New From Symetra

External Term Conversion


Policyholders who have purchased a fully underwritten single life term insurance policy from Symetra's select group of carriers within the last five years may be eligible to convert that external term policy to a permanent Symetra Classic Universal Life Insurance policy. 


Using a Private Financing Strategy to Help Your Clients Leverage Wealth Transfer


A private financing strategy may be right for your clients if they want to minimize or eliminate gift taxes, or want to leave a larger legacy to their beneficiaries.


Life Insurance as an Asset
Insurance can provide a financial hedge against the unexpected. Learn to sell life insurance to clients who are looking for more than just estate planning

Help cultivate confidence

Did you know 33 percent of Americans say they don't have enough life insurance, including one-fourth of existing policy holders? Lead clients down a path of assurance with the educational videos, FAQs and other useful tools found on ourwebsite.


Better riders for a better ride contest

Points awarded for permanent life applications with extra points for apps with accelerated living benefit riders. See contest detailsfor BMW pre-paid lease drawing and other prizes.

Our rated term pricing may surprise you

Our Table C and D premiums often beat premiums for lower table ratings among leading carriers. Click here to learn more.

Generate leads, find new revenue streams

Quick, 15-minute training sessions are now available for Accident and Health (A&H) products. Find out more about these new sales opportunities and our exciting sales contest here.


Update to Chronic Illness Rider Supplemental Applications

Rapid Rater tool "new look" to be unveiled Sept. 5. Webpage address and functionality will remain unchanged.

New mailing addresses for:
*American General's Annuity business
*Life products



Field Underwriting Guide

State Approvals

Interest Rates





Independent Marketing Group
Life Comes in Many Varieties
Signature Indexed Universal Life Insurance was designed with the flexibility to meet your clients' unique needs.
 Provides a Death Benefit
 Can Provide Estate Protection
 Can Provide Retirement Income for a Surviving Spouse
 Can Provide Support for an Aging Parent
 Can Leave an Inheritance to Children or Grandchildren
 Can Provide Supplemental Retirement Income via Policy Loans1
 Accumulation Value builds on a Tax Deferred Basis2
Join us for a live webinar to see how Signature
IUL can help meet your clients' needs.
Friday, 9/5/14,
2:00 p.m. EDT
 Monday, 9/8/14,
2:00 p.m. EDT

 For More Information Contact Marie Causey:

Transamerica Forms
New HIPAA BAA form needed by 9/23 to continue selling the LTC Rider

This form has new Omnibus language and is required for producers who sell or plan to sell the LTC Rider on our TransACE, TransNavigatorSM or Transamerica JourneySM products. As of September 23, 2014, producers who haven't completed and sent in the new amendment will no longer be able to submit HIPAA-covered business. This form is available online and takes about two minutes to complete!
Securian Whole Life
Secure Protector Whole Life

Secure Protector Whole Life offers your clients an affordable whole life contract with lifetime protection and tax-advantaged cash value growth.

Transamerica Interest Rates Changing
ACE Interest Rates Are Changing This Week
Threshold interest rates have decreased 10 basis points for TransACE� 2013, TransACE� CV 2013 and TransACE Survivor� 2013.
Genworth eValuate
Pre-Quoting Let's You Know More, Before

Genworth Long Term Care eValuate is a pre-quote underwriting tool for evaluating the underwriting category of Privileged Choice Flex 3 cases in Real Time. eValuate can help hone in on the underwriting category for more accurate premium quotes, which can mean more placed business.
SBLI Updated Underwriting Guide
Age and Amount Requirement Changes

Effective Immediately the SBLI Underwriting department announced some exciting new changes to their Field Underwriting Guide. These updates reflect competitive changes to SBLI's age and amount requirements, as well as enhancements to their Financial Underwriting Guide. 

Rate Changes
Protective Custom ChoiceSM UL (10-30 Years)
Protective Life has lowered their rates for initial level benefit periods of 10-30 years at face amounts of $500,000 and up. These rate changes have competitively positioned Protective Custom Choice UL to help you offer greater value at higher face amounts.
New Lower Rates on Guaranteed Level Term
the People Have Spoken

Introducing significantly lower rates on Metlife's Guaranteed Level Term product. Stay tuned for more information in the coming days.

Win a Trip to Augusta National for the 2015 Masters Tournament

 The Prize will be awarded to the:
  • Top 3 Long Term Care (LTC) insurance producers based on total annualized placed premium.
  • Top 2 Total Living Coverage (TLC) producers
    ased on placed premium.
  • Top 2 Index Universal Life (IUL) insurance producers
    ased on 1st year equivalent premium (Excess premiums credited at 5%).
  • Top 2 Fixed Index Annuity (FIA) producers
    ased on placed premium.

Double Your SBLI Bonus
We'll Match the First $500 You Receive

Shaw American will match the first $500 bonus you receive from SBLI. One time only, after you receive $500 from SBLI, Shaw American will send you an additional $500! Applications must be in by 9-22-14 and placed by 10-24-14.
American National's Partial & Full Accelerated Benefits
Access a portion of the policy and keep the remaining policy value in place.

Three great life insurance living benefits for no additional premium:
  1. Terminal - illness. Death Within 24 Months.
  2. Critical - illness.16 Different Illnesses.
  3. Chronic - illness. (2 of 6 ADLs)

Protective New Underwriting Guideline Changes
Effective Immediately

Changes to Inspection Report Requirements
An Inspection Report is now required at the following face amounts and ages:
  • $5 million and up for ages 0 - 64
  • $2 million and up for ages 65 - 70
  • $1 million and up for ages 71 - 75
  • All face amounts for ages 76 - 85
Previously, an Inspection Report was required for all cases of $1.5 million and above, and at age 75 and over for all face amounts, with the exception of TeleLife cases.

Changes to Financial Underwriting
Financial Underwriting guidelines have also been expanded to now include specific information about Personal Coverage, Business Coverage, Confidential Financial Statements and Third-Party Verification of Assets.  

Updated Underwriting Guide 
An updated version of the Underwriting Guide is now available online in pdf format and will be available for order within the next two weeks.

Upgrade Your Next Case
Submit NA Case Electronically!

North American's Custom Guarantee� Gen 8 universal life insurance is available on NA's new electronic application, SimpleSubmit.


Now you can submit guaranteed1 UL applications faster and easier, with improved turnaround time!

AIG Needs Analysis Form
Can Your Clients Afford Their Current Lifestyle on a Reduced Income?

Complete a family life insurance needs analysis in just five minutes using the updated  Life Insurance For Income Replacement.

Our Term Quoter, Your Website
Write more business than ever before: Let us add our term quoting engine to your website

Billions of Dollars in Life Insurance are being sold online and much of it's due to term quoting engines like ours, sponsored by A2QE.

Let us add this engine to your website so that you can start taking advantage of the benefits. Benefits include:
  • An opportunity to earn additional life commissions
  • The foresight to know what rate class to quote
  • The ability to attract ready-to-buy customers
For more information, or to have this engine installed on your website, please contact Marie Causey at
Genworth PC Flex 3 Overview
Learn more about PC Flex 3

Learn more about Privileged Choice Flex 3 and what it means for your future LTC sales. Click the link below to learn more about Flex 3 and how it differs from Flex 2.
Principal Sales Idea

Learn how Principal Universal Life Protector IVSM can help small business clients ensure their wealth is equally distributed between children who wish to work in the family business and those who don't.
Snap Service Guaranteed 
We're here for you

Call us for the quotes, forms, and proposals you need in 15 mins or less! That's the Shaw Snap Service Guarantee.

Miss Something?
Get Up to Date with Competitive Education

Ever spend time away from the office and come back feeling like you've missed out on key changes and updates? No need to panic. At Shaw American we make it a priority to upload our Newsletters, Company Fliers, Webinars, and Head Office Conference Calls to the Competitive Education section of our website.


Our Office is Now Open For Extended Hours



From 8:30am to 5pm



From 8:30am to 4pm


Phone: 502-583-5527  |  Toll Free: 1-800-626-5888  |  Fax: 888-329-7429
Office: 830 S 2nd St  |  Louisville  |  KY  |  40203
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