Fun activities, aligned with the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards, to help 
prepare children for school success!

We're Learning at the Doctor's Office!
While waiting in the exam room you most likely will have to undress your baby. As you do, touch each part of her body and name each part as you go. Make eye contact with her and smile as you touch and name each body part. Tell her what the body part does. "Your arms
reach wide to give a hug!"  

Be prepared for your babies reactions to the change in the temperature of the air and the examining table. Plan ahead if assistance is needed for children who use medical devices and equipment. Engage your child by playing a game and find things around the room making up your own ABC song.  Read more!

Play match up with your fingers. Use your hands to count and match your fingers to your toddler's fingers. Count as each finger touches-you do one hand, and then let him do the other. To be extra silly, can you do your toes? 

Singing heads-shoulders-knees and toes is an alternative activity for children who have physical or sensory concerns. You can also play 'this little piggy' game with your child and their toes. Encourage your little one to mimic or copy your hand gestures or puppets. Read more!

While waiting in the examining room, have your preschooler close his eyes and listen. What does he hear? (Closing of a door, someone walking down the hall, the air conditioning/heating
vent, a phone ringing, baby crying, etc.) Talk about what you hear. Where might someone be going? Who might be calling? Why might the baby be crying? Encourage your child to use his imagination-might it be an elephant on the phone, or a tiger creeping down the hall? 

Adapt these activities by using pictures or technology for children with audio or visual needs. Help develop their communication skills by providing exciting and expressive answers to the questions. You and your child can play 'match the sound' while waiting. As you make a sound, encourage your child to guess the animal or items. Read more!

On the way to the doctor's office, have your kindergartner try to guess what will happen while you and your child are there. (Check height and weight, listen to the heart and lungs, look into the ears, check reflexes, look into mouth, etc.) Ask her why the doctor might want to check her height, look in her mouth, etc. Encourage responses which are positive ("To see how
big you are growing" or "To see your shiny teeth"). Once there, ask her to recall why the doctor does things.

Be sure to include all known and ongoing medical concerns you have in the conversation with the medical staff. Talking about medical concerns with your kindergartner can help prepare her for specific procedures. Once you set your kindergartner's appointment, prepare for the upcoming visit by marking it on the calendar. Include her in crossing out the day or the calendar until the day of the visit. Read more!
Kindergarten Registration?
Will your child start Kindergarten in the fall? In the next few months, many schools will host Kindergarten Registration.

Early Kindergarten registration will help you prepare your child for his first day of Kindergarten. Your school may provide special programs, events, or resources to help your child prepare for the important transition. 

Visit the PA's Promise for Children website to locate Kindergarten Registration information, then check out these resources to help your child prepare to be successful in school.

Sugar Wars! National Children's Dental Health Month

How many time a day does your child brush his teeth? Does she floss? It's never too early to teach your child how to take care of their teeth. During February's National Children's Dental Health Month learn how you can help your child practice good dental health. 
This year's theme is the "Sugar Wars." The Smileys, McGrinns and K9 are in a spaceship, the USS SweetSwatter. It is equipped with toothbrush swatters, fighting against the Sweet Tooth Invaders for good oral health. Visit the PA's Promise for Children website
to find out about the Sugar Wars and great resources to keep your child's smile healthy.

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children in the United States? The good news is it can be prevented with the help of CHIP! CHIP coverage includes teeth cleanings, check-ups, x-rays, fluoride, dental sealants, fillings, orthodontia services when medically necessary and much more. Get more info at
Expand your child's library with the Billion e-Book Gift

Technology is all around us, shaping how we work, play and learn. Reading Is
understands the power that books provide, but for many children, books are a luxury their families can't afford.

That's why RIF has partnered with ustyme to give the gift of a billion free e-books to the communities. All families can access 50 classic e-books absolutely free, without advertising or fees of any kind.

Download your free 50 e-book library today!
Finding the Right Healthcare Professional for Your Child
Don't underestimate the importance of choosing that first healthcare professional. They will shape the feelings your child has of healthcare visits. If your child is in need of specialty care or if there are a lack of providers in your area,little dudes with shots this could be challenging. However, a little homework prior to deciding on a provider may make for a more positive experience you and your child.

Get tips on how to find the right Healthcare Professional for you child and read about Angie who addresses a concern about her son with his healthcare professional in Be Your Child's Champion.
Let's Read the 2016 PA One Book!

Pennsylvania's One Book, Every Young Child 2016 selection is
Kite Day: A Bear and Mole Story. Written and illustrated by Will Hillenbrand, this picture book is perfect for young children.

Published in 2012 by Holiday House, this story is about two friends, Mole and Bear, who decide to make a kite and find themselves on a windy-day adventure. 
Visit your local library to check out this book, then read this story with your child. Visit the PA One Book website for fun activities based on the book that you can do with your child.
Let's Read!
Never take a shark to the dentist by Judi Barrett

Going to the Doctor by Anne Civardi

Miss Dose the Doctor's Daughter by Allan Ahlberg

Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia by Herman Parish

Daisy the Doctor by Felicity Brooks

Do I have to Go to the Hospital? by Pat Thomas

A day with a Doctor by Jan Kottke

Franklin goes to the hospital by Paulette Bourgeois

My friend the doctor by Joanna Cole

The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor by Stan & Jan Berenstain

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Thanks to our Include Me partners for ensuring the activities in this newsletter are inclusive of all children and their families.

The Arc of Pennsylvania's Include Me Preschool program aims to increase the capacity of parents and professionals to include children with all abilities in all aspects of life. 
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