Summer 2013     


Welcome to our quarterly newsletter from
 The Oil Change Team at McCourt Label! 
This newsletter features:
  • Custom and Stock Oil Decals
  • Printers and Supplies
  • Promotional Products
  • Custom Invoices
  • Stock and Custom Floor Mats
  • "Todd's Tips"- useful advice from our product guru!


As always, we look forward to continuing to build our business with you!




Todd Butler, Sales Representative
Lindsay Grandinetti, Customer Service Representative


Tire Rotation Reminder Labels

Does your business offer tire rotations in addition to oil changes? The next time you order custom labels from McCourt, consider including reminder areas for both oil changes and tire rotations. Or, maybe you need two labels - one for oil changes and one for tire rotations!


Reminding your customers of their next scheduled tire rotation is not only helpful for them (to continue vehicle warranties), but these reminders could mean more business for you! Check out the examples below. Then, visit or call 800-458-2390 to learn more!!
  James Whisnant of
Speedlube, Inc. 

won the iPad drawing
held at 
our booth


Contact the McCourt Pit Crew!
We have the best team in the industry!
Call Todd Butler or Lindsay Grandinetti TODAY!!




Some of the Products We Offer



 Todd's Tips

Attention Owners of

New Label Printers!


If you've recently upgraded your printer to a new Zebra TLP 2824Plus or Godex RT200i, be sure to check out the FAQs below!

QUESTION: What do I do when a red light appears on my Zebra TLP 2824Plus printer?
ANSWER: This light indicates that your printer's sensors need re-aligned. Follow these simple steps:

1. With all media loaded, turn printer off and then back on.


2. Wait until light turns solid green and then hold it down. It will blink 4 consecutive times. After the 4 blinks, let go of button.


3. Light will respond with a series of flashes and should go to a solid green. Turn off printer and then turn it back on. Your printer is now reset.



QUESTION: What do I do when "Check Media" appears on my Godex RT200i display window?
ANSWER: When you see "Check Media," your printer's sensors need re-aligned. Follow these simple steps:


1. With all media loaded, press small round button at the back of the printer, next to the power cord. Hold it for 2 seconds until display reads "Auto Sensing".

2. Printer will print out labels with code on them. Once printer stops sensing, tap the green feed button once.
3. Printer will print out one label, stopping at the correct starting point for the next label.




The labels below are ON SALE now! To order, go to or call 800-458-2390. HURRY! Take advantage of these discounts while supplies last!!

Sale Price - $11.00/roll of 500 labels

Material - White Static Cling

Actual Label Size - 1.5" wide X 2.25" high

For - Zebra TLP 2824 & 2722 or Godex RT200i Printers

SKU - 3441 (6,000 labels in stock)







Sale Price - $11.00/roll of 500 labels

Material - Clear McCourt-LITE (low tack adhesive)

Actual Label Size - 1.8125" wide X 2.5" high

For - CognitiveTPG Advantage LX or Godex EZPi Printers

SKU - OL05CT (5,000 labels in stock)



Sale Price - $13.00/roll of 500 labels

Material - White McCourt-LITE (low tack adhesive)

Label Size - 2.25" wide X 1.5" high

For - Handwriting with Pen (Manual)





Prices valid on current available stock.

Minimum order is 1,000 labels or 2 rolls.
Sale labels are non-returnable.