TES Weekly
November 24 - December 1, 2015   

Rabbi's Message
11/25/2015  - 13 Kislev 5776

Rabbi's message will resume next week.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Upcoming Services

Saturday, November 28

Shabbat Morning Services (lay led), 10:00AM

Torah Portion for This Week
This week's Torah portion is Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4 - 36:43) and the haftarah is Obadiah 1:1 - 1:21.
This Week at TES
Member-led Torah Study  will resume Tuesday, December 1 at 6:00PM

Jewish Meditation
will resume Wednesday, December 2 at 8:00AM.

Jewish Meditation at Rose Yoga in Ashland will resume Friday, December 4  at 3:00PM.
Wishing everyone a warm, bountiful and joyous Thanksgiving!


Hanukah Gift Items
Hanukah gift items are still available in the TES lobby. Come and support your Temple while shopping for wonderful gifts!

Thursday Night At The Movies, December 10 
The final presentation in Ron Silverman's Thursday Night at the Movies series gets underway at 7PM  on December 10th with a screening and discussion of Billy Wilder's biggest hit - "Some Like It Hot."  This film, which stars Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe, was voted as the best American Comedy of all time.   

Community Hanukah Celebration, Saturday, December 12, 4:30pm-7:00pm 
Come one, come all -- fun for all ages! Arts & crafts for kids, potluck dinner, latkes, storytelling & songs, menorah lighting (bring your own menorah & 8 candles).  Suggested donation: $10-$20 per family. 
See flyer below for details.

PJ Library Events in December, free for all
co-sponsored by TES and the Havurah
Please see flyer below for details.

TES/Havurah Member offers Hebrew Chant Group. Next Meeting is on Sunday, November 29, 2:00-3:30pm, in the Havurah sanctuary.
Elizabeth Markell facilitates a group to practice Jewish chant in the tradition of Rabbi Shefa Gold's teachings and work.  Chant is used as a vehicle for devotional and contemplative practice, for prayer, healing and transformation, alternating times of singing and silence.  Elizabeth says: "The simple repeated phrases offer opportunity for us to open our hearts and deepen in connection with each other and the Divine."  Elizabeth completed the Kol Zimra  Chant Leader training in January 2014, and with gratitude shares this body of work. No musical experience is necessary- All voices welcome!  Donations will be gratefully accepted.  Please call or e-mail to let Elizabeth know if you plan to come, and also with any questions.  Elizabeth's contact info: 541-778-6155,

Member News TES members, don't be shy. Please send us your news, accomplishments, joyous events, etc. for us to put in the monthly newsletter to share with the congregation. Please contact Kathy at the office at 541-488-2909 or              
Honor Family and Friends with a Gift to TES
You can easily and quickly make donations to all funds, to remember and honor family, friends and loved ones. Visit the donation page and see the possibilities. Click here  
Adult Education

Thursday Night at the Movies   
The final presentation in Ron Silverman's Thursday Night at the Movies series gets underway at 7PM on December 10th with a screening and discussion of Billy Wilder's biggest hit - "Some Like It Hot."  This film, which stars Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe, was voted as the best American Comedy of all time.    
Click here for a printable flyer with all the dates and details or see below.
Social Action Opportunities

TES Gift Drive for Children 
The TES Social Justice Action Committee has launched a gift drive for the children of the seasonal workers, in conjunction with the Northwest Seasonal Workers' Association. While you're here for Shabbat services and throughout the months of November and December, please bring a Hanukah or Christmas gift for children. It can be a small item:  socks, Hanukah gelt, small toy, box of crayons, any small gift to bring joy to a child. There will be a gift box in the TES lobby. Let's fill the box!!

Winter is Here and Volunteer Opportunities Abound!

1. The City of Ashland, The Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and Temple Emek Shalom partner again for 2015-2016, collaborating once more to host the Winter Homeless Shelter on Winburn Way. Sign up to be a part of this important MITZVAH, by contacting our own 
Sharon Harris:  The Shelter is open on Tuesday and Thursday nights beginning in mid-November and running throughout the Winter 

2. Each year the Ashland Emergency Food Bank  runs on the energies of community members. Local church, synagogue and community members team up in pairs and appear at the Food Bank as 'shopping volunteers'. This is an excellent opportunity to meet folks less fortunate than ourselves, and chat with them as you conduct them on a shopping trip that each family can make once per month. Temple Emek Shalom historically provides this service on TUESDAYS throughout the months of November and December. The shift begins at 9:15 am (9am on your first time to include training) until 12:30 pm. Contact Pat O'Scannell at for more information. Teams still needed for December 1,8,15, 22 and 29th. 

Thank you!

Yahrzeits for this Week
November 22-28, 2015 / 10-16 Kislev 5776

Steve Groveman
Geraldine Simon
Louis Longinotti
Nettie B. Wolf
Abram Basin
Aaron Brown
Max Druben
Rose Shultz
Rose Wener
Fannie Greenfeld
Joe Reinhold
Samuel Vogel
Marjorie Leibman Shaw
Nathan Rudolph

Business Sponsors

Medicare Specialist

Quick Links

Services This Week

Saturday, Nov. 28
Shabbat Morning Services (lay led)

Temple Emek Shalom | 541-488-2909 |