WFPC Leaflets    Rooted in Christ; Growing together in faith; Reaching out to others     December 5, 2014


Special Worship Schedule

On Sunday, December 28, 2014, WFPC will have one worship service at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary for the entire family as there will be no Sunday school on this Sunday after Christmas.


Click here to listen to WFPC's most recent sermons.


Scripture Reading and Sermon for
Sunday, December 7, 2014
 Please take a few minutes to read the highlighted scriptures below, and anticipate how it will relate to Rev. Maul's sermon topic for Sunday also listed below.

 "Advent Peace"


The Walk Through Bethlehem program is this weekend and we would like to thank you for your generous contributions of your time, talent and treasure  that makes all this possible.

If you are available on Friday, December 5 and can spend an hour or 2 or 3 at the church helping make the set come alive, we would appreciate the help. Many hands make light work and lunch will be provided.

Monetary Donations
Please make checks payable to WFPC with 
"Walk Through Bethlehem Restricted Account" 
noted in the memo line 
* * * * * * * * * * *  
Cider and Cookie Donation Drive 
We have received cider, cookie and hot chocolate donations more than sufficient for our needs.  Thank you for your generosity, WFPC!

 Inclement Weather information 
In the event that the program must be cancelled due to inclement weather, a church wide email will be sent and information will be posted on the church website and social media. Contact Kathy Drake at 919-880-5382 if you have any questions or concerns.


Walk Through Bethlehem Take Down 

Many "thanks" to all the members of WFPC who are involved in the 2014 production of Walk Through Bethlehem this weekend. Without your efforts WFPC would not have been able to give this gift to our community. Just like Christmas decorations, we must now take down the set and props to be stored until next year. On Saturday, December 13th, we will be packing up Bethlehem for storage. For the early risers some will be starting at 8:30 AM, but any time that you have will be appreciated. We plan to finish by noon. For more information, please reach out to Wayne Moore at or 919-625-9562.

Music Selections for Sunday,
December 7. 2014
"Prep for Praise" 
Praise Songs
 9:00 AM service 
click here
"Hymns for Worship"
  Hymns & Responses 
11:15 AM service
 click here
To see rehearsal times and the various Music ministries
Click  Music 
Financials & Attendance 
Tithes & Offerings

November Budgeted 
11-30-14 Tithes $12,316.60
November Actuals 
2014 Yearly Budget $869,819.00 
2014 Year To Date Budget$775,194.00    
2014 Year To Date Actuals$703,366.17
2014 Needs Remaining 


11-30-14 Attendance


Sunday School

9:00 AM Service

11:15 AM Service



Ushers Needed!!  
We are need of two greeters/guides for the Christmas Eve Service on Wednesday, December 24th. We need one greeter at the 4:00 PM service and one greeter at the 7:00 PM service. If you are willing to lend a hand, please reach out to Rob Patterson at for more information.  
WFPC Debt Elimination

The debt elimination team is working hard to eliminate the debt of WFPC. Starting in January you will hear more about the campaign being put together so that we can eliminate more than $1.2M debt. If you would like a head start in contributions and have a capital gain in stocks, mutual funds, bonds or any investment securities and would like to use that as a way to give to the church before the end of the year, the church has an investment account to help facilitate that. Please let the church office know by calling 919-556-7777 that the gift should be directed to the debt elimination team.

Contributions of Securities can be directed to: Edward Jones Investments, Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, account number 330-05648-1-6, please call Mike Baer at 919-554-3743 for questions.  

Children's Ministry 


There is no Club 4/5 this Sunday!  Please join us next Sunday, December 14th at 3:00 in the CLC for our Christmas Party.  See you there!

This Sunday, the Sunday school children are having a celebration! We are celebrating that during the month of November, they have donated enough money to feed ten families in South Africa! 

 Ministry To Military



M2M sends care packages to our those deployed overseas, and we need your help! To provide for them this winter, we are looking for canned goods, nuts, tube socks, protein bars and hand warmers.  You can drop them off in the donation center in the main building, or in the box located by the exterior doors in the CLC. Contact Deidra Powell at for more information.

  Cross Stitch Chrismon Bible Study Group

Join us for a Bible study to stitch Chrismons for our annual display at WFPC. We will briefly discuss the meanings of the symbols and read a related scripture. We will spend the remainder of our time together in fellowship stitching the Chrismons to begin a Chrismon tree display. Beginners and those who just want to learn to cross stitch are welcome. If you're a veteran stitcher, this is an excellent opportunity to use the small scraps of white fabric from your stash. Even if you can't join the study, we would appreciate your stitched contributions. Contact Janet MacKenzie at 919-749-2066 or for additional details.
Got Yarn?  We Need Your Help!

The WFPC Knitting Ministry is currently focusing on Winter Scarves for children in Wake County.  If you can Knit or Crochet, you can help to keep a child warm this winter!  You do not have to be an official Knitting Ministry member to contribute.  Completed scarves are blessed and delivered to the Triangle Assistance League for distribution to kids in need.  We will have a basket available to drop off completed scarves on the credenza next to the welcome desk in the narthex.  To receive information on basic guidelines and simple patterns for this project, please email Nancy Bates at or call 919-556-2111.
Wake Forest Presbyterian Preschool 

Our preschoolers and their families have used their helping hands to pack 60 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and donated 295 pounds of food to Tri-Area Ministries.  Many new toys were delivered to the Wake Forest Fire Department for Toys for Tots during a field trip earlier this year.  Together the children of WFPC have used their helping hands to spread God's love to others.
Our New WFPC Website 

Have you heard yet? Wake Forest Presbyterian Church's new website went live two weeks ago and it's looking great and more functional than ever. I invite you to check out the site here for more information on upcoming Advent information, Ministry groups, audio sermons, ways to get in touch with both staff and your church officers to name a few. As always, we invite you to let us know how we're doing in order to best "Reach Out To Others."


Greetings to all:


We have begun the season of Advent. This past Sunday we lit the candle of Hope, the first candle in the Advent wreath. The following Sundays we will be lighting the candles of Love, Joy, and Peace, followed by the Christ candle in the center of the wreath holding all the candles. The central location of the candle reminds us that Christ is the heart of the season, giving light to the world. Praise God.


With the start of this special season of Advent, coming soon after the secular thanksgiving season, I begin thinking about the many things we have to be thankful for. Not only hope, love, joy, and peace but our families, our health (or for the great medical facilities we have available to us), our friends, our freedoms and of course our Church and Church family. We here at WFPC should be extremely thankful for what we have and be willing to share with others, especially this time of the year. Adult and youth alike have had many opportunities to share our time and treasures during the year with Backpack Buddies, WIHN, Habitat, Thusanang, blood drives, and ministering to other groups outside of our Church in so many ways. We also have many opportunities to volunteer our time and talents whether teaching, helping in the office or with Wednesday night dinners, making a joyful noise with the choirs, serving as an Elder or Deacon, and many other available opportunities within the Church family. How can you use your God-given talents and treasures in service to Him?


Our latest blessings to be thankful for (in my opinion) have been the arrival of our senior pastor, Rebekah, along with a number of new members and very soon our new associate pastor, John. While I have not yet met John, I hear nothing but great things about him. If both our APNC and our former temporary associate pastor Moffett Churn think he is someone special, he must be someone special. With all these blessings, wouldn't it be great if we could bless our special Church with sufficient pledges to allow a balanced budget (or better!) along with a good start on debt reduction? Think about it, how can we all give thanks for our blessings in this Advent season?


Blessings to you all for a wonderful Advent season.


Hank Patrick       

Elder for Facilities 

Two Meaningful Gifts
That Give Back!!
The WFPC Christmas Ornament and The WFPC Cookbook from years past were found hiding in the closets!  There are only a few remaining Ornaments so this is most likely your last opportunity to take home this special piece of WFPC history!  The Ornaments and the Cookbooks are available on the workroom counter along with a dropbox for donations.  All donations will be forwarded to Mission and Outreach to support the various ministries.  If making a donation by check, please indicate Ornament or Cookbook in the memo line. Thanks for your support!

WFPC Christmas Angel Program

The Christmas Angel program is underway but we have only raised about $1,700 in donations for this wonderful community outreach program. In the past WFPC has supported 25 + needy families at Christmas and the current funding level will only allow us to provide for about 20 individuals. This breaks our hearts and we need your help to continue our level of support for this ministry.  


We can still accept monetary donations for these families. Please be sure to note Christmas Angel Program on the memo section of your checks. We also encourage you to think creatively and to join forces (families, Sunday school or bible study groups) to shop on your own to make Christmas special for these families.


We will still have our Christmas party at Hillside Nursing Home at 968 Wait Ave. beginning at 6:30pm on Saturday, December 13th. We will be singing some Christmas carols with the residents and reading The Night Before Christmas to them. Please feel free to bring all your family members to participate. We would like families to make HOMEMADE Christmas cards and return them to church as you finish them.  Thank you! 


Contact Dana Wills with questions at 919-761-7510 or email at

Upcoming WFPC Youth Group Activities


High School and Middle School Youth Groups: Come to Walk Through Bethlehem this weekend.
There is no regularly scheduled meeting this weekend, so that we can all participate in this fabulous Advent event as a church family. Please feel free to reach out to one of your school friends and bring them along for the Walk!

Our annual Random Acts of Kindness and Carolling Party happens Sunday, December 14th starting at 1:30 pm and continuing until 7:30 pm. If you'd like to spread goodwill to the Wake Forest community, request the Sign Up Genius link from Youth Director Amy Donahoo at
Middle School and High School Youth are invited.

Parents of Children Ages 4-10, mark Saturday, December 13th as an opportunity to shop, attend Christmas parties or just relax while the Youth of WFPC entertain your children. The Youth Groups are hosting a Holiday Child Care Night from 4:00-10:00 PM on Saturday, December 13th in the Christian Life Center. The cost is $25 for your first child and $15 for siblings. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. To reserve your space, email Amy Donahoo at Please put Holiday Child Care Night in the subject line. Pizza dinner will be provided, along with movie time, snacks and crafts. Spaces are limited. 
There are a few pumpkin pies and breads left from the Youth Group Baking Fundraiser. If you'd like to purchase one, please contact Youth Director Amy Donahoo at 919-608-0439 or The baked goods have been frozen and will still taste wonderful for your Christmas and New Years entertaining.
WFPC "Tell Me More" Class!

The latest edition of the "Tell Me More" class will finish its four week schedule this Sunday, December 7th, at 10:00 am in Modular 3 Room 2. If you have wondered what we do at WFPC and have thought about joining the church this class is for you. For more information or to join please contact either Bill Stevens at or Shannon Whitley at

December First Friday For Families   
First Fridays for Families will be held on the 2nd Friday of December this month. Please join us in the CLC on Friday, December 12th for our Polar Express PJ night. We'll enjoy pizza, drinks, cookies, and hot chocolate beginning at 6 pm. At 6:30 pm we'll watch The Polar Express on the big screen. Wear your PJs and bring your sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, beach chairs, anything you need to get comfy and enjoy a night of fellowship with your church family. All are welcome and there is no charge for this event. There will be a donation box to help offset the cost of food. For more information contact Angie Perry at Please RSVP to help us plan for dinner. If you are unable to RSVP, come anyway. We hope to see you there!
December Joy Group

The December JOY Group will gather on Saturday, December 13th for brunch. We will gather at 9:30 AM and the brunch will begin at 10:00 AM. The Crawford's and Melhado's are coordinating the brunch. Please let Sue Crawford know by Wednesday, December 10th of your plan to join us and what you will provide for our brunch. She can be reached by phone at 919-556-2570 or by email at


Sue and Jim Crawford will be providing information about our Back Pack Buddies program and we will get some hands-on experience in packing meals which will eventually be placed in Back Packs. There is always a need for many items that are included in these Back Packs and that list can be found here. This is a fun and informational experience when we can assist the Back Pack Buddies team. Come join us for a day time Christmas event.



Daniel Plan

What do WFPC Ladies do best?  Talk?  How about "Walk and Talk?"  Join the Daniel Plan group on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 - 7:30 PM, in the CLC, Room B018.  We begin with a healthy devotional followed by 30 minutes of walking exercise and good conversation!  Dress in comfortable clothes and shoes; bring a water bottle and a flashlight in darker months.  Due to the holidays, we will not be meeting December 24th or 31st.  Remember, a healthy Lifestyle isn't just about Food...It's about Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friends!  Every BODY needs a BUDDY, so bring a friend!  Classes stand alone, so join us anytime! Please reach out to Leslie Olmo at for more information.
Mornings With Christ

Join us for our new study beginning January 14, 2015 The Parables of Jesus, Deeper Connection Series! We will begin by Matt Williams.  Open to women of all ages, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 9:30am to 12noon, in the CLC, Room B103. For more information contact Loretta Highfield:

For more about events and activities  visit our website at or call 919-556-7777