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This week we were picking and tasting sweet peppers, ground cherries and grapes from the garden.  We also discovered several groups of monarch butterfly caterpillars bulking up on patches of milkweed as they prepare for their amazing transformation and subsequent 3000 mile migration. 

We also had loads of fun this week in the classroom. The Middle School science lab was testing the visual effects of certain chemical compounds when added to flame (see above). Upper El students practiced math operations and challenged themselves to make the longest long division problem EVER! Primary and Lower El students began exploring the joys of working side by side with a partner! 

Stay tuned to our the Latest News section of our website as our Cultural Educators post the first edition of their monthly blogs.

Cheer on the team at our first Middle School Soccer Game of the year - 9/17
Learn what it takes to be a GMS Substitute Teacher - 9/22
Get down and dirty at our Community Garden Workday - 9/26
Run like you mean it... with the GMS team at the Women's Only 5K - 10/3

Parking Lot Safety

We appreciate your patience and cooperation in the morning and afternoon car-line. Please continue to make safety a priority by ...
1) driving slowly, 
2) being extra vigilant for pedestrians, 
3) using the cross walks, and
4) refraining from using your cell phone while driving in the carpool line.  

The Montessori Way - Part 1
Paul Raymond
The Montessori Way  by Paul Raymond

Part 1: From Knowing to Doing

Daniel Pink, author of the hugely popular best seller, 
A Whole New Mind, and Drive, boldly states, "Gone is the age of 'left-brain' dominance. The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: designers, inventors, teachers, storytellers-creative and empathic 'right-brain' thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't."  
In a world of instant content and rapidly changing information, the confines of discreet subject matter are blurred and lateral and integral knowledge is needed. It no longer matters what you know, what matters is what you do with what you know.  The model for success in the 21st century is an aware global citizen, with good people skills, but most importantly, one who is able to manage new sources of information well to find the answers. 
Have technological changes altered the intrinsic nature of the child?  Who are today's children? They are the ones coming of age who have made the adaptation to the information and communication technology world of today. They have already made the shift ...

Click Here to Keep Reading

On Tuesday, October 6 at 7pm and Wednesday, October 7 at 8:45am, Paul will host a presentation and discussion tying together all of the themes from the entire series of newsletter articles on The Montessori Way. Please plan to join us!
GMS Library - Checking Out Books!
Erin Carmola
Check out the First Blog Post by GMS Librarian, 
Erin Carmola

There have been many exciting developments at the GMS Library. The entire student collection has been cataloged using a brand new computer system, which is accessible to you from home! Visit to search all of the student titles in our collection! Just click on the "Catalog" tab, and from there you can search for books based on title, subject, keyword and more!  As the year progresses, we will be adding the reference collection and parent/ professional literature into the system as well.

Click here to keep reading

Speech Screenings
Speech and Language Screenings Offered at GMS

Each September we work with a pediatric speech and language pathologist to offer speech-language screenings for our Primary and Lower Elementary students. Early detection of speech and/or language difficulties can greatly influence the quality of a child's education and, if there is a difficulty, early intervention is key to making sure fundamental abilities are in tact and the child's learning is optimal. 

You may have received a special recommendation from your child's teacher to participate in this upcoming screening. If so, please return your consent form on Monday. 

A licensed pathologist will be at GMS on Tuesday 9/15 and Thursday 9/17 starting at 9am to conduct screenings. A nominal fee of $15.00 is payable to "Pediatric Speech & Language Services, Inc" for this service. 

Kathy Zang
Upper Elementary Pizza Fundraiser
Upper Elementary Continues Pizza Lunch Fundraiser for 2015-16

Starting Sept 29, every Tuesday our students in Lower El, Upper El and Middle School are invited to participate in a Pizza Lunch Program.

Order Forms will be sent home this week.  New this year: A side salad option is being offered with the pizza. 

Special thanks to GMS Toddler Parent, Thomas Askew, and his crew at Jet's Pizza on Highwoods Blvd (in the Target Shopping Center) for supporting our Upper El students as they raise funds to offset the costs of their year-end field trips to the NC Outer Banks and Colonial Williamsburg.  We also appreciate Kelly Wainscott, Upper El parent volunteer, for organizing the fundraiser and making it so easy for our families to participate. 

Join Us for Coffee - sponsored by the GMSCA
Free Coffee Hour for GMS Parents

Skip Starbucks and Enjoy a Cup of Coffee on us!

When: Tuesday, 9/15 & Wednesday, 9/16

Where: Meeting Room above the GMS Front Office

Feel free to grab a cup on your way to work 
or stay and chat.
Sponsored by the GMSCA

Interested In Learning to be a Substitute Teacher?
Substitute Workshop - Tuesday, Sept 22

We would love to add you to our list of substitute teachers!
If you or someone you know is interested in being a substitute teacher at Greensboro Montessori School, please join us on Tuesday, Sept 22 from 9:00-11:00am for an orientation program with Paul Raymond, our Head of School, and Nancy Hofer, our Associate Head of School. 

GMS Team for the Women's Only 5K on Oct 3
Come Join the GMS Team!

Most of us know someone who has been affected by breast cancer - mothers, grandmothers, friends, colleagues. Over the course of the last year our community has drawn together to support two faculty members through their diagnosis and treatment. 
We invite you to join in forming a GMS Team in the Women's Only 5K on Saturday morning, October 3. Proceeds from the race support breast cancer research and the mammography scholarship fund.  Thousands of women participate in this race each year!

There is a $30 entry fee for the race for those who register on-line by Wed, Sept 9. Each participant must register individually. If you have a daughter, we hope you will register her too. 

There are limited registrations available on the day of the event and the cost goes up to $40. Participation in the race is limited to women. Men are invited to support the women who are walking or running in the Men's Only Support Team. 

After you have registered, please contact Andi Bogan at GMS. We will keep you posted about where to meet up with the GMS Team that morning. 


Community Garden Workday at GMS

Saturday, September 26 @ 9:00-11:30am

Bring the whole family, some garden gloves and water bottle as we help prep the GMS gardens for the fall planting season!

Meet our talented and knowledgeable environmental education teachers - Jenny Kimmel, Eliza Hudson and Aubrey Cupit. You'll learn loads from them about what is growing in the GMS gardens and you may even pick up some  helpful tips for your garden at home.

Does fresh organic 
vegetables sound good to you?

GMS has partnered with Faucette Farms, a local farm in Brown Summit, to be a weekly drop-site for their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. By enrolling in the Faucette Farm CSA, each week you will receive a bag of freshly harvested certified vegetables to take home. You can specify the size (S, M, L, XL). 

You may enroll by calling (336-669-5083) or visit the online CSA registration form at You can also register at the Sunrise Market on Walker Avenue, Saturday's from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.  

Faucette Farms delivers to GMS every Wednesday between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm. If you pick up after 3:30, we can store your bag in the front office. Look for the white delivery truck on the grassy field adjacent the GMS parking lot. 
The enrollment is for 12 weeks at a time. We only ask that if for some reason that you cannot be there to pick-up, you call or e-mail Polly or Mike at Faucette Farms directly.
Tuesday, Sept 15 - 8:00-9:00am in the GMS Upstairs Conference Room
Wednesday, Sept 16 - 8:00-9:00am in the GMS Upstairs Conference Room

Grab a cup of coffee on your way to work or feel free to stay and chat for a while! A great place to meet other parents.

Middle School, Tues, Sept 15 @ 7:00pm RSVP

Upper Elementary, Thurs, Sept 17 @ 7:00pm RSVP

Lower Elementary, Tues, Sept 29 @ 6:30pm RSVP

Primary,  Thurs, Sept 24 @ 6:30pm RSVP

Toddler, Tues, Sept 22 @ 6:30pm RSVP

* Free Child Care available for children ages 3 and older for each curriculum meeting except Toddler mtg on 9/22. Contact the front desk to RSVP

GMS PANTHERS SOCCER GAME - Come out and support the team! Our first soccer game of the year - Thursday, Sept 17 at 4:15pm.
GMS vs. The Piedmont School

COMMUNITY GARDEN WORKDAY - Saturday, Sept 26 @ 9:00-11:30am  RSVP

FALL FESTIVAL - Sunday, Oct 4 @ 1-4pm on the GMS Soccer Field
-a free event with fun activities for the whole family

PARENT PROGRAM: The Montessori Way - Tuesday, Oct 6 @ 7pm OR Wednesday, Oct 7 @ 8:45am 

Did you know that you could be contributing to GMS by doing next to nothing?  In fact there are four ways:

1. Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to #1849 - the year of the gold rush!
Every time you grocery shop at Harris Teeter, you could be earning rewards for GMS. Simply check that your VIC card is linked to GMS (#1849) next time you are at check out. RE-LINK YOUR VIC CARD EVERY YEAR!
You could be contributing 1% of your purchase to GMS every time you shop at Target! Simply  go to, and search for "Take Charge of Education."  You can register your Red Card with our school by name "Greensboro Mont Sch" or number 24312.  
3.  Register with Amazon Smile
Support GMS by shopping online at  AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.

The Greensboro Montessori School 336-668-0119 | Email Us | Website

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