The Kaleidoscope - GMSCA Newsletter                      Edition 5           
May 30, 2015
In This Issue

Dear GMS Families,

The 2014-2015 School Year is quickly nearing its end and with it comes this final newsletter from your GMS Community Association. Our inaugural year has certainly been an eventful one to say the least! The steering committee worked diligently to help build upon an already fabulous community at GMS. With the newsletter and sponsored events, it was our intent that we all get to know one another better and we sincerely hope we realized that goal, and that each of you feels a stronger connection to GMS and to one another.  


I would personally like to thank all of this year's committee members for all of their hard work and submissions to the newsletter. As I noted in the premier issue, I find you each extremely talented and accomplished and I was always inspired. It was a true privilege to work with each of you.


 A Very Special Thank You goes to Andi Bogan and Mitie Ogura-Lundgren for their tremendous support and encouragement.  Without them the newsletters would not have been complete!!


Wishing you all a GREAT Summer and a FABULOUS 2015-2016 School Year!!


Lisa Phelps, 
GMSCA Communications Coordinator


GMSCA Steering Committee 2014-15

Front Row: Mitie Ogura-Lundgren, Mick Wells, Anna Allega, Mrunalini Ranganathan, Christina Rush, Kris Clark, Kristen Gile. Back row: An Hoss, Robin Smelzer, Andi Bogan, Lisa Phelps,

Cary Bassett, Jes�s Gonzalez, Susan Azzarita, Dian Rowan, Daisy Ruggiero.

Not pictured: Annika Frederiksen, Sophia Dubrovsky, Alaina Tomlinson


GMSCA Wraps Up a Great Year with Celebration and Appreciation 


Mitie Ogura-Lundgren, GMSCA Lead Coordinator
Greetings to all fellows of our community,

We would like to thank each and everyone who was involved and participated in the GMS Green and White Bash on Saturday, April 25. The GMSCA enjoyed supporting the event with a team of volunteers. Proceeds from the event are targeted to support the GMS Annual Fund. Being part of this fun and collaborative venture helps us better understand the value of building the school's Annual Fund which positively impacts our teachers, classrooms and campus, and ultimately our children. 

We hope that you will look forward to this as an annual event at GMS!  It is a unique opportunity for parents, teachers and friends to share a fun night out together and build the lasting relationships that strengthen our community.  

Prior to the Green and White Bash, the school hosted Grandparents and Special Friends Day with a record turn out! Both events were energized by the musical performances of our talented Middle School students. Seeing their performances made us all very proud, and even more convinced of the creativity, confidence and teamwork that they have learned through their experiences at GMS!

The week of Teacher Appreciation (May 4-8) was indeed a lovely one! Division Coordinators, room parents and families were happy to show their appreciation and love to all GMS teachers through big and small acts of kindness. These simple gifts demonstrate how much our community values the importance of our children's education and positive learning environment. Love feeds love... we hope this cycle of heartfelt support will be ongoing and will continue to touch all members of our community each and every day. 

The school year is approaching its end with so many memorable moments within our community! What an experience it was for our new GMSCA!  We are truly grateful for your partnership and support during this inaugural year! We want to acknowledge the hard work of each GMSCA Committee (Outreach, Events, Communications, as well as Finance and Fundraising) plus all of the Division Coordinators and Room Parents. Your contributions made this a phenomenal first year!

Honoring All Volunteers

For our final GMSCA event of the year on Wednesday, June 3 at 8:30am, we are hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast to honor the hard work and generosity of our wonderful volunteers. Please join us in the conference room for fellowship and summer farewells!!

Looking Ahead

In the sections below, you will hear about the team members of GMSCA who are going to serve our community next year. We are currently in the process of identifying volunteers for all the key positions and we are happy to welcome you to take on a leadership role. Each committee is also recruiting members from the greater school community - any time and talent you can offer will be appreciated. GMSCA would also like to start preparing the ground work for the Fall Festival which occurs early in the Fall. Please contact Andi Bogan to share any interest you may have to support the GMSCA and/or Fall Festival.

As the journey continues, we will appreciate listening to your opinions and suggestions through the GMSCA questions in the school survey. All feedback is welcome. Please don't miss this opportunity. Deadline is Wednesday, June 3!

Thank you all for the opportunity of being part of GMSCA and for a great year together!


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Year End Update from the Outreach and Events Committees
The Events Committee has been thrilled to work with Sharon and Kelly Mitchell this Spring to plan our first ever Art Show featuring the talents of GMS parents, staff and alumni. The Art in the Montessori Family exhibit is being hosted at Mitchell & Bartlett Orthodontics office on 5314 W. Friendly Avenue during May and June. Twenty-five artists participated to make a fantastic and eclectic show, including painting, sculpture, fiber art, pottery, origami and photography. This exhibit came right on the heels of a GMS Student Art Show. 

Thanks to the Mitchell/ Gilbert family for initiating the idea and offering the space for the exhibit.   

Please join us for a family friendly reception to meet the artists on Sunday, May 31 from 3-5pm.
The Outreach Committee will be committed to its core mission during the summer break through the beginning of school. Newly enrolled families will be coupled with host families identified by joint effort from Outreach Committee and school admissions staff. The new families will find several opportunities to socialize including the "Summer Family Cookout" on Thursday, June 18 and at "Back to School Night" in Monday, August 17.  (FYI - Back to School Night is a parents only event.)

The Outreach team is pleased to remain in tact for the coming school year and is eager to draw new members. Mick Wells will continue as the main committee coordinator with Miru Ranganathan who is happily taking a supporting role as a general committee member.

Building the Bridge for Respect & Support - Faculty and Parent Partnership

Building the Bridge for Respect and Support

by Andi Bogan
GMSCA Staff Liaison/ GMS Director of Communication & Family Relations

 Andi Bogan
On behalf of the faculty and staff, I want to say how elated we are about the wonderful work and good will that have been generated by the GMSCA volunteers this year. It is always evident in our monthly GMSCA meetings, that the focus is on elevating the feeling of community for all members of our school. Time and time again the steering committee volunteers have reached out to find ways to bridge with teachers and staff so that planning and activities are inclusive and supportive of the classroom, and that there is a cycle of feedback.

We worked hard to build that network of support, trust and reciprocity all year in big and small ways. As I reflect on the whole of 2014-15, I would like to highlight a few. 
  1. At the Fall Festival in October, room parents, division coordinators and teachers came together with the GMSCA Events Committee to plan and host fall-themed activity stations that were engaging and fun for children and adults of all different ages. Everyone had a blast and it was a great way to kick-off the year!
  2. Then the International Fair (despite being delayed because of snow) was a near perfect example of collaboration on all fronts - from the pre-planning efforts that carefully considered the layout of the gym down to maps and "passports" that connected to the classroom geography materials, all the way to the final execution on the day of the fair that included displays sponsored by parents and teachers plus a fabulous lunch that was a true multi-cultural learning experience for all (the kitchen crew most of all!).
  3. On a smaller scale, but of no less importance, the GMSCA worked directly and thoughtfully with the faculty gathering feedback and engaging in dialogue at two full faculty meetings to shape the first draft of a new Room Parent Journal (which we will "beta test" this fall).  Some volunteers even went the extra mile to reach out to the Middle School faculty to understand their unique room parent needs.  
With these activities setting the tone for a spirit of respect and collaboration, we look forward to building on those partnerships year in and year out. 

Fall Festival - cider making

International Fair - Congo display

Fall Festival - pumpkin painting

International Fair - Russia display


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Bon Voyage to our Friend and Lead Coordinator, Mitie Ogura-Lundgren
Dear GMS Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I share that I am leaving the GMSCA at the end of this school year. My family is returning to Switzerland this summer after almost three wonderful years in Greensboro.
Mitie Ogura-Lundgren and her family

I have had a joyful journey as Lead Coordinator of the GMSCA, full of learning and memorable moments with VERY talented people who I will treasure forever. YES, there is some work behind the scenes... YES, it requires some time dedication... YES, there are challenging situations, but the rich experience is worthwhile and there is a lot of laughter, smiles and fun moments that keep us busy and always moving forward! I hope that every family who volunteers on the GMSCA or in some other capacity, sees the value in that experience and the growth that it offers us as human beings.  

The most valuable learning I have had with the GMSCA is to see so many volunteers, who, despite having a busy family and work schedule, find the time and find tremendous fulfillment in supporting others or promoting a better school community for everyone. For this generosity of spirit, I offer all of you my thanks and adoration.  Special thanks to Andi Bogan for being the mentor during this opportunity for me and for others on the steering committee. I am also grateful to my former co-leader Cary Bassett for being a great force and support throughout the journey.

While my family is excited to move back to Europe, we are doing so with mixed emotions. Every time we move to a new place, we ask ourselves, "Is it worth building those relationships again when it is so hard to say goodbye at the end?" For me, I am glad we decided to open ourselves to those new friendships because we only found good people along the way and made some fantastic friends for life! We are so much richer for our experience in the GMS community... so at the risk of having to say good-bye, we have a much, much greater reward!

In the last three years, we have watched with amazement as our oldest son, Satoshi, began unlocking his potential through Montessori education.  We were also surrounded by an outpouring of support as we welcomed our youngest son, Niklas Tadashi, into the world last September. Needless to say, GMS has been our village! We truly appreciate our time at this school and we will miss dearly the teachers and everyone on our journey. We will be very happy to come back and visit GMS in the future to find familiar faces and relive these fond memories.

I am very happy to leave the GMSCA Steering Committee in the capable hands of the new Lead Coordinator, Anna Allega. This year, we saw Anna's indelible spirit and charisma carry through in her role as Primary Division Co-Coordinator and we are confident in her ability to serve our school community with her leadership.

All the very best!
-Mitie Ogura-Lundgren


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Announcing New and Continuing Members on the GMSCA Steering Committee
New and Continuing Members of the 
GMSCA Steering Committee for 2015-16

Introducing Anna Allega: 2015-16 Lead Coordinator of GMSCA Steering Committee

Anna Allega and her family
We are pleased to announce that there will be a wonderful balance of new and returning members on the GMSCA Steering Committee in the Fall. Anna Allega has been appointed to be the new Lead Coordinator of the GMSCA Steering Committee. Anna's inclusive leadership style, excellent communication skills, enthusiasm and creativity make her a natural for this role. This school year she has served as a Co-coordinator of the Primary Division. She and her husband, Lance, have two children - Noah, age 4, and Adam, age 1. She hold's a Bachelor's degree in Business Management  and has worked in marketing.

"What I first noticed about GMS was not just what I saw on our beautiful, gardened campus, but what I felt. It was apparent to me that GMS is an extraordinary and special place and I wanted to understand why the school felt so magical. As our family delves deeper into what it means to learn and live 'Montessori', we feel inspired by the lessons and philosophy that define day-to-day life on campus."

GMSCA Steering Committee for 2015-16
Lead Coordinator - Anna Allega

Events Team Coordinator - Karen Kelly
Events Team includes: 
Dian Rowan, Fall Festival Coordinator 
 Sophia Dubrovsky, International Fair Coordinator
Green & White Bash Coordinator - OPEN

Outreach Team Coordinator - Mick Wells
Communications Team Coordinator - OPEN
Finance and Fundraising Team Coordinator - OPEN

Division Coordinators
Toddler - Maria Melanathy
Primary - OPEN
Lower Elementary - Kris Clark
Upper Elementary -  Alaina Tomlinson
Middle School - Kristin Gile and An Hoss

There are still a few openings for coordinators and we welcome interested volunteers to contribute their time, talent, enthusiasm and organizational skills to this fun and rewarding work. 

Please contact Andi Bogan or Anna Allega if you like to explore these opportunities. 


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News from Divisions & Room Parents

Toddler Division

Toddler families enjoyed a fun social gathering at Jamestown City Park on Saturday, May 2nd with paddle boat rides and trips around the old time carousel. We also welcomed a couple of new and prospective toddler families who will be joining our school community in the Fall. Thanks to the Toddler Room Parents for organizing - Sophia Dubrovsky, Catherine Wolfe, Jessica Seawell, Daisy Ruggiero, and Dorrette Ibazebo. 




Lower Elementary Division 

What a great and creative year this has been for Lower El Students! All kinds of events throughout the year made learning FUN and the last week before the summer break will be no exception! 

Baby Shower for Sarah

The Teacher Appreciation week showed once again that when people work together, communicate with each other things just happen smoothly and easy.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the week! One highlight of the week was giving our teacher, Sarah DeLashmutt, a surprise baby shower. 

Lower El Birthday Bash

On May 22nd, Lower El celebrated their last Community Birthday with a Hot Dog picnic outside in the school's beautiful gardens. What a perfect backdrop!

The same day was the Cultural Fair where all the students presented the projects they had been working on. What a diversity of subjects! Making such masterpieces is a combination of Teachers and Parents coming together to support the children who had fun with a subject they loved to research.
Lower El Cultural Fair

All the projects showed so much individuality, demonstrating what Montessori is about ... that children should be able to celebrate that individuality in their daily life within their classroom community. It makes for a fun and rewarding learning experience for everyone. 

Lower El will continue to have some exciting events next week!

A Field Trip to the Land is planned for June 1st and on June 3rd the children and teachers will have a Pool Party to celebrate and honor this year's Great Community in Lower El

On Friday, June 5th everyone (Parents and Children) are also invited for the GMS Community Pizza Party the last day of school! (12:00-2:00pm)


It has been a pleasure and wonderful experience for me being the Division Coordinator in Lower El this year. I have come to know so many precious
children, great supporting mothers and fathers, and amazing teachers.

This summer our family is relocating to San Jose, CA where we will join another Montessori school there. I am happy to announce that Kris Clark will take over as the Division Coordinator in Lower El next year. Kris has been such a sweet support for me this school year together with the rest of the Room Parents in Lower El.

GMSCA will forever have a special place in my heart. Thanks to y'all, I had fun!

-Annika Frederiksen, 2014-15 Lower El Division Coordinator



Middle School Division

The Panthers took home the Independent School League Commissioner's Cup by winning the most points of all the sports teams in their conference.  The athletes and coaches celebrated their success at the conclusion of the cross country season and everyone had dinner together over a delicious pizza buffet.




Middle School families joined hands and hearts in order to assemble baskets of goodies for each of the Middle School teachers which they received upon their return

from the three grade level trips (Costa Rica, Arizona and Washington D.C.) These

Teacher Appreciation Baskets awaiting delivery at the train station

trips occurred during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8).  These were delivered at the airport and train station.


This month, the Middle School students and staff also celebrated the spring/summer birthdays at The Land with a pasta potluck and delicious desserts during their Land Week. Plans are underway to support the 8th grade graduation and celebrate the end of the year.

    -- Kristin Gile & An Hoss, 

Middle School Division Co-coordinators


Primary Division

May was a busy month for our Primary students. Our classrooms especially enjoyed celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week! With each day offering a new opportunity to say, "Thank You", students brought flowers, cards and lots of hugs to our classrooms! The teachers also enjoyed a week of special breakfasts and lunch. It was a wonderful week for our beloved teachers, students and families and a great reminder how nice it feels to tell people they are valued and adored.

- Anna Allega, Primary Division Co-coordinator


Enjoy a few photos from the week:










A Yummy Breakfast Buffet of freshly made belgian waffles topped with fruit and whipped cream!!



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Final GMSCA Gathering of 2014-15
Looking Ahead to the Fall Festival - Sponsorship Opportunities Available



GMS Fall Festival 2015

Sunday, October 4 @ 1-4pm





The GMSCA Events Team is seeking corporate and individual sponsors for this 

annual Montessori community event.


Please contact Andi Bogan for details. 


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GMSCA Mission


The GMS Community Association is a dynamic, inclusive organization that strives to enrich the school experience for all.  We foster a vibrant school community, and serve to bridge and connect home and school while supporting the mission and goals of GMS.  


The GMS Community Association (GMSCA):

  • collaborates to respond to community needs,
  • communicates openly and regularly,
  • facilitates opportunities for cultural and social gatherings,
  • supports volunteerism,
  • and cultivates an outreach and support network for GMS families.




The Greensboro Montessori School | | |
The Greensboro Montessori School | 336-668-0119 | |
2856 Horse Pen Creek Road
Greensboro, NC 27410