And thank God for the strength to reach beyond your own boundaries.


Paul Kucyk

Elder for Discipleship


 Women's Ministry Quiz!


Are you a woman?  If yes, are you friendly?  If yes, are you at least one of the following: organized, enthusiastic, willing, or able?  If yes, we need you!  The Women's Ministry Team is planning some fun events and outreach for 2015.  We had a great time last year at the Ladies' Lemonade and Vintage Christmas.  If you would enjoy working with these kinds of activities, we would love to have you on our team!  All talents are welcome - we can use anything from more involved activity planners to preparations to some extra helping hands at our events.  Our first event will be coming up in March, so if you would like to join us or have questions, please contact Leslie Olmo at (919)435-0818 or [email protected]


Connecting Through Technology


(Click on Image for More Details)





WFPC Annual Meeting

On Sunday, February 15, following the 11:15  service of worship, we will gather as a church family in the CLC for the official "Annual Meeting"... a time to hear about where we have been the past year, and where we are headed into current year.  God is good, and it will be a wonderful opportunity to see all that God is doing for us and through us.  A light soup and sandwich lunch will be served.  We will keep this meeting brief and get you home.


His Kids Worship is off to an INCREDIBLE start!  We are praising God through our prayers and praise songs.  Our kids are leading prayers and reading Scripture during the service.   Each week, they hear how much Jesus loves us through our wonderful story tellers.  Last week, we were with "Jesus" (AKA Ed Tharrington) and his sidekicks, Ginny and Lindsey Honkomp, as they told us how Jesus heals.  This week, some of our Middle school youth are going to lead us with Energizers.  Amazing things are happening as we worship and serve our AMAZING God!  All of HIS KIDS, ages 4 through 5th grade, are invited to join us for our His Kids Worship service at 9am each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary!


WFPC Youth Group Activities

Church Members who have lost a spouse are invited to the Youth Ministries Annual Valentine's Dinner this Sunday Feb 8 at 6 pm. High School Youth, with the supervision of Director of Food Ministries Mandy Duguid, will prepare a scrumptious meal. We will play a get-to-know-one-another game and share stories around the table. If you did not receive an invitation, please contact Director of Youth Ministries Amy Donahoo about the oversight. We cherish this tradition of gathering around the table and would love for you to join us.

Amy can be reached at (919)608-0439 or      [email protected] .


Middle School Youth, meet in the Youth Room at 4:30 pm Sunday for fellowship, games and a Ten-Minute Talk about a Bernese Mountain dog named Jethro. High School Youth, you are hosting the Valentine's Dinner from 6 to 8 pm. Remember to show up for your dinner prep, ambassador or clean-up shift. We are counting on you. 


Pancakes, syrup, bacon, juice and fellowship with your church family. What could be better? Mark your calendars for Weds Feb 18. That's the date of the annual Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper hosted by our Middle School Youth. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:45 pm

The Ash Wednesday worship service will follow at 7 pm. Dinner reservations encouraged. Contact Dean Tryon at [email protected]

There is no charge for the dinner, however, baskets to receive donations will be at each table. The proceeds of this dinner help fund Middle School Summer trips to Raleigh and Harrisonburg, Va.


Lenten Bible Study for Youth will kick off Saturday Feb 14 at 11 am 

at the Wake Forest Coffee Company, upper floor. Together we will journey through a 40-day devotional called "An (Extra) Ordinary Easter". Please come to this kick-off gathering so we can plan future meeting dates and online conversations. If you RSVP, we will make sure to have a devotional book for you. Contact Amy Donahoo, Director of Youth Ministries, at [email protected] or call
 (919)608-0439 if you plan to attend. 

January 2015

Wednesday Night Together


Our 2015 Wednesday Night Dinner and Activities served 180 participants this week and continues on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 starting with dinner in the CLC lasting from 5:30- 6:45 PM together with another popular menu: Parmesan Encrusted Chicken, Herb-Mashed Potatoes, Butter Beans, Rolls, Red Velvet Cake

To reserve your spot for dinner please contact Dean Tryon at [email protected]

or  by text at 919-441-1271A special reminder, RSVP's need to be made by Sunday of each week to ensure your spot at our table. Kindly let Dean know 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep your reservation as no-shows means WFPC has to cover the costs of those meals. Take out orders are available for families on the go!!

Also, if you are looking for a place to plug in and volunteer and get to know a great group of people, we have several volunteer spots to choose from with assisting each week:

Tuesday prep work 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Wednesday prep and serve 4:30-6:30 PM
Wednesday clean up crew 6:00-7:30 PM
For more information or questions on this great weekly event in the life of WFPC, please contact Mandy Duguid at [email protected].

Wednesday Nights Together running through May 13 will nourish your body, mind and soul. Please join us! Click on the blue links for details:


5:30 - 6:30 ~ Breaking Bread Together with our Wednesday Night Dinners for you and your family Cost: $5 - Adults / $3-Children

6:30 - 7:30 ~ Learning Together provides Bible learning and Faithful living opportunities for all ages

S.T.A.R.S. (Students to Always Rejoice and Serve) for ages 4 years old through 5th grade, led by Ginny Poulson in Modular 1, Rooms 1 and 2 and in the Turtle Room in the Preschool Wing.

High School Youth Together Bible Study in the Youth Room in the Christian Life Center

Middle School Youth Together Bible Study in Modular 1, Room 3

Adults Together Bible Study with our new Associate Pastor, John Fawcett, in the Christian Life Center, Room B103

Iron Sharpens Iron Bible Study and Accountability Group for men, led by Derek Maul in the Christian Life Center, Room B017

The Daniel Plan for women in the Christian Life Center, Room B018

Journeying Together through Parenthood led by Pastor Rebekah and Lisa Baker in Modular 2, Room 1

Our Music Opportunities:

Sonbeam Children's Choir for ages 5 through 1st grade, 5:30 - 6:00 in the Christian Life Center, Room B017

Young Disciples Children's Choir for 2nd grade through 5th grade, 5:30 - 6:00 in the Sanctuary

Harmony Youth Choir for middle school and high school youth, 5:00 - 6:00 in the Music Room

Ladies Ensemble, 6:45 - 7:15 on the stage in the Christian Life Center

Men's Chorus, 6:45 - 7:15 in the Music Room in the Christian Life Center

Chancel Choir, 7:15 - 8:30 in the Sanctuary

Our Church and Community Care Groups:

Grief Share, 6:30 - 8:00 (begins February 4), in Modular 3, Room 4

Divorce Care has now moved to Thursday nights, 6:00 - 8:00 (begins February 26) in Modular 3, Room 2

 Chick Flicks 


Chick Flicks will be the second Friday (13th) in February. Let's get together for some good conversation, deepened friendships, encouragement and inspiration.  Bring an appetizer to share at 6:30pm and we will start the movie at 7:15pm.  After the movie we will discuss how it relates to our Faith walk. Date:  February 13, 2015, Location: Ginny Poulsen's home,  Movie:  Letters to Juliet         www.imdb.com/title/tt0892318 
To RSVP and for directions: (919)554-9390 


WOW (Women of the Word)
Bible Study

WOW (Women of the Word) Bible Study will be starting a new winter bible study.  A diverse group of women meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month to study, discuss, view a DVD, join in fellowship, serve others in the community, and PRAY for family and friends.  Please join us Tuesday, February 10th, in Room B103/104 at 7:00 pm.  We will be studying Priscilla Shirer's, One in a Million, journey to your promised land.  If you hunger to experience God's power, hear His voice, and live in the abundance promised to you, then this study is for you.  Book cost, $11.95 check made out to WFPC.  We would love for you to join us whether you are new to bible study, new to WFPC or are able to return to the group after a time off.  Mary Beichner facilitates the sessions.  Let us know if you have any questions:  Mary at [email protected] or Sandie Buda at [email protected].

For more about events and activities  visit our website at www.wakeforestpres.org or call 919-556-7777