News from Austin Art in Public Places                            FEBRUARY 2016
Art in Progress: Montopolis Neighborhood Center

Pods is an AIPP commissioned artwork-in-progress for the Montopolis Neighborhood Center by local artists Amy Bunker, Travis Seeger, and Foster Talge, who are fabricating the sculpture at The Tech Shop in Round Rock. Pods will be installed in front of the Montopolis Neighborhood Center in late March to early April. 

Rendering and model of Pods

Pods is a metaphorical family unit representing an endearing relationship between three

large steel sculptures. Sprouting from the earth, cylindrical steel trunks gently curve and reach

skyward to support spheres sheathed with thousands of shimmering stainless steel leaves. From the artists' statement, the trunks represent the support provided by the community holding up the glimmering pods intended to mirror the diverse situations that bring people to the Montopolis Neighborhood Center.

Amy Bunker holding a CNC cut portion of the foundation

Foster Talge and Travis Seeger laying out a stainless steel ring for the pods
Seaholm Wall Progress!seaholm

The installation of the new Seaholm Wall began last December and the wall's colorful posts are just a hint of all the exciting work to come to this district. Located along the future extension of 2nd Street, these integrally colored, 8" x 8" precast concrete posts are artist Nader Tehrani's creative response to Austin Energy's requirement for a wall to protect people from the active Seaholm substation. The artist team worked closely with Public Worksthroughout the construction process. Each post is positioned with its corners slightly turned from its neighbor, creating visual interest through repeated pattern, in addition to the playful color.
View of the Seaholm Wall and the substation, from the fourth floor of the new Central Library, now under construction
The artist team inspecting construction progress in December
Welcome new AIPP staff!welcome

We've got a few new friendly faces around the office and would like to introduce the newest additions to the AIPP team. Welcome Judy Kwon, Shirley Rempe, and Frank Wick!

Judy Kwon comes to AIPP from the museum sector, having most recently worked as the La Belle Project registrar at The Bullock Museum and as a registrar for over eight years with The Menil Collection in Houston, Texas. Having relocated from Houston three years ago, she is happily ensconced in Austin's green, pet-friendly and artistically vibrant communities. 

Shirley Rempe is AIPP's newest project manager and is excited to be back in her hometown of Austin. Holding degrees in urban planning and public policy from NYU and the University of Michigan, she is looking forward to a position that brings together her background in urban planning, community development, and arts administration to help create new landmarks for the city she loves.
Frank Wick is AIPP's new Collection Manager. He studied at the University of Miami where he received his MFA in sculpture. He was the assistant registrar at University of Miami Lowe Art Museum. While there,he worked under Kara Schneiderman, current Director of Collections at Harvard's Peabody Museum. Frank continues his work as an artist 

AIPP Open Office Hours

When: Friday February 12, 2:00-4:00 pm

Where: Cultural Arts Division offices, 201 E. 2nd Street

Curious about the art selection process? Interested in applying for a public art commission? Visit us during our monthly office hours the second Friday of each month, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., at Cultural Arts Division offices (201 E. 2nd Street). No appointments necessary!
Exploring Austin's Black Mural Artists
When: February 25, 6:30-8pm 
Where: Carver Museum,1165 Angelina St

Join AIPP as we give a brief history of works by African American muralists in Austin. We'll be visiting works on site from such artists as Freddie McCoo, John Fisher, John Yancey and more. To RSVP, visit the Carver Museum website HERE.


Looking for opportunities with AIPP?

Make sure to visit the AIPP website for the latest artist opportunities and to download complete instructions and project details. 

All applications are accepted through

Austin Convention Center 2nd St. Garage Elevators 
Request for Qualifications
Closing Soon!
Budget: $74,000
Deadline to apply: 2/18/16 @ 5 PM
Eligibility: Austin Metro Area 

AIPP seeks to commission a permanent public artwork for the Austin Convention Center (ACC) Second St. Garage. The project will engage the entire height of the parking garage and presents an opportunity to create a new landmark for downtown Austin at a highly visible and busy downtown intersection.

Austin Fire Department Artist-in-Residence
Request for Qualifications
Budget: $36,000
Deadline to Apply: 3/3/16 @ 5 PM
Eligibility: Austin Metro Area

AIPP is accepting applications for a residency program with Austin's Fire Department. The selected artist will spend 2-3 months observing and documenting fire station activities and create a series of 2-dimensional, permanent works sited at six separate fire stations.  

TEMPO 2016
Request for Proposals

Budget: $5,000- $10,000
Deadline to apply: 3/10/16 @ 5PM
Eligbility: Austin Metro Area

AIPP's temporary installation series is kicking off again and AIPP is inviting professional visual artists or artist teams to design, fabricate, install and de- install site-specific, short-term artwork or time-based artwork for specific City sites. Multiple commissions will be awarded with budgets ranging from $5,000-$10,000. 
For the latest news on AIPP artist opportunities, join our...

Other Artwork Opportunities
For basic information about other public art calls to artists around the country, please visit:

Riffs and Rhythms

by John Yancey

Greeting visitors at the Austin Convention Center, this broken ceramic tile mural honors the diverse musical traditions of Texas. From rhythm and blues to country, zydeco to conjunto, this colorful piece unites these diverse traditions into one singular celebratory image. 

Learn more about this AIPP work and others at

Riffs and Rhythms, John Yancey 1996
Art in Public Places is the City of Austin's public arts program. We acquire, commission, and maintain works of art for City facilities and parks for the cultural enrichment of the Austin Community. AIPP is a program of the City of Austin's Cultural Arts Division within the Economic Development Department.

The AIPP Panel is a seven-member standing committee of volunteer visual arts professionals, appointed by the Arts Commission to help guide AIPP. AIPP Panel meetings are the first Monday of each month (excepting holidays) at 6 p.m. at the Cultural Arts Division Offices, 201 E. 2nd St and are open to the public. Come see how the whole process unfolds!

The Arts Commission is comprised of citizens appointed by City Council to help advise council in all arts-related matters. After the AIPP Panel votes on a project or opportunity, the Arts Commission reviews and decides which projects to move forward. Arts Commission meetings are the third Monday of each month (excepting holidays) at 6 pm and are open to the public. Check the meeting agendas for locations

CHECK HERE for meeting dates and agendas. | | (512) 974-7700 | 201 E.2nd Street

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Austin Art in Public Places | 201 E. Second Street | Austin | TX | 78701