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  K-O e-NEWS 
  November 13, 2013 


Prayers and Support for the Philippines
The United Church of Christ issued an appeal for $250,000 for Typhoon Haiyan response.

Typhoon Haiyan has killed as many as 10,000 people in the Philippines, with the devastation it caused being described as "absolute bedlam," the BBC reported.

Hardest hit is the central Philippine city of Tacloban, which is said to be flattened and where hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. The damage to communications, airports and roads is hampering initial relief efforts, according to Ric Jontarciego, United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) Disaster Coordinator.

While much focus has already been put on Tacloban, the UCCP reports that cities and towns in other parts of the Philippines are also facing huge losses.

The UCC will support early response and recovery efforts of partners in the ACT Alliance and the United Church of Christ in the Philippines.  Initial response activities will likely include material resource provision, emergency shelter items, drinking water and cash for work programs.


Send checks to the Conference Office designated for the Phillipines OR to make a secure online donation on the UCC website at www.ucc.org/disaster/philippines_typhoon_appeal.html





Memorial Services for Dorothy Berry
Information was just received that the Memorial Services for Dorothy Berry are on Thursday, November 14th at 2:00PM at First Congregational Church in Topeka, 1701 SW Collins.  There will be many who are not able to attend, but remember Dorothy with thanksgiving and gratitude for the many ways that she touched our lives and supported the ministry of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference and the United Church of Christ.
News from CUE (Chicago, United, and Eden) Seminaries

What Do YOU Know About Eden Seminary?             


Eden, one of the seven seminaries of the United Church of Christ, is called to strengthen the life of the church by educating women and men for ministry, enlivening critical reflection on faith, and supporting bold Christian discipleship. Welcoming and inclusive, Eden's deep commitment to work ecumenically with other denominations that form the progressive Christian movement is reflected in the diversity of our students. Twenty different denominations, 21 states, and 9 countries are represented by Eden students this year. A rigorous academic program, combined with significant opportunity for practical ministry experience with our broad partnership of congregations and agencies, helps Eden to be faithful to our educational mission. For more information about Eden please visit us atwww.eden.edu.


Changing Lives at St. Peter's  UCC in
 in Inman, KS







































St. Peter's United Church of Christ was founded in 1888 in an area of central Kansas known as Superior Township (Inman had not yet been founded). At its founding, St. Peter's was known as St. Peter's Evangelical Church. It was founded following a falling out with the Missouri Lutheran Synod over having a full-time pastor. The people wanted a full-time pastor, so it was decided to start a new church aligned with the Evangelical Synod in the area.



Over its 125-year history, St. Peter's has been very active in the community now known as Inman and the greater church as well. One of the activities that St. Peter's has become known for is its annual Ground Hog Dinner. Now serving upwards of 1,200 people each year, the dinner was started in 1942 by the Men's Brotherhood (now the Men's Fellowship) to provide funds the building of a new fellowship hall for the church. Originally the men had a hard and fast rule that "no women were allowed in the kitchen". Over the years that rule has been softened and the Ground Hog Dinner has become a community event, bringing together not only men and women from St. Peter's, but members of the five Mennonite churches in Inman as well. The fellowship hall got build, and today the funds raised benefit not only St. Peter's, but many projects in the Inman area as well.


 Over the years St. Peter's has supported many mission projects for the greater church. The latest project was the purchasing of supplies for and then the assembly of Emergency Clean-Up Buckets for Church World Service (CWS). Enough money was raised to purchase items to assemble 13 buckets to be sent to CWS. This project brought members from all age groups together, not only shopping for supplies, but putting the buckets together as well. Nobody from St. Peter's knows where the buckets will end up once CWS sends them back out, but we do know that they will provide a much-needed resource at the time of a disaster.


In September of this year, St. Peter's officially celebrated its 125th anniversary with a weekend full of activities. Everything started on Saturday morning with the Women's Fellowship annual pancake breakfast that is held conjunction with Inman's Santa Fe Days celebration. St. Peter's had two units in the Santa Fe Days parade, with the float winning first prize.


Historical displays were set up throughout the church during the weekend. Many people from the church as well as the Inman community took time to look at the history that was on display.


During Sunday morning worship, a full sanctuary was treated to a excellent history lesson relating to St. Peter's. Through a series of short skits, the history of St. Peter's was told. Many commented upon leaving worship that morning that they had learned some things that they didn't know before, congregation members and community attendees both.



Finally, the weekend ended on Sunday evening with a banquet attended by over 100 members, family and friends of St. Peter's. Reflections by members were shared as to what St. Peter's has meant to them.


With the first 125 years behind us, only God knows what the future holds. However, over those 125 years St. Peter's has lived out the commands that Jesus gave to God's people in Mark 12:29-31, "The first is, 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.'The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." No matter what the future holds, the people of St. Peter's United Church of Christ will, as they have for the past 125 years, follow these commands from Jesus.











Feb. 8th: Church Money and Management


Whether you want to improve your skills at reviewing and

managing your church's money, learn ways to inspire greater giving, or better understand your legal and fiduciary responsibilities, Church Money & Management will help pastors and lay leaders learn more about:
* financial statements & trend analysis
understanding & communicating what the numbers tell us
* unique financial issues for churches & pastors
housing allowances, unrelated business income and more
* reframing how we think & talk about giving
from narrative budgets to personal finance education
* the policies & procedures every church needs

to protect the organization, its people, building & funds


Presented in an engaging and interactive manner, Church
Money & Management will help equip more women and men
to take active roles in the financial and administrative lives of

their church and conference. Don't miss this great workshop supported and sponsored by the Cornerstone Fund.



March 29-30: Come and See


Come and See is an event  designed  for churches and pastors to  learn about the the New Beginnings Assessment  Program. This program is designed to answer the question "What is God calling your congregation to do and be in this time and this place? 


New Beginnings' purpose is to empower congregational leaders as they guide their Church into life-giving expressions of ministry for this new era of God's mission.

New Beginnings assesses a congregation's strengths and challenges as it seeks to redevelop its ministry. The goal of the process is to put the congregation on the

road to sustainable Christian witness and action within its community.


New Beginnings is for congregations that meet at least three of these characteristics:

  •        Less than 70 in worship
  •        Significant building issues (too much space, inadequate               parking, putting off repairs and maintenance)
  •        Aging membership
  •        Changing neighborhood
  •        Trouble paying bills and/or paying off a loan

Don't sit on the sidelines and DO NOTHING, be proactive;  this program may not be a tool for your congregation, but it could be and it's time to explore the possibilities. 

So, Come and See!


Registration information for both of these opportunities  will be available soon,  but save the dates and plan on attending! 



Advent Resources

Don't miss the 2013 Advent Devotional from the Stillspeaker's Writer's Group.
 Order from UCC Resources www.ucc.org or call 
 (800) 537-3394.



The following churches are actively searching for new leadership; please pray for the leadership of these churches and search committees. May they be open to the spirit, to risk taking in spreading the good news of our Stillspeaking God!


First UCC, Newton, KS


First Congregational Church, Manhattan, KS 


New Basel UCC, Abilene, KS


Community Congregational Church, Garden City, KS

 (Interim Called)


Plymouth Church, Lawrence, KS (seeking an Associate Pastor)



Dates for Churches to be Featured in eNEWS

We have heard that churches feel disconnected; well here's an opportunity to learn about the ministry of sister congregations. It's a simple process as churches have been assigned a date to send in a paragraph or two about your congregation's ministry. You may feature a special event, a particular mission, anything that your church is doing well and you want to share. Connections can be built, and the opportunity is here, you have to accept the invitation to participate! Your stories will encourage and inspire others; so share the good news!


The first date below is the date your church has been assigned and will be featured; the 2nd date the information needs to be submitted; send it early if you like! Send your information to kofocus@yahoo.com 


If your assigned date has passed and your church still wishes to participate, send your article in and we'll use it at a later!


Kingfisher, The Federated Church

Nov. 19th; due Nov. 15th


Junction City, Zion

Nov. 26th; due Nov 22nd                  


Lawton, Boulevard Cong'l & Christian

Dec. 3rd; due Nov. 29th                                                                                       


Kansas City, Rosedale Congregational

Dec. 3rd; due Nov.29th                                                                                        

Lawton, Cong'l Christian Samoan

Dec. 10th; due Dec. 6th


Tulsa, Fellowship Congregational 

Dec. 10th; due Dec. 6th


Kansas City, Welborn Community

Dec. 17th; due Dec. 13th                                







November 11-14: Cabinet of Conference Minsters, Cleveland


November 16: Outdoor Ministries Meeting 


November 23: Friedens Church, Search Committee


November 24:  Search Committee, Plymouth Church



NOTE: When Edith is  out of the office at meetings or travelling, please feel free to contact her by email at eguffey@kocucc.com or to call her cell at (440) 759-0031 


 Archived e-NEWS emails  


United Church of Christ 


Kansas-Oklahoma Conference  


White Memorial Camp and Conference Center 


Kansas Christians United 


Oklahoma Conference of Churches




Find us on Facebook 





Cameron University - Lawton OK 


East Central University - Ada, OK 


Kansas State University - Manhattan, KS 


University of Kansas - Lawrence, KS 


University of Tulsa - Tulsa, OK 



Edith Guffey, Conference Minister
Kansas-Oklahoma Conference 
1245 Fabrique                                         
Wichita, KS 67218
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Our Church's Wider Mission is the lifeblood of ministry and mission in the United Church of Christ.  Your contributions to this offering make this weekly e-communication and much, much more possible.  Thank you for your generous support!  Our covenant as local churches, associations, conferences and the national setting of our denomination is made evident through this mission together.