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Issue 50
June 24, 2014
Featured Affiliate:
Catholic Volunteer Network
CVN Since its inception in 1963 as a regional diocesan organization to its current standing as one of the nation's leading volunteer agencies, Catholic Volunteer Network has provided thousands of people with volunteer training and resources, as well as networking opportunities. 

The Catholic Apostolate Center is proud to partner with Catholic Volunteer Network by developing faith formation resources for volunteers and alumni as well as assisting in its efforts to provide and advocate for faith-based volunteerism. 

Would you like more information on volunteer opportunities through the Catholic Volunteer Network? Click here to visit their website and explore the many experiences that could await you!
In This Issue
Our 50th Newsletter Publication
Thank You!

This publication marks our 50th newsletter! We hope that these twice-monthly newsletters are a highlight in your email inbox. Our promotions team is constantly at work to ensure that you find these newsletters engaging, informative and timely. In order to assure these qualities stay consistent we rely on your feedback! Is there something in particular you like about our newsletters? Is there something different you would like to see in these publications? We invite you to "Leave A Comment" by clicking the box below, contacting our Communications Coordinator with your suggestions. 

THANK YOU for your support of our ministry. We would not have reached this milestone without you and please let us know if there is anyway we can further assist you in your work of "Reviving Faith, Rekindling Charity and Forming Apostles."
"How I would like a Church that is poor and for the poor."
-Pope Francis
The Catholic Apostolate Center is happy to share our special webpage dedicated to Catholic Social Teaching. Here we have pulled various Vatican and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops documents that can assist in understanding the Church's social teachings. Additionally, we have featured excellent resources from different dioceses and Catholic ministries. We invite you to click here to visit this webpage. 
Putting Two Feet of Love in Action: 
Responding to Pope Francis' Call to Missionary Discipleship 
Jill Rauh, Assistant Director for Education & Outreach 
Department of Justice, Peace & Human Development  
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Did you miss our recent webinar with Jill Rauh? 
Just click the link below to view the entire webinar! 
A major theme for Pope Francis is the call to missionary discipleship. Join the Catholic Apostolate Center and Jill Rauh, Assistant Director for Education & Outreach of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Department of Justice, Peace & Human Development, to reflect on what it means, in the words of the Holy Father, to "go out as ones sent" and to "never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity!" To help us, we will explore the Two Feet of Love in Action, a model used for decades by the U.S. Catholic bishops to describe two distinct, but complementary ways, we can respond to the Gospel call to put love in action. 
Pastoral Planning for the New Evangelization 
Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.
Catholic Apostolate Center
The USCCB is preparing a Pastoral Planning Guide for the New Evangelization and a New Evangelization online Toolkit to assist dioceses and parishes in enhancing and enriching their parish ministries and culture to fulfill the call of the New Evangelization. What is the New Evangelization? How can my parish plan for and implement the New Evangelization better? What is the next step we can take? These questions and more will be discussed. The Pastoral Planning Guide for the New Evangelization offers a roadmap for dioceses, parishes, schools, and Catholic associations who wish to begin or continue their journey on the New Evangelization; a journey that has as its outcome Jesus Christ and an invitation to Christian discipleship. This Live Event will walk diocesan and parish leaders through the Planning Guide, its strategic planning process and present a cohesive picture of how faith, worship and witness are all integral and connected components of the New Evangelization.

Presenters: Peter Murphy D.Min., Jeannine Marino, JCL, Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., D.Min.

This live webinar will be held July 15. To view the webinar, you must be a member of MyUSCCB - see the information below to sign up! 
MyUSCCB - Empowering Catholic Ministry
FREE Access Through July 1st!

You're passionate about your ministry. You've answered the call by being active in a Catholic parish, diocese, or organization. Now wouldn't it be great if you had more time for your ministry?

MyUSSCB was designed to help you save effort searching for the right materials, helping you to spend less time planning and more time doing. The MyUSCCB portal allows you to download content for distribution, discover timely resources for liturgical planning and celebration and connect with experts through webinars, videos, podcasts, and live events.  

All users are granted FREE access to this online portal through July 1st! Try it today!
From the Ad Infinitum Blog...

"The New Evangelization and Morality"
by Brett Garland
Collaborator, Catholic Apostolate Center 

A major contention that many people - both young and old - have with the Church is that it is an institution of "Thou Shalt Nots" and other moral imperatives that have little or no relevance in the modern world. In essence, the Church is seen as little more than an outdated social services agency, or even worse, a dismal and ahistorical museum perpetuating a false sense of reality. This emerging perception of the Church parallels a larger cultural shift from the acceptance of objective truth toward a secular relativism. 

Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist 

 Date of Observance:
June 24
"When the messengers of John had left, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John...'This is the one about whom scripture says: 'Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, he will prepare your way before you.' I tell you, among those born of women, no one is greater than John; yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.'"
-Luke 7:24, 27-28

Fortnight for Freedom: June 21-July 4, 2014

The Fortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Serve began on June 21 with an opening Mass celebrated by Archbishop William Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore, and will run to July 4, 2014, a time when our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power - St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. The theme of this year's Fortnight will focus on the freedom to serve the poor and vulnerable in accord with human dignity and the Church's teaching. 

For more information, including a schedule of events, click here or contact your local diocese to attend local Fortnight for Freedom programming. 
Prayer and Catechesis Resources
"For me prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look towards heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."
-St. Therese of Lisieux 
We encourage you to visit our special webpage dedicated to resources on Prayer and Catechesis. These include links to the Bible, Divine Office, Catechism of the Catholic Church, many different reflections and the documents from the Second Vatican Council. All of these resources provide great opportunities to dig deeper into your faith and to make prayer a strong pillar of your relationship with Christ. 
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Catholic Apostolate Center
A Ministry of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines)

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