Industrial Research Institute
IRI e-Innovation Newsletter
No. 424
May 2015
  Member Spotlight 


Brittney Burchett 

Being Inspired at Work 


Everyone's career begins with a story. For Brittney Burchett, a Software Engineer on the Secure Partition Development team at Unisys, that story begins with a young technologist, about to graduate, listening to a lecture and being inspired to seek out the speaker's company.


"Being just elected the Vice President of the Temple Chapter of IEEE, I attended a dinner banquet hosted by the Philadelphia Section of IEEE in April right before ending my junior year of college," said Brittney. "At this banquet I listened to the most direct, inspiring innovation presentation I had ever heard. I will never forget sitting there staring up at the presentation thinking to myself 'I don't know or care what that company does, but I want to work for it.'"


The presenter, she learned, was Jim Thompson, Chief Engineer and Vice President, Engineering and Supply Chain, at Unisys. Within days Brittney's resume was on Thompson's desk; 2-3 weeks later she had an internship. She said her "ah ha" moment about what she wanted to do with her life came during that time: she wanted to be a software engineer. Having majored in Electrical Engineering at Temple University the transition was challenging, but within reach.


"I officially became the Unisys intern who never left," she said.


On her greatest professional achievement so far, Brittney said: "Within my first year as a full time engineer I helped form an innovation team to push a new product idea through the ranks of Unisys. Although it did not turn into a product, it allowed for me to currently have four software patents pending in my name (with a few more on the way). From that experience, I am now heavily involved in helping to push innovation and an innovative culture throughout the engineering organization."

Brittney's advice to young professionals: "Find a career you can be proud of; one that allows you to challenge yourself every day while still allowing you to have fun and be excited."

Member Companies in the News
Call for Presentations


Agile Growth Strategies


Change is occurring at a quicker pace than ever before and corporations must be agile in adapting to this change. Today's fluctuating business environment requires corporations deploy resources in flexible ways. Implementing agile growth strategies requires a shift in culture, mindset, and best practices. More than 300 R&D and innovation professionals will gather in Chicago to discuss successes and lessons learned.


IRI invites you to share your expertise at this members-only conference in Chicago, IL, October 18 - 21.


Proposals due by May 15


Learn more about the submission process.



What's New at IRI?

We are Coming Back to Boston

Our Regional Meetings are back in swing starting tomorrow in Boston! Draper Lab has graciously agreed to host the meeting which will be tomorrow, May 12, starting at 4:00 pm ET with some peer networking. It's never too late to join!

We Held Our First Hack-a-Thon

If you missed it at the 2015 Annual Meeting, we hosted our first ever hack-a-thon, moderated by Gene Slowinski of Rutgers University, and it was tremendously insightful. The white paper produced by the group is now available and includes techniques for effectively evaluating ideas in large companies.

We Continue to Explore the Future

At the 2015 Annual Meeting in Seattle, a group of 40 IRI members and meeting attendees played a live game around the IRI2038 Futures Study scenario known as "Everything's in Beta." Six teams were formed and given their own case to explore and build upon. At the end of the game, trends and themes from each team were examined further.

A sample of the infographic developed from the research the "Everything's in Beta" game produced.

Upcoming Events


Shaping Innovation Leaders
Evanston, IL
May 30 - June 5
*Only 1 Seat Left*

Cambridge, MA
Draper Lab
May 12



 2015 Member Summit

Agile Growth Strategies

Chicago, IL

October 18 - 21



Share Your Good News!



Product releases?
Speaking engagements?
Member spotlight?

Let the IRI community know what you and your company are up to. Would you like to be featured in our Member Spotlight? Send us an email and we'll include it in our newsletter.



Thank You 2015 Industry Sponsors



Platinum Sponsors






Gold Sponsors












Silver Sponsors







In This Issue
Member Spotlight
Member Companies in the News
Call for Presentations
What's New at IRI?
Upcoming Events
Share Your Good News!
Thank You 2015 Industry Sponsors
Your Annual Meeting De-Brief
Welcome New IRI Staffers

Your Annual Meeting

A big thank you to all those in attendance at this year's Annual Meeting in Seattle! A meeting summary is available on our site to take back to your organizations and to share with your friends and colleagues. 

Videos of the keynotes, award winners, and plenary sessions will be available soon!

A round of applause for our 2015 award winners...

Chuck Hull
Co-Founder and CTO
3D Systems
IRI Achievement Award Winner

Subra Suresh
Carnegie Mellon University
IRI Medalist


Join us in welcoming the newest members to the IRI Board of Directors as well as its 79th chairman, Dr. Tom Kavassalis, Vice President, Strategy and Alliances, Xerox Innovation Group

Tom Kavassalis, Xerox, right, accepts the gavel representing the IRI Board Chairmanship

New 2015 board directors:
  • Dr. Sherri L. Bassner, VP, Chemicals Services, Intertek USA, Inc.
  • Mr. Andrew K. Kintz, Senior Staff Scientist, Open Innovation, LORD Corp.
  • Mr. Anthony D. Nickens
    , VP, Energy & Electrosynthesis Group, 
    Ceramatec, Inc. 
  • Dr. Louis Gritzo, VP, Manager of Research, FM Global

Dr. Daniel Abramowicz, CTO of Crown Holdings, Inc., now serves as Immediate Past Chair.

Mr. John B. Hillenbrand, Jr., VP and Chief Innovation Officer, Owens Corning, becomes Chairman Elect.

Dr. Spencer Pugh, VP and Manager, Battelle, becomes Vice Chair.

You can see the entire board roster on the IRIweb.

Welcome New IRI Staff Members

Jr. Associate
Operations & Data Management

Mary has a 15 year history of working with associations, most recently with the Society for Human Resource Management for eight years in their membership retention department. She graduated from Northwestern University and did graduate work there in Integrated Marketing Communications. She is working part-time with Ludita Vallarta, VP of Operations, and is thrilled to be a part of the organization. Mary can be reached at 703.647.2583.





Jr. Associate

Ravi graduated from Old Dominion University in 2014 with a degree in Communications. While studying, he worked as an administrative assistant in the Student Affairs Department. Ravi initially joined IRI as Jr. Associate of Operations & Data Management but has since moved into Programs where he works with Martha Malone, VP of Education, and Lee Green, Sr. Director of Research & Thought Leadership. Ravi can be reached by phone at 703.647.2587.

Join us in welcoming Mary and Ravi to the IRI family!

 Quick Links

(May-June Issue Now Available)

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