Point K Update
What's New at innonet.org and
the Point K Learning Center
January 2011

It's time for another rundown of what's new at the Point K Learning Center--plus an important maintenance announcement.
What's New?
Important Maintenance Announcement
Advocacy, Observation, Metrics, and More: 23 New Resources
Innovation Network Services
Important Maintenance Announcement
On Monday, January 31, at 5pm Eastern U.S. time, we will be moving our website to a new server at a new hosting provider. Point K (and the rest of innonet.org) will be unavailable for somewhere between 8 and 72 hours after that.*  You might want to download or print out any Point K work or resources you think you'll need between now and next Friday, just in case.

*The outage timeframe is not entirely within our control. Changes like the one we're about to do can take up to 72 hours to propagate their way around the Internet. If you're interested in the technical "why-that-is", you can read more about it here: "What is DNS propagation and why does it take so long?"


Advocacy, Observation, Metrics, and More: 23 New Resources
Since the last time we sent out a Point K Update, 23 new resources have been added to Point K. (Our staff added 22 of them; the 23rd came from a Point K user.**) The new items include a data collection instrument for observing out-of-school time; a metrics manual for public health issues; and a newly-revised version of our Logic Model Workbook. Come check out the new offerings--and remember you can rate and comment on them, too.

**We know that most of you visit Point K to search for resources, not to contribute them--but if you find a great resource somewhere else, you can add it to Point K with the "Submit Resource" feature.

Innovation Network Services
We recently updated our Services pages to better describe what we do and who we work with. We don't expect a lot of crossover between our consulting and training clients and our Point K users--there are geographic and budgetary boundaries to be considered. Still, we want to make sure that people who come to innonet.org for the free tools and resources also know that Innovation Network provides consulting, training, and research services. Providing these services is how we developed the expertise that we make available for free in Point K. And even if you don't have the time or the budget for a major evaluation project, we offer low-cost plan reviews to help you with your logic model and evaluation plan.
As always, if you have feedback or questions about innonet.org or the Point K Learning Center, don't hesitate to contact us.
Simone, in my own handwriting
Simone Parrish, Knowledge Manager & Webmaster
sparrish [at] innonet [dot] org
202-728-0727 x 106

Isaac, in his own handwriting
Isaac Morrison, Research Assistant
imorrison [at] innonet [dot] org
202-728-0727 x 108
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