Volume 54
April 4, 2015
Asian Antiques on eBay This Week

The News-Letter is now Mobile Friendly. Many thanks to Constant Contact. 

We're working  on doing a separate NewsLetter each week for fine silver and western Antiques, stay tuned. 
Closing soon, in the next 24 to 48 hours
On eBay right now
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Dear BidAmount - eBay users...

Last week we began using a newly designed format to accommodate our mobile users, it worked well. Thanks to those of you who took the time to let us know you liked it.... 

Our top picks for Asian Antiques on eBay this week
This week an interesting number of listings from sellers in the EU, Great Britain and France as well as the USA, including some good jade,  jewelry and some very nice porcelains, as well as a silk collection. 
The Majority of them all close Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 
Kangxi through 19th C. Qing Porcelains, over 40 Auction Lots
Fine Chinese Jewelry
A good collection of almost 50 Auction Lots of Chinese Silk
Ending Sunday over 100 lots, all are auction items
18th and 19th C. Famille Rose, Cobalt and monochromes. Over 40 auction lots
Fine late Qing to Republican Famille Rose
18th and 19th C. Famille Verte and Famille Rose
Fine 19th C. Soapstone Carving and fine Qianlong Export Porcelains.
A fine export fan and a VERY Rare Marked Export Platter
Fine Chinese Export Fans
Feel free to visit our site anytime, 24 hours a day. 
For fun, we've added some videos to the BidAmount.com site,  take a look when you have a chance.  BidAmount Video Libarary

Sincerely,  Peter

Peter Combs
EBAY Searches From Bidamount.com