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May 2014 


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We are a member supported non-profit working to improve bicycling access, safety and education in South Carolina.

In This Issue:
Join the National Bike Challenge!
2014 Benchmarking Report
Biking on Sidewalks Bill
Texting While Driving Ban
Greenville campaign gets noiticed
PCC in the News
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Save the Date

September 8-11, 2014
google calendarWondering what bike advocacy events are happening this weekend? Check out our calendar.
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We are only as strong as the members that support us, so please donate and be a part of our efforts today!

Contact Us 

Amy Johnson
Executive Director

Scott West
Membership Coordinator

Pamela Wood Browne
Communications Director

Yellow Jersey Sponsors 
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Join the National Bike Challenge!

Communities throughout the state of South Carolina are celebrating National Bike Month which is full of opportunities to join with other cyclists like Hawley's Bike to Work rally on May 15th!

May is also the start of the National Bike Challenge. Beginning May 1, the Coalition teams up with friends across the Nation to take part in this fun and friendly challenge. PCC members join with clubs and advocacy organizations across the state. Record your rides, and add up the miles you've ridden, the calories you've burned, and the gas money you've saved. The National Bike Challenge runs through September. Sign-up now and join your local team or ride for the PCC!

South Carolina and see how we're doing compared to other states! We currently have 360 SC riders registered for the challenge and our state is ranked #19 nationally. Contact Pamela with any questions about joining the challenge or to share about your local efforts.
2014 Benchmarking Report  
In April, the Alliance for Biking & Walking released a new report - Bicycling and Walking in the United States: 2014 Benchmarking Report - examining the hard data behind the growing movement for more bicycling and walking across the nation, and finds that South Carolina ranks 47 in fatality rates for bicyclists and pedestrians. While this is an improvement from our rank of 49 in the previous report in 2012, our state still has a long way to go to provide safe access to biking and walking as options for recreation and transportation.

As cities are discovering in South Carolina and nationally, access to safe routes plays an important role in economic development and investments in improving the health of South Carolina's citizens. We're excited that Charleston is one of five cities (population 100-200K) that have been included in this report for the first time, along with our Southeast neighbor Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Read more about the 2014 Benchmarking Report and then join us in our efforts to make SC more bike friendly by visiting our Action Center today!
Lobbying at the State House  

Biking on Sidewalks Bill Died

The legislative session ended April 30th and with it the last of the anti-biking bills for 2014. H.5053 would have "allowed" biking on sidewalks statewide.  This bill was bad for bicycling, so the Coalition worked to make sure it died and better informed the bill's sponsors.  

The fact that bikes are already allowed by state code on sidewalks wasn't the only reason this bill was misguided. Local ordinances in some places restrict bikes on urban sidewalks for good reason: because it's dangerous for pedestrians, and it's dangerous for bicyclists when a high number of curb cuts exists.  The death of H.5053 means local municipalities can retain their local ordinances and planning control - often a key factor in successful bike planning.  Some local planning/ordinances, however, could use further refinement and accommodations to resolve the very valid safety concerns raised by this bill's lead sponsor, who is a bicyclist living within a county-wide ban.  Stay tuned for more PCC coverage of this issue.  

Texting While Driving Ban Progresses

Thanks to help from PCC constituents and members,The House passed and sent a bill to the Senate that prohibits texting while driving. H. 4386 carves out a few exceptions, including anyone who is lawfully parked or stopped, using a hands-free wireless electronic communication device, or summoning emergency assistance.


The Senate passed and sent a bill to the House that also addresses distracted driving. However, S. 459  would prohibit the use of a wireless electronic communication for anyone who holds a beginner's permit, conditional driver's license, or special restricted driver's license.


Currently, the legislation next goes to Conference Committee with members from both chambers working on a compromise. 

Greenville campaign gets noticed  

Bike Walk Greenville's new People on Bikes campaign caught the attention of the Alliance for Biking and Walking.


The campaign seeks to correct the misperception that all bicycling is recreational in nature and therefore all cycling can and should be limited to the Swamp Rabbit Trail and other off-road facilities. Its message is - those people you see riding bikes around town, they are our friends, our children and our neighbors. They have names, lives and families that care about them. They have as much right to use the road as any motorist. So respect them. 

PCC in the News  
Don't miss these recent articles that feature our organization:
Platinum Sponsors
Aiken Bicycle ClubGarrett WondersSpinners

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Your share the road license plate supports our bicycle programs and initiatives. If you don't already own one, and are looking for an easy way to support our work and bicycling in South Carolina, then please purchase a plate at your local DMV office today! 


Thank you for your support!