Health & Wellness News
This month our focus is on educating our patients on the potentially negative effects of over-the-counter pain medications, especially acetaminophen. When we have aches and pains, isn't taking Acetaminophen a very safe and good idea?  What about when our child is teething, or just after a vaccine? Should we give her Infants' Tylenol to relieve the pain? Research shows that Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and more than 600 medications, causes toxicity, cell death and liver failure.  We have provided research in this newsletter to educate you on the potential side effects of this drug that has been marketed as "safe for the whole family".  But, our deeper message this month is to remind you that if you are having pain, seek solutions - not simply a way to mask the symptoms.  Medications don't heal, they mask symptoms, modulate symptoms, and at best, attempt to ward off future symptoms.  

Medications do not solve the imbalance that the pain is representing in the body. To heal, one must remove blockages, restore flow, and bring balance to the failing system. Chiropractic restores nerve flow, brings balance to the spine and nervous system, and ultimately allows for the body to heal itself.  Acupuncture restores balance to the body so that the organ systems are working in harmony allowing the body to heal more effectively.  Massage restores movement of the tissues and nutrition removes toxicity and restores depleted cells. All of the techniques at InnerMovement are HIGHLY effective in treating pain. Before you reach for the pain medication, pick up the phone and call our office. All of the InnerMovement staff are passionate about helping the whole family live a pain free, vibrant life! Until our next adjustment...

Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team
Over The Counter Pain Relievers
Are They Effective? Are They Safe?

In a recent article on the effectiveness of common over-the-counter pain killers, pain researchers revealing some surprising and disturbing insights.
  • A pain researcher at Oxford University,stated: Tylenol doesn't actually work that well for pain. To be more exact, "I can't imagine why anybody would take acetaminophen," he said. Every researcher contacted agreed with this statement.
  • A 2015 study published on (link below) found that acetaminophen didn't seem to help most sufferers of chronic low back pain, and that it barely alleviates pain in people with osteoarthritis. As the researchers wrote, "We found that [acetaminophen] is ineffective on both pain and disability outcomes for low back pain in the immediate and short term and is not clinically superior to placebo on both pain and disability outcomes for osteoarthritis."
Most disturbing was the data provided that links Acetaminophen usage with liver toxicity and failure. Between 1998 and 2003, acetaminophen was the leading cause of acute liver failure in the US. "We always thought [acetaminophen] was safe, but there are increasing signals of accidental overdose in people who are regularly using it for chronic pain, and some liver toxicity," explained a Professor of Musculoskeletal Medicine. 

Unfortunately, there are risks associated with Aspirin and Ibuprofen usage as well. Aspirin interferes with blood coagulation. Just 1 gram of Aspirin leaves you at rick for bleeding up to 4 days after using it. And Ibuprofen puts users at risk for gastrointestinal bleeds and kidney damage. Using it in high doses also seems to raise blood pressure, and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

So what's the solution? Drug-Free pain relief solutions that work to restore balance to the body such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Massage.
Special Children's Health Alert!
Acetaminophen Linked To Brain Inflammation, Autism & More

Are you taking Tylenol for prenatal pain? Do not resort to Acetaminophen! Please consider SAFER alternatives for you and your baby.  Read on for more on how Acetaminophen can cause Autism, Severe Attention Deficit Disorder, and more.  

The active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen, is found in more than 600 drugs, including many over-the-counter medications targeted at children (Infants' Tylenol, Children's Mucinex, and Little Remedies for Fevers), as well as NyQuil and Alka-Seltzer Plus. And doctors often recommend dosing children with acetaminophenbefore they get routine vaccines, and then tell parents to give them more if the baby spikes a fever or has a reaction at the injection site.

In a 2008 study, it was found that children given acetaminophen after vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella developed autism eight times as often as children given ibuprofen.

Another study conducted on over 48,000 Norwegian pregnant women associates the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy with developmental problems, including attention deficits and aggression, in children at age three.  

In Denmark, a study showed that the use of acetaminophen in pregnancy was linked to higher risks of severe attention deficit disorders in their children. The longer they used the acetaminophen, the higher the risk of behavioral and brain problems.

"There appears to be an association between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and an increased incidence of maternal blood clots, pulmonary embolism, preterm labor, and preeclampsia. There is considerable risk to the developing fetus as well..." states Cindy Schneider, M.D., the medical director for the Center for Autism Research and Education based in Phoenix, Arizona, who is a former obstetrician and gynecologist.

From these studies and other available information, it's clear that use of Acetaminophen by expectant mothers and children should be avoided.

Chiropractic + Pregnancy
Before - During - And After!

Before: Before you become pregnant, visit your Chiropractor for an evaluation to detect any imbalances in the pelvis or elsewhere in your body that could contribute to pregnancy discomfort or possible neuromusculoskeletal problems after childbirth.

During: Many pregnant women have found that chiropractic adjustments provide relief from the increased low-back pain that can be brought on by pregnancy. Chiropractic care is safe for the pregnant woman and her baby, and if a great medication-free solution in treating their back pain. Doctors of chiropractic can also offer nutrition, ergonomic, and exercise advice to help a woman enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

After: Chiropractic care can also help after childbirth. In the eight weeks following labor and delivery, the ligaments that loosened during pregnancy begin to tighten up again, so it's ideal to address any joint problems brought on during pregnancy to prevent muscle tension, headaches, rib discomfort, and shoulder problems.

Get started today by scheduling your Initial Chiropractic Evaluation & Treatment & take advantage of our New Patient Special Offer!

Recipe Of The Month
Kid-Friendly Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

  • ½ cup plain, organic yogurt
  • ½ banana
  • ¼ cup frozen or fresh organic blueberries
  • ½ cup frozen of fresh pineapple
  • ¼ cup fresh squeezed organic orange juice*
  • ½ cup filtered water (or coconut water)*
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ organic apple, skin partially removed
  • ½ tsp fresh ginger
  • ½ tsp turmeric
Place all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth. Enjoy!
* Adjust thickness by adding more or using less liquids. 
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for pain relief!

Reviewing some 700 studies, Duke concluded that turmeric appears to outperform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic, debilitating diseases, and does so with virtually no adverse side effects.

Turmeric Tea Recipe:
  • Bring four cups of water to a boil.
  • Add one teaspoon of ground turmeric and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea through a fine sieve into a cup, add honey and/or lemon to taste.
Read more here:  Dr.
Dr. Heidi's
Recommended Reading
Wellness Links To Visit 

Pain Relief Outside The Pill (Harvard Health)


Corticosteriod Injections May Be Ineffective for Low Back Pain (Medical News Today)


Massage Therapy: A Drug Free Alternative For Back Pain Relief (Spine-Health)


More Doctors Trying Drug Free Techniques To Treat Pain ( 


Rethinking Your Advil Habit: The Truth About Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Mens Journal)

Deepak Chopra answers:
How To Reduce Pain?
Pain Fighting Foods  
  • Cherries: powerful antioxidants that block inflammation & inhibit pain enzymes
  • Ginger: anti-inflammatory properties & relief from headaches & migraines
  • Sage: anti-inflammatory & can reduce swelling
  • Green Tea: fights inflammation
  • Cayenne Pepper: anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant properties
  • Cinnamon: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Cloves: anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant properties
  • Garlic: anti-inflammatory
  • Pineapple: contains the enzyme Bromelain which can reduce swelling
healthy food heart
InnerMovement Wellness | 818-549-1300 |
230 N. Maryland Ave.
Glendale, CA 91206