TES Weekly
September 25 - October 2 

Rabbi's Message
Chol HaMoed Sukkot - 20 Tishrei 5774, 9/24/13

Natasha Martin, the founder of G.R.A.C.E. - one of the primary organizations that Neil Sechan and Matt Messner have supported over the years - spoke movingly at the Spirit of Giving Gala this past Saturday night. Among other things, in talking about Neil and Matt, she quoted the teaching from Pirkei Avot that says, "It is not your responsibility to finish the work [of perfecting the world], but you are not free to desist from it either" (2:16). And this is indeed the trick: to be powerfully involved in our tikkun olam work in a way that makes real transformation possible, while also knowing that we are blessed to be part of a team and that it is not up to any of us individually to complete the task.

For those who missed the Gala, it was a truly powerful, heartfelt honoring of our friends Neil and Matt and what they stand for. I think all those who attended felt both the transformational energy in the room and also the sense of being part of a team. Indeed Sukkot, which ends this week, teaches us that the arc of the universe bends in the direction of healing and redemption - and Neil and Matt's work for TES, and for numerous other not-for-profits go a long way in supporting this arc.

I want to extend a significant thank you to the entire Gala Steering Committee, the TES Board and the many TES members and non-members who gave of their time and talents to make this year's event such a success. And especially to Pam Erwin and Susan Unger whose herculean efforts went above and beyond the call of duty and allowed us to create a truly amazing event that was successful on all levels, in all ways of measuring.

Join us this week for three events concluding the festival of Sukkot:
  • This Wednesday at 7:00pm: The TES community is invited to come to the Sukkah at Havurah Shir Hadash, for a dessert potluck. This is a goodwill tradition between the two communities that we are excited to re-start (next Sukkot, the Havurah will come to our sukkah).
  • Thursday morning from 10:00 - 11:30am we will have a Hoshanah Rabba/Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor service here in the sanctuary at TES.
  • This Friday, come at 7:00pm for an intergenerational, community-wide Simchat Torah celebration, where we'll unroll the entire Torah and take a look back and a look ahead (and do some serious dancing).
Chag Sukkot Sameach,

Rabbi Joshua Boettiger
Upcoming Services
Hashanah Raba, Sh'mini Atzeret & Yizkor Service - Thursday, September 26 - 10 am

Simchat Torah Celebration
- Friday September 27

6:00 pm   Potluck dinner 

7:00 pm   Simchat Torah Service

This Week at TES
Finding Your True Voice
Every Tuesday afternoon from 1:45-2:45 pm.
Torah Study
Weekly torah Study every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the TES library.

Every Wednesday morning join us for meditation at 8:00 am in the TES library.
Emboided Yoga
Weekly at 9:00 am every Wednesday.
Spirit of Giving Wrap-up

What a wonderful evening of song, storytelling, and celebration! A fresh and welcoming sense of togetherness filled the room as our congregation and community gathered on Saturday night, September 21st, to honor members Neil Sechan and Matt Messner at our Spirit of Giving Gala.

The Award Presentation Program included a beautiful bassoon solo by Neil's nephew, JJ Sechan, a third-year student at Julliard; a lively and engaging story original story told by Debra Zaslow; and an uproarious musical "tribute" to "Super Matt & Super Neil" written and performed by Ron Silverman, accompanied by the marvelous Jennifer Schloming.  Messages of appreciation to Neil and Matt from leaders of four nonprofit organizations were followed by a surprise entrance by the Ashland High School Choir, led by Holly Johnson.  Their beautiful rendition of "One Voice" was a moving and uplifting preamble to the presentation of the Spirit of Giving Award to Neil and Matt by Honorary Committee Chairs Ron and Myra Silverman and JoAnn Weisel, representing herself and Lee. A lovely Havdalah service, led by Rabbi Boettiger, Cantor Bella, and Neil's sister-in-law Maureen Sechan, brought the program to a hamish and meaningful close.

The some 160 guests in attendance, who had started the evening with a hors d'oeuvres and a wine tasting graciously donated by Cliff Creek Cellars, then enjoyed a delicious celebration dinner with table wines from Wooldridge Creek, a dessert buffet, and two hours-plus dancing to popular local band, Blue Lightning. We both started and ended the evening with good spirits and high energy!

We want to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to an amazing Gala Steering Committee, which included both Temple members and friends.  Emily Bernhardt, Lisa Horwitch, Linda Bellinson, Holly Niemeyer, Nancy Kaylin, Sam Whitford, Kurt Bernhardt, Larry Wolfson, Debra Wolfson, Paula Sendar, Sherry Friedman, Susan Wilson, Ken Wilson, Ron Silverman, Myra Silverman, Marilyn Borkin, Pete Jorgensen, and Beverly Jorgensen - you each worked so hard to make the Gala was a success and we sincerely thank you. Special thanks are due to Ken Wilson, who helped to make the creation of the beautiful Tribute Book go so smoothly; Pete and Beverly Jorgenson, whose commitment of time and effort to lead the "all-star" set-up crew was invaluable; Emily Bernhardt and Wendy Diamond for their comprehensive record keeping prowess; Myra Silverman and Nancy Kaylin for their incredible job on seating assignments; and Debra Wolfson for coordinating our congregational communications, and Paula Silverberg for being event photographer.

Truly, the Spirit of Giving was demonstrated by so many people in our community......thank you one and all.

Reminder:  Anyone who attended the event and forgot to take their wine glass home please stop by the TES office and pick up one.  We want Gala attendees to have this as a gift.

Food For The Ashland Food Bank
Thank you for your generous donations of food for the Ashland Emergency Food Bank.

Jewelry Class
Please note that the day of the jewelry class has been changed to the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month. Join us Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00 PM for another evening of fun and chatter and creativity. Bring a friend or two or three!

This month we will concentrate on wire wrapping. We've had so many requests for instructions, that we are devoting the whole evening to this project.

All proceeds will benefit Temple Emek Shalom.  Cost per evening:
    $10 TES members
    $15 non-members

Last minute drop ins are welcome.
Georgia, Lola and Nancy
Adult Education
Is There a Yeshiva That Teaches Ethics?

Join Rabbi Boettiger for a class introducing the history and philosophy of the Musar Movement - a Jewish ethical, educational and cultural movement that developed in 19th century Eastern Europe, particularly among Lithuanian Orthodox Jews.  Musar offers a path of contemplative practices, study, and exercises that has evolved over centuries to guide those interested in transforming themselves, their relationships, and their institutions.  (Note: there will be an ongoing Musar va'ad/group starting in mid-October at TES - this class is designed to give folks who might be interested more information). Tuesday, October 8,  5:00 - 6:15pm in the library.


Jewish Ethics Series

What is the Jewish perspective on many of today's hardest questions - those that we hold as a society, and those that we hold as individuals?  Join Rabbi Boettiger and guest speakers as we consider the Jewish way of looking at:

Medical Ethics - Thursday, October 10

Sexual and Family Ethics - Thursday, October 17

End of Life Ethics - Thursday, October 24

Each class 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm-Non member fee $10


Social Action Opportunities

*PYGMALION by George Bernard Shaw
A Special Reading by the cast of OSF's My Fair Lady**A benefit for the Ashland Schools Foundation & AHS Theatre
Monday, September 30
7:00 pm, AHS Mountain Ave Theatre
$15 gen admission / $20 reserved
General tickets at Paddington Station
Reserved or General tickets online:  

*Bernard Shaw: Michael J. Hume*, Eliza Doolittle: Rachael Warren*,Henry Higgins: Jonathan Haugen*
Mrs. Higgins:  Kate Mulligan*, Alfred P. Doolittle: Anthony Heald *, Freddy Eynesford-Hill: Jeremy Peter Johnson *Mrs. Eynesford-Hill: Isabell Monk O'Connor*, Clara Enynsford-Hill: Kjerstine Rose Anderson* Mrs. Pearce:  Miriam A. Laube*, Nipommuck:  Eduardo Placer*, Colonel  Pickering:  David Kelly*  


*Erika Deianni - The Maslow Project  

Did you know that nearly 1 in 10 of Jackson County's students is homeless?  Most of these kids are homeless along with their entire families.  Each year the Maslow Project works with these children to provide them with their basic needs, to help them stay in school and to get the tools they need to be successful.  Please come to the morning Shabbat/Simcha Service on October 5th to learn more about the work of the Maslow Project and how we can lend assistance to these children. Erika Deianni, the Maslow case manager for the Ashland schools, will share her experiences, the challenges she faces and successes she has enjoyed. 


*Eyes to Burma Benefit Concert   

Oct 5th, 5 - 8PM @ Grizzly Peak Winery
The Ashland community has been the inspiration and support that started Eyes to Burma as a local Ashland non-profit four years ago.  Fred Stockwell will return for his annual visit and fundraising efforts in October.  Please come out to this celebratory event to support the life saving work of Fred and Eyes to Burma.  All donations are tax deductible and provide direct aid to families that were forced to flee Burma and now live and work in the Mae Sot Thailand garbage dump.  The money you donate purchases clean water, food staples, medical supplies, mosquito netting and help build shelters and more.  Feel free to contact Barbara Goldfarb at if you have any questions.  We hope to see you there!  


*AAUW Ashland presents a forum on homeless youth in Jackson County. 

Date and time:  Wed, October 9, 2013, 3-5pm
Place:  Masonic Center , 570 Clover Lane, Ashland
Speakers include Erika Deianni from Maslow Project, Ryan Marrs from Hearts with a Mission and Melinda Jones from Community Works. Youth advocates discuss ways to empower homeless, runaway and wayfaring youth to successfully move beyond their current situations.The community is welcome to attend this free forum.

*The Rogue Valley Habitat for Humanity ReStore is the major source of funding for the construction of homes by our local Habitat organization. If you have browsed in the ReStore, you know it is chockfull of formerly owned building supplies, fixtures and furniture. Intriguing items lurk on every shelf!


Habitat for Humanity is seeking volunteers to assist in the ReStore with sorting, pricing, ringing up opf sales, and helping customers. If you have a few hours each month to help this highly respected organization, please call:

Program Manager, Tiffany Schmelzer at 541-779-1983

Allen G. Drescher, PC
Attorney at Law
21 S 2nd Street
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 482-4935
Quick Links

Services This Week
Hashanah Raba, Sh'mini Atzeret & Yizkor Service - Thursday, Sept. 26 - 10 am

Simchat Torah Celebration- Friday September 27

6:00 pm   Potluck dinner 

7:00 pm   Simchat Torah     Service

Temple Emek Shalom | 541-488-2909 |

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