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Secretary Mackereth shares message about ebola virus
White House to host Summit on Early Education
Quality Early Learning Radio highlights Kiwanis' support of early learning
Engaging black and Latino parents of young children in family support programs

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MackerethSecretary Mackereth shares message about Ebola virus

A recent message from Department of Public Welfare's Secretary, Bev Mackereth, stresses the importance of knowing the facts about the Ebola virus, and knowing that Pennsylvania is taking the recent news about Ebola very seriously. Ebola is a rare and often deadly virus; however, Pennsylvania has a coordinated, thorough plan in place.

According to Secretary Mackereth, the Department of Health (DOH) is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, other states and public health partners and emergency management organizations. The Department of Public Welfare (DPW) is keeping a very close eye on the confirmed Ebola cases in the U.S. and on developments around the world. There are no confirmed cases of Ebola in Pennsylvania.

The Pennsylvania DOH has updated information about Ebola on its website, as well as an informational flyer. The website includes general information for the public such as frequently asked questions; posters and links to other resources. Additional information may also be found on the CDC website.

It's important to understand the facts. The commonwealth will continue to monitor this situation and take all necessary precautions.

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WhiteHouseECESummitWhite House Announces Summit on Early Education 

On December 10, President Obama will host a White House Summit on Early Education. The Summit will bring together a broad coalition of philanthropic, business, education, advocacy and elected leaders, as well as other stakeholders who are committed to expanding access to high-quality early education.

This summit builds on the President's call in his 2013 State of the Union address to expand access to high-quality early childhood education to every child in America. As part of that effort, the President proposed a series of new investments that will establish a continuum of high-quality early learning for a child, beginning at birth and continuing to age five. This proposal includes: extending and expanding evidence-based, voluntary home visiting; growing the supply of effective early learning opportunities for young children through Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships; and providing Preschool for All. Since the President's call to action, more than 30 states and cities have established new programs or expanded access to preschool. 

During the summit, the President will announce the states and communities that will receive $250 million in Preschool Development Grants and $500 million in Early Head Start Child Care Partnership awards to enhance and expand preschool programs and to improve access to high-quality infant and toddler care in high-need communities. In addition to the grant announcements, the President will also highlight new private sector commitments to expand children's early learning opportunities.

Stay tuned to Build ECE News for additional details about the summit.

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Save the Dates: 2015 P-3 Governor's Institute

The Pennsylvania Department of Education's Office of Child Development and Early Learning is pleased to announce the 2015 Prekindergarten to Grade 3 (P-3) Governor's Institute: P-3 Collaboration-Working Together for Student Success. The purpose of Pennsylvania's P-3 Governor's Institute is to help school districts, early learning providers and community organizations throughout the commonwealth make the vital connections and collaborations necessary for student success from birth through grade 3.


The 2015 P-3 Governor's Institutes are being offered regionally for the following dates/locations. Each institute begins Sunday evening and ends Wednesday at noon. 

  • June 14-18 Radisson Hotel Valley Forge-- King of Prussia
  • June 21-25 Doubletree--Monroeville
  • July 12-16 The Ambassador Center--Erie
  • July 26-30 Hilton--Scranton   

Participation in the 2015 institute is limited to 28 teams per region. Participating teams will be selected through an application process. Districts may submit applications for more than one team. Teams should be built around a specific elementary school, its feeder early learning programs, and the local community. Selected teams will participate in this 4-day event focusing on Kristie Kauerz' Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Pre-K-3rd Grade Approaches. Professional development will be offered to support team specific implementation of P-3 efforts. Access the framework.  


Most expenses will be covered for participating teams using Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grant funds. Act 48 professional development credits and Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS) hours will be offered.

To be considered for participation in this event, participating teams must agree to the following: 

  • Attend the entire 4-day event;
  • Bring a core team of no less than four educators (maximum participating team of eight members):  a 0-5 administrator, a 0-5 practitioner, a K-3 administrator, and a K-3 practitioner.  Preference will be given to applicants who include up to four of the following; family representative or family liaison, Early Intervention representative, community member, librarian, curriculum specialist, higher education partner, intermediate unit representative.
  • Engage in continuous improvement via implementation and sharing of strategies/programs that will enhance student achievement; and
  • Maintain an active role in the Governor's Institute cohort subsequent to the event (e.g., professional learning community, webinars, monthly follow up).

Applications will be available beginning Jan. 12, 2015 and will be announced in future publications of Build ECE News. If you have any questions please contact Jolie Phillips at

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Revised Position Statements Now Available 

In October 2014, the PA Position Statement regarding sand was changed after discussion with input from the Bureau of Certification.  Based upon additional review, research, and input from stakeholders, the use of sand for children under 3 years old, either as a play medium or impact absorbing surface, is not prohibited. The PA Position Statement prohibiting the use of sand has been removed.

Although the use of sand is permitted, there are factors that should be considered when using sand with young children, including supervision and abilities of the children. Certification will not cite sand when used as a protective surface for ground cover as well as a play medium. AAP/APHA guidelines for child care programs (Caring for our Children) recommend that when sand is used as a ground cover, it shall not be used simultaneously as a play medium for infants and toddlers.

For purposes of Environment Rating Scales, refer to the appropriate scale and age recommendations. For additional information, including access to the PA Position Statements, please visit the PA Key website.

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Information on water safety training for child care providers and lifeguard requirements

The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning's, Bureau of Certification Services recently released a revised version of Announcement C-14 #01: Water Safety Training for Child Care Providers and Lifeguard Requirements. This announcement provides information on how to obtain water safety training from the American Red Cross, and informs child care providers that supervision of children who are swimming must include a facility person certified as a lifeguard.

For additional details, please see the announcement C-14 #01, Water Safety Training for Child Care Providers and Lifeguard Requirements.

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Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program now open

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, also known as LIHEAP, which helps low-income families pay their heating bills is now open for applications and will continue accepting applications through April 3, 2015 for the 2014-15 heating season. LIHEAP is a grant that offers assistance in the form of a cash grant, sent directly to the utility company, or a crisis grant for households in immediate danger of being without heat.

Get information about LIHEAP, including how to apply, at the Department of Public Welfare website.

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KiwanisRadioQuality Early Learning Radio: Kiwanis Support of Early Learning


Kiwanis logoThe October 31 edition of Quality Early Learning Radio featured guest Kevin Thomas, Executive Director of the PA District of Kiwanis International who shared the role of Kiwanis in Early Learning. For the past several years, Kiwanis has played an import role in promoting quality early learning for Pennsylvania children. Listen to what's next for this group of early learning supporters. 

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EngagingFamiliesCulture Counts: Engaging Black and Latino Parents of Young Children in Family Support Programs
A recently published brief, Culture Counts: Engaging Black and Latino Parents of Young Children in Family Support Programs, by Child Trends, focuses on family support programs and strategies for reaching and engaging black and Latino families, with the ultimate goal of supporting young children's development. Information is also presented on how cultural adaptation of existing programs and practices may be a necessary, albeit nuanced, process for engaging parents of diverse backgrounds.

The report highlights that existing programs may be adapted or revised to reflect the reality of participants' experiences, by increasing the cultural relevance of programs and services for black and Latino parents and children, with a three-phase process to culturally adapt existing programs.

PBS 39: FOCUS special report. PBS 39, serving Lehigh and Northampton Counties, devoted a FOCUS special report on early education in celebration of Pennsylvania's Promise for Children Month. Take a look at the video.
Pennsylvania's Promise for Children infographics. During October, Pennsylvania's Promise for Children released four new infographics that share important information on brain development, child developmental milestones, the role of play in children's learning, and choosing quality early learning programs. These infographics are appropriate for families and community  leaders. Download copies from the Pennsylvania's Promise for Children website.
Nurturing Learning: Better Kid Care offers a series of research-to-practice fact sheets that give easy-to-do ideas to nurture learning in one-, two-, three- and four-year-olds. Areas include Arts and Creativity, Language and Literacy, Math and Science, and Play and Music.
Go Smart App: The National Head Start Association (NHSA) launched the Go Smart web app developed in partnership with Nike. The Go Smart web app is a "coach in your pocket" that gives teachers, caregivers, and parents of children ages 0-5 easy access to fun physical activities anytime, anywhere. Using the free web app, providers and parents can find developmentally appropriate physical activities and can also watch video tips, share activities, get updates, track favorites, and build "activity boards" to curate their favorite games for future play.
Beyond the Word Gap: Multimedia Resources and Tools: ZERO TO THREE has compiled a set of resources in English and Spanish to help families, professionals, and policymakers understand the importance of supporting early language and literacy and how best to do so.
QRIS Compendium: The BUILD Initiative has launched the searchable web-based QRIS Compendium. This website gives the latest details on quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) in every state, territory and region/locality.
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2015 Toyota Family Teacher of the Year Award Call for Nominations: The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) is accepting nominations for the 2015 Toyota Family Teacher of the Year Award. Educators working with families through schools, libraries, and many other community-based organizations will be considered. Nominations due December 31, 2014.
IRA Regie Routman Teacher Recognition Grant: The International Reading Association will honor an outstanding mainstream, elementary classroom teacher dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of reading and writing, across the curriculum in real world contexts in grades K-6 (ages 5-12).  Deadline January 15, 2015. 
American Association of University Women (AAUW): Community Action Grants provide funds to individuals, AAUW branches, and AAUW state organizations as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equality for women and girls. Deadline January 15, 2015. 
2015 Let's Move Child Care Recognition: Let's Move! Child Care (LMCC) has a call for nominations for child care and early education centers and homes who are participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and primarily serve children 0-5 years of age; CACFP sponsoring agencies; and State CACFP agencies who are making outstanding efforts to improve child nutrition programs that promote young children's health and prevent childhood obesity. Nomination deadline January 23, 2015
The Big Read Grant: The Big Read supports organizations across the country in developing community-wide reading programs which encourage reading and participation by diverse audiences. These programs include activities such as author readings, book discussions, art exhibits, lectures, film series, music or dance events, theatrical performances, panel discussions, and other events and activities related to the community's chosen book or poet. Deadline January 28, 2015. 
Captain Planet Foundation Grant: Funds are intended to promote and support high-quality educational programs that enable children and youth to understand and appreciate our world through learning experiences that engage them in active, hands-on projects to improve the environment in their schools and communities. Deadline January 31, 2015.
American Association of School Librarians Grant: The AASL Innovative Reading Grant supports the planning and implementation of a unique and innovative program for children which motivates and encourages reading, especially with struggling readers. Deadline February 1, 2015.
November 5, 2014
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The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) provides families access to high quality services to prepare children for school and life success. 


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The Early Childhood Education e-news is a project of the Pennsylvania Build Initiative and the Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Public Welfare to inform early learning professionals, the early childhood community, policymakers, community leaders and the public on developments in early childhood education and care in Pennsylvania.

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