Volume 69
July 18, 2015
Asian Antiques on eBay This Week

NOTE:  eBay auctions are ending Sunday and through next weekend
Fine RARE Figure

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we found some  Good things this week..
Dear BidAmount - eBay users, 

 Some great listings this week, including some new sellers we've not featured before.

Check the items on the left hand side.   


 Thank you, 
Peter Combs

New this week, "Quick View" 
the top Asian items currently on eBay. 24/7
 Ending Sunday and Throughout the Week. 
A fine selection of 18th and 19th C. Famille Rose including export porcelain, Yixing and Snuff Bottles
Ending Sunday, A good auction of Ming porcelain, celadons, jades, 18th C. blue and white, carved hard stones etc. 
Ending Sunday a fine selection of 18th and 19th C. Chinese porcelains
18th and 19th C. domestic and export poprcelains
A fine offering of enamel and cobalt blue porcelain, inlaid scholar's box and Yixing. 
Rare and Fine Chinese Export porcelains of the 18th C. 
Chinese export 18th and 19th C. fans carvings, hounds , etc. 
19th C. Chinese famille rose and blue and white porcelain
18th and 19th C. Chinese Imari, blue and white and Blanc-de-chine
Fine 18th C. Chinese domestic and export porcelains. 
19th C. Famille Rose and jadeite beads. 
Fine auction of Chinese 18th and 19th C. blue and white and Famille Rose. 
The First Armorial Service Sent to America
The first set ever to be shipped to the United States bore the coat of arms of "The Order of Cincinnati". The service was ordered by Samuel Shaw, supercargo of the first American ship to reach Guangzhou in 1784 on behalf of General Henry Knox. The ship was named appropriately the "Empress of China". The service was brought to the United States the following year in 1785 aboard the "Pallas". Upon it's arrival, George Washington as a member of the "Order of Cincinnati" purchased several pieces for his own collection. Yes, Washington collected fine porcelain. 
Feel free to visit our site anytime, 24 hours a day. 
For fun, we've added some videos to the BidAmount.com site,  take a look when you have a chance.  BidAmount Video Libarary

Sincerely,  Peter

Peter Combs
EBAY Searches From Bidamount.com