Issue 79
November 24, 2015
From the Director's Desk

The end of a liturgical year and the beginning of a new one always has readings at Mass related to the end of time and our preparation for the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  The situation of the world at the moment gives us an opportunity to stop and reflect on our lives and how we live them. We are challenged to live in and for Christ and for nothing else.  As Pope Francis reminds us:

"Before so many lacerations in the world, and the too many wounds in the flesh of men, we ask the Virgin Mary to sustain us in our commitment to imitating Jesus, our King, making present His Kingdom with acts of tenderness, compassion and mercy" (Angelus, November 22, 2015)

During November we reflect particularly on those who have gone before us and keep them in our prayers.  We also ask for the prayers of those who have arrived in heaven.  Many of the faithful departed were probably models for us of how to live the life of faith.  May we learn from their example and be thankful for them!

As the people of the United States celebrate Thanksgiving this week, we at the Catholic Apostolate Center are thankful for all those who have taught us and continue to show us how to witness Christ in the Church and in the world. 

May the charity of Christ urge us on!

In God, the Infinite Love,

In This Issue
Advent Resources

Make this Advent season one of deeper prayer and reflection. The Catholic Apostolate Center invites you to visit our Advent Resource page, filled with resources from sites such as the USCCB, Salt and Light TV, Catholic News Service, the Archdiocese of Washington, and much more!

Deepen your Advent journey here.
Advent Reflection Guide

The Catholic Volunteer Network (CVN) and Catholic Apostolate Center present to you the 2015 Advent Guide. 

This guide offers prayers, reflections, and service suggestions from several current and former CVN volunteers corresponding to each Sunday's Gospel. Each week focuses on one of the four pillars of faith-based service: Community, Social Justice, Simple Living, and Spirituality. The 2015 Advent Guide concludes with a thought-provoking reflection from our Social Media Coordinator, Kate Flannery

Click here to check out this great resource for the 2015 Advent Season.
Past Speaking Event

National Catholic Collegiate Conference 

This past weekend, Center Curriculum Coordinator, Sarah Jarzembowski presented at the National Catholic Collegiate Conference. Her topic was on Self-Care for Ministry Leaders. 

The National Catholic Collegiate Conference is held every two years in Indianapolis, IN. It is a gathering of young adults (ages 18 to 25) to gather, to celebrate, and to pray. The program includes keynote presentations, prayer, workshops, Mass, and opportunities to participate in reconciliation and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, as well as a service opportunity, concerts, and exhibits.

Click here to listen to the presentation on Self-Care for Ministry Leaders.

For Speaking and Media Inquiries, click here
We're Thankful For...

This Thanksgiving, the Catholic Apostolate Center is taking time to give gratitude. Each day of the week leading up to Thanksgiving, we'll be sharing something we're thankful for on our social media pages. While Thanksgiving is typically celebrated in the United States, this season reminds all of us to pause for a moment and give thanks to God for the blessings in our lives.

Today, we're thankful for family.

Follow us on Facebook to see what we are thankful for this year!  
Upcoming Events

2016 Mid-Atlantic Congress for Catholic Leaders

February 4-6, 2016
Baltimore, MD

The Catholic Apostolate Center is a Platinum Sponsor of the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Congress. The Mid-Atlantic Congress for Pastoral Leadership is an annual conference held in Baltimore, Maryland that seeks to bring best practices of Catholic pastoral ministry, catechesis, prayer and worship to pastoral leaders at the diocesan, parish and school levels. The Center will be hosting a Collaborative Connections networking session on Thursday evening. Join the Catholic Apostolate Center for refreshments and conversation with other ministry leaders! 

Center staff will be exhibiting, as well as presenting on:
  • Co-responsible Evangelization
  • Leadership, the New Evangelization and Pope Francis
  • Youth and Young Adults as Witness in the Age of Pope Francis
Click here to sign up and learn more. 
Ad Infinitum Blog
by Krissy Kirby
"Being a 'person for others' means helping those around you wherever you are and in everything you do. This is how I try to give back, by being a person for others...This way of looking at life should encompass more than a holiday."
Click here to read more. 
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

November 22, 2015
Each year at the conclusion of the liturgical year, we fittingly celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. As the Apostle St. Paul teaches us, "In [Jesus Christ] every� thing in heaven and earth was created... and continues in being" (Col 1:16-17). He is the 'Alpha and Omega', the 'Beginning and End', the 'Way, Truth, and Llfe'.  Indeed, Christ promises to His faithful friends the gift of salvation, the pledge of everlasting life through His Resurrection. Faithfulness to Christ, our King, opens the door to our eternal happiness.

Giving Tuesday: Support the Catholic Apostolate Center

We have one day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals (Black Friday and Cyber Monday). Now, we have #GivingTuesday - a day dedicated to giving back. 

On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, people will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give back.
How can you participate? It's simple. Just make a gift to the Catholic Apostolate Center - big or small. With your help, we can revive faith, rekindle charity, and form apostles both in the United States and around the world.

Thank you in advance for your support!

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