May 21, 2015                                                                           Issue #100
ALC Contract Carriers
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Contact Information
Steve Hull, Editor
Allen Lund Company
Manager - Portland Office
(800) 999-LUND (5863)
Roadcheck 2015:  The CVSA will be implementing their Annual 3-day Enforcement event June 2-4, 2015.  You can read about the event here.  You can also read some tips on how to be prepared for the event here.
As we celebrate this 100th Issue of ALC Carrier Connection, we would like to thank all of the contributors for their wonderful articles and information.  A special thank you to the readers of this newsletter as well. The truck drivers, owners, and dispatchers who literally keep the wheels turning in our great industry. Please let us know if there are any topics you would like us to cover in the next 100 issues! Submit Ideas.

ALC Carrier Spotlight


 William Russell 

William Russell runs for multiple ALC offices, mostly with our Phoenix, Arizona office.  William runs two trucks (both reefers).  Based out of Queen Creek, Arizona, you may see William's truck running somewhere in the desert! We spoke with William recently to get some more background on his company.


How many years total in the trucking industry? 35 years.


How many years in this current role?  20 years.


How did you get started in trucking? Longtime family tradition of being in trucking.


Favorite freight to haul?  Fresh produce.


Favorite part of the job?  Driving down the open road.


Most challenging part of the job? Getting in and out of the produce markets in a timely manner.


How do you choose what freight to haul? I go with the best rates being offered.


What is the best advice you've ever received? Come off the mountain top slow!


Strangest load you've ever hauled?  Liquid chocolate for M&M Mars.  The receiver required drivers to go down into the tank and squeegee all the chocolate out!


Do you belong to any trucking associations?  OOIDA,  Owner Operator Independent Driver Association.


What mobile apps do you find most helpful? Camera app.


How do you spend your free time?  Hobbies?  Cruising around town on my Harley Davidson Heritage and my BMW 335I Hard Top Convertible.


What new skill would you like to learn? Operate a computer.


If you had one extra hour in the day, how would you spend it? Polishing my truck.

Gilbert Aguilera

Transportation Broker, Phoenix Office


Gilbert Aguilera is a transportation broker in the Phoenix office. He joined the Allen Lund Company in 2012. Aguilera has been in the transportation industry all his life and started as a truck driver across the lower 48. He is currently attending the University of Phoenix in pursuit of a Business Degree. 

Carrier Want Ads
Madison Dry & Reefers 2014

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