TES Weekly
November 12 - 19, 2013    

Rabbi's Message

11/12/13  - 9 Kislev 5774  


Shabbat Shira, Teens in Corvallis, and More


This Friday at 7:30 pm will be our latest monthly Shabbat Shira service, and we invite each of you - longtime Shabbat Shira devotees, newcomers, curious seekers, music-lovers and more - to join us. This Friday night, in addition to our regular repertoire, we'll be featuring some of the music of Rabbi David Zeller, z"l. Rabbi Zeller once said, "Living Judaism is not meant to cut you off from the world around you. It is intended to keep you from getting cut off from the world within you."


Next month, on Friday, December 13th, our special Shabbat Shira will be "Dylan in December." We'll be honoring and delving into some of Bob Dylan's more prayerful music.


We're back from what was a great teen shabbaton in Corvallis this past weekend. Ten Emek Shalom teenagers piled into a van with me and we joined eight teens from Beit Am in Corvallis (and three teens from Eugene, as well) for a fun and meaningful time together. I also want to thank the teens in the van for putting up with Brazilian baby music much of the ride (Vanessa and Paloma were also in the van, and Paloma's musical tastes are pretty specific).


Our teen group has great vibrancy and energy right now. Last week, Noah Werthaiser organized an afternoon where teens could chop and stack wood for Jackson County Fuel Committee - the second time we've done this in the past year.


Wishing each of you a sweet week and hoping to see you here for Shabbat Shira, if not sooner. 



Rabbi Joshua Boettiger
Upcoming Services
Shabbat Shira,
November 15, 7:30 pm
This Week at TES
Shul School
Sunday, November 17, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Torah Study

Torah study every Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 8:00 am in the TES library
Embodied Yoga
Yoga at 9:00 am every Wednesday. 
Community Hanukah Celebration!
A night of magic, latkes & music...
Saturday, November 30, 4:30 - 7:00 pm
4:30 Kids crafts
5:00 Havdalah Ceremony & Hanukiah
        Candle Lighting (please bring your hanukiah
        (menorah) with candles)
5:30 Potluck Dinner (please bring dairy or vegetarian
        dish to share. Latkes will be provided.)
6:00 Magic show
6:30 Storytelling & songs

Suggested donation: $5 - $10

Everyone invited! Please tell your family and friends!

More info on the flyer at the following link:

TES Monthly Newsletter Goes Electronic!
Soon you will be seeing the TES monthly newsletter in your inbox, as we convert to an electronic format. If you prefer to receive a paper newsletter, or know of any TES members who do not have e-mail, please contact the TES office at (541) 488-2909 or

PJ Library Presents!
A Special Thanksgiving and Hanukah Musical Storytelling Event

Monday, Nov. 25th 11:00 am -12:00 pm at the Ashland Public Library, in the Gresham Room downstairs.
11-11:30 Story time with the amazing Judy Shupack
11:30-12:00 Thanksgivukkah crafts!

Judy Shupack has been delighting children and families with her musical, puppetry storytelling for years. She performed for over 8 years in San Diego with her library holiday programs, and we are so blessed to get to have her for this special event. Don't miss this exciting opportunity, and bring your friends!

PJ Library is a free Jewish book program for kids 0-8. Please contact Andrea Shupack at or 541-218-6766 for more information about this event or to receive free books.

Hanukah Gift Items for Sale

Hanukah items are still available in the TES lobby during office hours, Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00pm and during evening events and services. Cash and checks preferred. Hanukah is early this year but there's still time throughout the month to stock up on wrapping paper, candles, tableware, dreidels, books, gifts, gelt (special sale price on gelt: $12/box of 24 bags) and much more!

Bobbie Schultz is TES Artist of the Month
Bobbie Shultz, who is a multi-media painter, has colorful pieces now on display in the lobby showcase.

Honor Family and Friends with a Gift to TES
You can easily and quickly make donations to all funds, to remember and honor family, friends and loved ones. Visit the donation page and see the possibilities. Click here

Adult Education
Beginner's Hebrew
Adult Ed. is pleased to announce a Beginner's Hebrew class available to all interested students. Sasha Borenstein will offer a weekly class on Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 pm, starting on January 13. The class will run 4-6 weeks, and will use a new active method of language learning. Whether you have a rudimentary knowledge of Hebrew or none at all, this is the class for you. Fees will be $5 per class for TES members, $10 per class for non-members, plus a $20 materials fee. Contact Sasha for more information:  To register for the class, contact the TES office at (541) 488-2909 or Pre-registration is highly recommended as class size will be limited.
Social Action Opportunities
*Volunteers Urgently Needed for Winter Shelter


Dear Friends,

Your participation is urgently requested as hosts for the WInter Homeless Shelter this year. The shelter is all that stands between many homeless people and disaster in the cold Winter months. The shelter is essential, and is one of a network of three Ashland shelters which now run during the cold season. It is co-sponsored by the City of Ashland and two Church organizations: the Unitarian Fellowship and Temple Emek Shalom. Our part of the bargain is to provide  'overnight hosts'  on Thursday nights, beginning in mid-November. Hosts stay overnight and perform normal duties associated with operating a shelter which is open from early evening to early morning hours. Hosts perform in teams. Facility is located on Winburn Way in Pioneer Hall, behind Lithia Park and the Shakespeare Festival. Please consider volunteering for this very important work for our community. Thank you for your time.

Rabbi Joshua Boettiger, Pat O'Scannell, Evi Strauss and members of the Social Justice Action Committee

*Community Service Project in Uganda

Hello, TES members!
This is Carmen Liberatore here. You may have seen me around. I'm the Teen Representative on the Board, and I used to help out at Sunday School. I was asked to keep this short, so I'll cut to the chase: I have the chance to go on a community service trip to northern Uganda in June 2014, to help at a boarding school for underprivileged children. We'll be building water tanks to catch rainfall, break ground on the secondary school, and play with the kids, many of whom are orphans.
I'm really excited about this trip. I feel that I need to get out of America and get away from electronics and pop culture. I want to take off my blinders. I want to submerge myself in a culture that is worlds away from my own. I want to get out in this incredible world that we live in. I want to eat interesting food, talk to interesting people, get my hands dirty, work hard to make something useful, and help people make a better life for themselves. I want to come back and see my home, my country, and my city differently.

This is where you come in. The travel is expensive, and I need your help. I would so gratefully accept donations of any size to help me on my way. The total cost of the trip is $3,800. My goal is to raise roughly half of it ($1,800) by the end of December. 
You can contact me at or by snail-mail: PO Box 214 Eagle Point, OR 97524
!תודה רבה
Todah raba!

Allen G. Drescher, PC
Attorney at Law
21 S 2nd Street
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 482-4935
Quick Links

Services This Week
Shabbat Shira

Friday, Nov. 15, 7:30 pm     

Temple Emek Shalom | 541-488-2909 |

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