TES Weekly
January 26 - February 2, 2016   

Rabbi's Message
1/26/2016  - 16 Shevat 5776

Guest Message from Sharon Harris

I was walking out of the Pioneer Hall Homeless Shelter this morning with Don Dolan, another volunteer overnight host, and he asked me, "Why do you do this, Sharon?"  He tells me that the reason he does it is "It needs to be done and I can do it."   My reason is to walk a mile in their shoes. It puts me closer to understanding the struggles of being homeless because this is something I believe we cannot understand without experiencing. As John Steinbeck wrote, "It means very little to know that a million Chinese are starving unless you know one Chinese who is starving."

On a deeper level, the reason I volunteer at the shelter is because I actually enjoy it. I can explain this joy through the triad of sympathy, empathy and compassion I found in Dr. Neel Burton's May, 2015 article in Psychology Today.  Sympathy or 'fellow feeling' is defined as care or concern for others with a desire to see them better off.  Hopefully we can all sympathize with the homeless residents of Ashland.

Empathy or 'feeling into' can be defined as recognizing and sharing the emotions of another person.  Can we imagine what a homeless person must go through each day?  Or more importantly, can we take the time to imagine ourselves as homeless?  What would it feel like to suffer from mental illness, PTSD, alcohol or drug addiction or to be the victim of physical or sexual abuse?  What if you had no family or friends who could help you and you had nowhere to sleep, bathe or store your belongings?  Can we make the leap to compassion or 'suffering with'?  Like empathy, compassion also involves sharing emotions but also implies a need to alleviate the suffering.  It is active, not passive.

The joy I get from volunteering at the shelter is from not only helping, but being a part of a community of people who have nothing, whose lives are so raw and at the edge of existence. These are people with names and stories and they are my friends and your neighbors in need. And if we do not help them, if we do not sympathize, empathize and have compassion; who will? 

Could you walk a mile in their shoes for a chance at joy?  Not that I'm competitive or want to play the guilt card, but here are the statistics:

There are 22 weeks of winter shelter each year.  TES and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship sponsor Pioneer Hall every Tuesday and Thursday and we can't open the shelter unless we have 2 volunteers each night. In the 10 weeks since we opened this season, TES volunteers have filled only 9 of the 40 spots with only 2 individuals (This does not include the very much appreciated TES food ninjas, who provide breakfast every Wednesday and Friday. Thank you, food ninja's! Or the UU's Mitzi who does the hot beverage service single-handedly every Tuesday/Thursday night and Wednesday/Friday morning. Thank you, Mitzi.) So the UUs are ahead, but it's not too late to step up our game. 

Even if you can't spend the night, we could still use your help setting up for a few hours or so in the evening and/or helping clean up the next morning. Helping out in the evening or morning is a great way to see what the shelter is about and it really helps the overnight volunteers.  If you would like to volunteer, please call me, Sharon Harris, at 208-215-1422. I'd love to introduce you to this wonderful opportunity.  It needs to be done and we can do it.

Upcoming Services
Saturday, January 30
Torah Study, 9:00AM
Shabbat Morning Services, 10:00AM
Torah Portion for This Week
This week's Torah portion is Yitro (Exodus 18:1 - 20:23) and the haftarah is Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6, 9:5 - 9:6.
This Week at TES
Member-led Torah Study Tuesdays at 6:00PM
(Rabbi-led Torah Study
second Tuesday of each month)

Jewish Meditation
Wednesdays at 8:00AM.

Jewish Meditation at Rose Yoga in Ashland Fridays  at 3:00PM.

Deadline Extended for Yahrzeit Plaque Orders  
We're able to extend the deadline for ordering yahrzeit plaques to Thursday, January 28. Please see below for details. 
Now is the time to consider the minhag (custom) of honoring the memory of a loved one by purchasing a Yahrzeit Plaque. On the last day of Pesach 5776, April 30, 2016, our TES Yizkor Service will include a beautiful and meaningful dedication ceremony for all the new plaques.  Adding your loved one's name to our Yahrzeit Board will ensure their name will be remembered perpetually at Temple Emek Shalom. 
In order for us to get the plaques engraved and to receive them in time for the ceremony, we must receive your information no later than January 28, 2016.
Contact Kathy in the office to obtain the necessary plaque order form, or click on this link to download and print the order form. Please return the completed form with your payment by January 28.  Rabbi Boettiger can assist you with Hebrew or any questions you may have.

The price of each plaque is $360.  After Pesach, the plaque price will rise to $540 each.

Tamales for Sale from Northwest Seasonal Workers Association 
Hand made, home made, locally made, locally sourced, authentic vegetarian tamales! A Northwest Seasonal Workers Association delicious annual fundraiser comes to TES! At $2 each, they're a bargain and won't last long.  Tamales will be available at the TES Office after 1:00PM on Friday, February 5th, or from Evie Strauss on Saturday, February 6th before or after Shabbat services.  First come, first served. After the weekend, you can leave a message for the TES Office on Monday, February 8th at (541) 488-2909 to see if there are any left. Get 'em while they're fresh! Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get yummy tamales and help a local non-profit!  

Greeters/Helpers Needed at Religious Services
It takes a village, many hands make light work, etc., etc. Common adages but all valuable and true. It takes many hands to create a safe and welcoming spirit here at TES. One of the ways that is accomplished is to have Board hosts at all the religious services to greet members and guests, welcome and guide newcomers, set up kiddush, etc. At least two hosts are needed at each service and there are not always enough Board members available to cover all the services.
The Board would like to invite congregants to help as greeters at services. This is a great opportunity to meet and get to know other congregants and get to know your Board members! The Board hosts wear name tags, so when you are here at services, please ask the Board host if they need any help.

Additionally, if you would be willing to be called in advance from time to time to come help at a service, please contact the TES office at 541-488-2909 or so we can keep a list of helpers.

Your Board and congregation will be most grateful!   Thank you!

If you're wanting to spend some quality time with your TES friends (old and new), we have a perfect opportunity.

Please join us this Thursday afternoon, January 28 from 12:30 - 4:00PM at TES in the Oneg room as we all prepare for mailing the invitations to the annual TES fundraiser/auction -- this year called: Rogue Valley Spring Fest 2016! 

We need lots of helping hands to stuff envelopes, place mailing labels on the envelopes, and help us kick off this event in style! Snacks will be included and for those who come to help, there will be a special afternoon drawing to win a special item (or two or three).  Your presence and help earns you a ticket for this afternoon drawing.   

Please RSVP to Andi Slavin (

TES Member Emanuel Ben-David offers "The Israel Story", January 30, 11:00AM, at Journey Church in Medford
If you missed Emanuel's previous talks, here's an opportunity to learn about the 'Ten Commandments' that
make up the typical Israeli. After a short lunch break, he will take us on a journey into the world of Israel's
defense and technology. *A complimentary Israeli lunch will be available for those who pre-register. Please see flyer below for details, or click here for a printable flyer.

Rabbi Arthur Green Shabbaton at Havurah, April 1-3

Rabbi Green is a wonderful teacher (and also a teacher of Rabbi Boettiger). We are encouraging the TES congregation to attend this shabbaton, a unique opportunity. (There will be no services at TES that weekend so no conflicting schedule.)  Please see flyer below for details or click here for a printable flyer.

The early registration discount price of $135 ($50 savings) has been extended to Feb. 7. Please be sure to register before that time. Click on to download the registration form or call Kim in the Havurah office at 541-488-7716 if you wish to register by phone.

Member News TES members, don't be shy. Please send us your news, accomplishments, joyous events, etc. for us to put in the monthly newsletter to share with the congregation. Please contact Kathy at the office at 541-488-2909 or              
Honor Family and Friends with a Gift to TES
You can easily and quickly make donations to all funds, to remember and honor family, friends and loved ones. Visit the donation page and see the possibilities. Click here  
Adult Education

(Between) the Wars That Shaped Israel
(please note time change below) 
Many of us know a few things about the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War and the First Lebanon War. These fundamental events seem to have shaped the nature and character of Israel and its mindset.  However, much less is known about the periods before and after each of these wars, even though these periods were at least (if not much more) as influential in shaping Israel.

Emanuel Ben-David will discuss these periods, interweaving his own experience, in a series of three talks in February and March. Those of you who may have had the pleasure of attending Emanuel's previous presentations on Israel should expect to enjoy another fascinating, informative series.
Mark your calendars for:
            Sunday, February 7, 11:30 AM
            Sunday, February 21, 11:30 AM, and
            Sunday, March 6, 11:30 AM
All sessions will be held in the TES Conference Room.

Social Action Opportunities

Food Bank Urgent Need
The Ashland Emergency Food Bank is completely out of cold cereal, an important staple for many families. Please help! Tip: The best bargains on cereals are at Grocery Outlet in Medford. Also check out Winco in Medford and Shop 'n' Kart in Ashland.

Thank You From Northwest Seasonal Workers Association
"On behalf of all members and volunteers at NSWA, I am writing to thank you for your donation to support our fight for economic justice for seasonal and other low-income workers in the Rogue Valley. Your support helps us keep our doors open seven days a week year-round. Please stop by our office any time for a tour or a quick update on our programs. Thanks again for your continued support."

Thank You from Ashland Emergency Food Bank
"To our wonderful friends at Temple Emek Shalom,
As I write this, a thin blanket of snow has settled in around the AEFB. The effect is a veil of solitude and calm -- a good moment to reflect on a year marked by extraordinary kindness and generosity. At times we struggled to keep adequate inventory on our shelves. But over and over again during the year, members of TES stepped up.

You shared your time as members of our volunteer crew and donated dollars to help pay the bills. You contributed cans of chili, tuna and all manner of goods. You did whatever you could to help. Your food drive during the autumn months had produced over 1,000 pounds of goods for us -- a tremendous contribution to the families we serve.

Much of the world experiences turmoil on a regular basis. Here in Ashland we are doing our best to take care of each other. Heartfelt thanks to you.

My best, Pam Marsh, Manager"

Volunteers Needed for Winter Shelter 
The City of Ashland, The Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and Temple Emek Shalom partner again for 2015-2016, collaborating once more to host the Winter Homeless Shelter on Winburn Way. Sign up to be a part of this important MITZVAH, by contacting our own 
Sharon Harris:  The Shelter is open on Tuesday and Thursday nights beginning in mid-November and running throughout the Winter 
Yahrzeits for this Week
January 24-30, 2016 /14-20 Shevat 5776

Richard Brownstein
Faira Basin
Ken Katz
Benjamin Nerenberg
Samuel Arbetter
David Drescher
Regina Blume Jacobsen
Paul Perper
Lillian Weinstock
Harold Muller

Business Sponsors

Quick Links

Services This Week

Saturday, January 30
Torah Study, 9:00AM
Shabbat Morning Services, 10:00AM

Temple Emek Shalom | 541-488-2909 |
PO Box 1107, Ashland, OR 97520 / 1800 E. Main Street, Ashland