Spring Hill Physical Therapy Newsletter
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In This Issue
Purpose of Physical Therapy
Healing & Sef-Care
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Welcome Our Newest Therapist
Margaret Yen Chuang Matthews
P.T., M.P.T.
Purpose of Physical Therapy
By Marion Gilbert, R.P.T.


What is the purpose of coming to physical therapy?

The first reason to seek physical therapy services is to educate yourself regarding your physical structural condition. To know about your physical body as a place you inhabit and are in relationship with is not a thought that arises very easily.

Typically we don't pay much attention to what it means to have a body until we experience pain or discomfort.
Until then we might care about how we look or what our bodies might be able to do in sports or dance and we will train to take our body to the edge of capacity in order to perfect it.

But to really know what our bodies do for us all day long constantly adjusting and balancing all the turmoil and repair mostly goes unnoticed and is taken for granted.
The miracle of all our bodily functions to serve us, so we can live our lives with or without much attention for this body is astounding to me as a therapist having worked with people for over 37 years. I was blessed to choose this profession as it constantly reminds me to be grateful for health and wellbeing.

When this equilibrium gets disturbed either through injury or repetitive strain from less than optimal posture, unhealthy life styles, inactivity or over activity, deficient movement patterns or results from prolonged stress and defensive bracing patterns, the body's capacity to adjust, adapt and compensate becomes affected.

Therefore to seek help with restoring healthy movements, postures, lifestyles is all we are addressing in physical therapy. You don't need to wait until you are hurt or are in chronic pain. 

At Spring Hill Physical Therapy we are dedicated to facilitate optimal health and wellbeing and support you in your ability to care for your precious body and make the best investment you can make in your life. To prevent injury, to prevent progression of degenerative processes, to understand the way your body needs an occupant, who is aware and awake to the capacity and the limitations of your body is invaluable and can allow you to fully enjoy the vibrancy of your health.

The second reason for coming to physical therapy is to guide you in your rehabilitation process after you experienced injury, have had preparing you for a surgery, or developed a medical condition affecting your body's ability to function. 

Recently a law passed that anyone could come for evaluation and treatment for physical therapy services directly when pain, discomfort or dysfunction is experienced. You do not have to obtain a doctors prescription for the first 10 treatments or 45 days. Most PPO's and Medicare are underwriting this possibility. This will allow you to come and and experience the full spectrum of traditional and complimentary care we have to offer and together with your therapist decide on a treatment plan with goals for outcome. 

We will communicate with any other medical professionals upon your request and will advise to seek other medical care if necessary. 

The third reason to inquire about our services is to seek safe and skilled advice for your wellness and athletic activities. Also when you have a need to work with a previous injury and you feel you cannot work out out of fear you might re-injure yourself is an excellent reason to seek advice and facilitation of how you can safely improve your strength and flexibility. 

More and more your health is put into your own hands and that is where it belongs. To invest in deepening your understanding and facilitate greater ease and efficiency will allow you to optimize your capacity to live your life to the fullest and age gracefully.

Come and visit our website, facility, meet our highly skilled and compassionate therapists and inquire about our wellness classes, free clinics, massage besides our highly specialized physical therapy services. We also have a full Pilates Studio on site for both rehabilitation and enhancing strength and flexibility in a safe manner.

Wishing you a healthy and radiant New Year!
Healing & Self Care
By Daniela Soulux Pruzan, D.P.T.


The process of healing in Physical Therapy is not a passive act. It's a team effort; the therapist provides support, guidance, and skilled intervention, and it is equally important for the client to actively participate in his/her own care. I know how difficult this can be, especially when we are not feeling well. There may be a hope and need inside of us for someone else to fix us, so we may go on doing the same things, just like we did before the injury or pain. Sometimes however, it is precisely how we were living before that made us ill or physically hurt. Please take this as your formal invitation to be held and supported, while you learn and practice, the glorious nurturing benefits of self-care. No experience necessary.

Here are my basic guidelines to for healing self-care:

  • Allow for sufficient sleep
  • Move your body (do some moderate physical activity 30 min day, 5x/week)
  • Keep hydrated (urine color is transparent or pale yellow)
  • Get adequate nutrition to provide the body's building blocks for healing

While expert opinions may differ, the basic principle remains...

Eat fresh whole foods with plenty of fiber and

Eliminate junk food and processed foods - if it has a long shelf life, it probably means most other species don't recognize it as food.

  • Take some time to relax (and if you're not quite sure how, keep reading...)

Ninety-five percent of all illness is caused or worsened by stress

As a student, I was working with a client who had a fairly simply injury that was just not healing. She was a kind person, usually busy doing things for others, making sure those around her were being taken care of. Her muscles were always tight and guarded holding tension. I kept encouraging her to relax, and breathe. When trying to promote her to remember this mindset, I inquired what kind of things she did to relax. Her response was: I don't know, I don't relax, don't they make a pill for that? I will never forget the moment when I realized that she was not able to relax, because she did not know how. While there are pills galore to artificially shut down the mind, and concurrently, check-out of our body, relaxation that happens from within the body, is a practice we should all learn for optimal health. 

The number one goal I hear from people coming into physical therapy is I need to get stronger. And overwhelmingly, the first thing I tend to teach people is not how to flex a muscle, but how to relax it. Relaxation is so important for healing, because when the nervous system perceives stress, it shifts into fight/flight defense mode, whether this stressor is perceived or real. Physiologically the body does not build roads and heal, when it's defending for attack. It is in a state of relaxation that healing takes place in the body. For some, relaxation may be achieved through a practice of breathing, yoga, tai chi or meditation. Whether formal of informal, for most of us, it still takes a little (or a lot of) dedication to practice self-care. For those who prefer not to be bound by rules, just keep it simple and take a hot bath, receive a healing touch or a massage, make love, watch the sunset, or go for a walk in nature. Live a life with meaningful connection and ask for support, and above all maintain a sense of self-efficacy. This means believe in your own ability to succeed, believe in your ability to effect a desired change. This is essential for health, because while we are here to support you in your healing, it is ultimately you who has the greatest power to heal yourself.

Our Mission
Spring Hill Physical Therapy contributes to community wellness by recognizing body, mind, and spirit in the people we treat.  Our highly skilled team facilitates the optimal health of each client, integrating traditional and complimentary treatment methods in a welcoming and compassionate environment.

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