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Who says the graphics have to fit 
on the panel?


"I hate to see a plain white rectangle," says Greg Scott, GSWorx, New Philadelphia, Ohio. "It just seems that there's so much else you can do. I like to use a shape for the background, and I like to break that shape somehow-to poke something out of it here or there. Sometimes I like to have something going on in the background, too."


Letting a graphic or lettering extend beyond the edge of a panel is an easy trick that is seldom used. Most sign makers overlook how easy it is to get out of the rectangle rut. That means it's an easy way to give your work the edge over your competition's work.


It can be as simple as spending 10 or 15 minutes with the jigsaw to cut the top of the panel to let some of the graphics bump above it. On a 3-D sign, it may just be a matter of beefing up the  




size of a graphic or some of the lettering. An otherwise rectangular digital print can be designed to be cut to shape once it is mounted on the substrate, if only on one side.


It's not only easy to do but it's easy to sell. You can offer it as a creative upgrade that not only does a better job of capturing the attention of viewers, but also makes the sign look bigger than it...  Click for more...


Missed any Trade Secrets? They're on our website. Click here to get more tips to help you speed production, get better organized, produce more effective designs and sell signs easier.


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Tom McIltrot, Editor


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