At, most orders take less than 24 hours to produce, then most ship within 24 hours of production. More importantly, you can trust to give you exactly what you order.




Dayna Reed shows how he fabricates routed, carved and sandblasted signs quickly and profitably in this excellent DVD. Click here

for a brief preview video.








5 ways to boost profits without raising prices


The fastest, easiest way to increase your sign business's profits, of course, is to simply raise your prices. But it isn't always quite so simple. You may feel your market won't support higher prices or the competition is too stiff to risk it.


Fortunately, there are other ways to send more dollars to your bottom line without raising your prices. Just ask other successful sign shop owners, as SignCraft does. They almost always mention that one or more of the following five ways help them increase profits for their shop.


None of the five are hard or involve buying new equipment or hiring more staff. They take minimal effort but deliver significant results. 


The print area at Brushstrokes Signs,

Salmon Run, B.C., Canada 

One: Get organized and more efficient. Work smarter. Watch where your time is going and learn to make every minute count. Set up your workspaces so that everything is at your fingertips.


Two: Upsell. Don't assume the customer won't buy an upgrade. Rather, know that they need an upgrade to get more value from their signage. Find something you can... Click to read more...



Missed any Trade Secrets? They're on our website. Click here to get more tips to help you speed production, get better organized, produce more effective designs and sell signs easier.


Click here to subscribe to SignCraft Magazine and get more help on succeeding in the sign business--plus hundreds of layout ideas and the Sign Pricing Guide. Thanks!



Tom McIltrot, Editor


P.S.--Please take a minute to visit our sponsors' websites. They help make Trade Secrets happen!



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