Volume 83
October 31, 2015
Asian Antiques on eBay This Week

NOTE:  eBay auctions are ending Sunday and through next weekend

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A lot of good listings this week.

This week Silks seem to be everywhere, so checks some we've found, also some terrific porcelains and some good Ivory fans. 
Dear BidAmount - eBay users, 

This week we have a lot of listings ending SUNDAY and MONDAY, and some good thing later through the week, so check now. 

 Thank you,  
Peter Combs
As Always Many Items Closing
 Each Photo is linked to that auction

Feel free to visit our site anytime, 24 hours a day. 
For fun, we've added some videos to the BidAmount.com site,  take a look when you have a chance.  BidAmount Video Libarary

Sincerely,  Peter

Peter Combs
EBAY Searches From Bidamount.com