September 2015 | No. 175
Editors' Corner

The September NCBC Newsletter includes a feature article by Colleen Sullivan-Moore, RN, CNN, CN-BN on the subject of A Patient Navigator Acuity Tool, information on a Breast Conference in the Caribbean for primary care providers, NCBC membership, dates of the 2016 Annual Meeting, International Contacts, and The Breast Journal. The following paragraphs briefly outline the contents of the Newsletter.
Feature Article

Patient Navigator Acuity Tool
Colleen Sullivan-Moore, RN, MS and Connie Cook, EMT
Pagosa Springs Medical Center, 
Pagosa Springs, CO

In the September NCBC Newsletter Bulletin, the feature article by Colleen Sullivan-Moore, describes in detail the
Patient Navigator Acuity Tool. The article provides a method of measuring the individual barriers and stressors in a given patient's case which in turn can be used to calculate the Patient Navigator work load and thereby optimize staffing resources. The article reminds us again of Dr. Harold Freeman's landmark work proving the value of Patient Navigation starting in 1990.
The results were impressive, the most important being a marked improvement in survival. In 1986, the five-year survival of breast cancer patients diagnosed at Harlem Hospital was only 39%.  By 2000, 10 years after institution of Patient Navigation, the five year survival had improved to 70%. No-show appointments decreased from 67% to 10%. Time from initial consult to medical procedures decreased from 10 weeks to 2 weeks. And, detection of early cancers increased by 50%. Today, Navigation Programs have expanded services, often incorporating financial aid, transportation, nutritional support, coordination of patient care between physicians and ancillary services, improved communication between patients and physicians, enhancement of patient compliance with treatment and follow-up. It should come as no surprise that determining and allocating resources to handle all of these issues for an institution can be daunting. The Sullivan-Moore article provides an organized method of quantifying Patient Navigator work load which in turn can be used to improve Navigator and support staffing. Read more...
Cruise in the Caribbean 
Special Conference for Primary Care Providers

NCBC recognizes the critical importance of the primary care physician [PCP] in breast care, not only in recognizing symptoms that require referral, but assuring that mammography screening guidelines are followed. In addition, there are numerous breast-related issues that are part of everyday care of patients. NCBC has discussed for several years the best way to meet the breast-related educational wishes of the PCP. From November 29 through December 6, 2015, NCBC is co-sponsoring a special conference on Breast Cancer, Breast Care and Common Breast Issues for the Primary Care Provider: 2015 Update, in the Caribbean!  

Imagine going to a Conference which will be a 7 day and night all-inclusive Caribbean Cruise departing from Fort Lauderdale, FL?! The ports-of-call include Haiti, Jamaica, and Cozumel. The conference includes 3 days of lectures which total 14 hours of AMA CMA Category 1 Credits. The topics covered include Benign Breast Disease, Breast Cancer Risk Assessment, Breast Cancer Screening, Breast Cancer Surgery, Radiation Therapy, and Chemotherapy. Physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychologists, navigators, pharmacists, and attorneys are among those professionals encouraged to attend. The distinguished faculty includes Don S. Dizon, MD, FACP (Harvard University), John Keyserlingk, MD, MSc, FRCS, FACS. (McGill University and the University of Montreal), and Yuri Parisky, MD (University of Southern California). Does this sound like fun or what?!    
Annual Interdisciplinary Breast Conference

Please mark your calendars with the dates of 4/9/16 through 4/11/16 for the 26th Annual Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference at the Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV. There are nationally and internationally recognized speakers covering a broad range of topics and current issues. NCBC certifications for patient navigation and clinical breast examination takes place during the post conference sessions.  There are a variety of venues including plenary sessions, breakout workshops, and post sessions. We anticipate ~70 vendors with plenty of time to talk to the professionals at the booths. We hope to see you for a great learning experience, sharing of ideas, and a great time!   Read more... 
International Delegate Program
The International Committee, chaired by Dr. Keyserlingk, has been working since 2003 to develop the NCBC International Delegate Program. After ten years of discussion, the program debut meeting was in 2013. NCBC brings in professionals from underserved countries who attend the conference, present posters, and interact with the numerous members with an interest in these developing countries. This is an expensive program that requires outside funding. We ask the help of NCBC members to reach out to international contacts in medicine, industry, pharmaceuticals, foundations, etc., to join NCBC and to make donations to help NCBC bring breast cancer prevention, detection, and treatment information and technologies to under-served countries. The home office is staffed to assist members in soliciting donations.  This is an especially important mission for all of us in the richest country in the world to try and help those less fortunate than we.  Read more about the program's Mission and Scope...
For those of you who are not NCBC members, we encourage you to join our diversified family of health care professionals which includes physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, radiology technologists, patient navigators, psychologists, administrators and advocates from the United States, Canada, and Europe. This family of care givers educates and shares experiences which improves patient care and furthers the cause of finding a cure for breast cancer. Please peruse the attachment to see the numerous benefits of NCBC membership. We also have a good time!   
The Breast Journal
The Breast Journal is highly respected by all breast professionals. It is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary journal covering a broad range of subjects in breast disease including relevant research, risk analysis and prevention, diagnostic and treatment advances, and the many facets of survivorship. As a member of NCBC, you can subscribe to the e-version of The Breast Journal, published by Wiley and Sons. Read more....
NCBC Education: Save These Dates

Navigator Certification Exams

November 3, 2015  ~  New York, NY

November 13-14, 2015  ~  Albuquerque, NM

April 12 or 13, 2016  ~ Las Vegas, NV 

Certified Breast Examiner (CBE)

April 12- 13, 2016  ~  Las Vegas, NV

26th Annual Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference

April 9-13, 2016  ~  Las Vegas, NV

For more Information please call (574) 267-8058
or Visit for details & registration

Read on for more detail on all of these important subjects. Thank you for your continued support of NCBC. We have a noble mission and are privileged to work with so many remarkable people in our joint efforts to save lives and maximize quality of life


NCBC President
Jennifer Gass, MD, FACS
Breast Fellowship Director
Co-Director, Breast Health Center
Chief of Surgery
Women & Infants Hospital, 
Associate Professor of Surgery, and of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University Providence, RI

Rufus Mark, MD
Radiation Oncology of Central Arizona
Banner University Medical Center
Phoenix, AZ

Susan Casella, RN, OCN
Northside Hospital Cancer Institute Atlanta, GA

Editor Emeritus
Claudia Z. Lee, MBA

NCBC  |  (574) 267-8058  |  |

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