Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
August 5, 2016
In This Issue:

Worship Services
August 7: 
         Pentecost 12

Vestry Member of Day:
   Nikki Yarbrough

Coffee Hour Host:
    Mimi Allen, Susan Chamberlain

Altar Guild: 
   Team 2

8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Rita Hightower
Usher - Max Bontrager

10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Nancy Lutsko,
   Tammy Borders, Mike Tanner
Lay Readers - Rena Nelson, Mike
   Holland, Pat Denmark
Ushers - Eric Nielsen, Len Carter
Acolytes - Mike Tanner, Alexandra
   Peeples, Maddie Yarbrough

6:00 p.m. Vespers - Sanctuary 

First Lesson - Genesis 15:1-6
Psalm - 33:12-22
Second Lesson - 
    Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16
Gospel - Luke 12:32-40

Wednesday Holy Eucharist
6 p.m.
Thursday Holy Eucharist
7:00 a.m.
Upcoming Events

August 14: Kick-off Party
August 18: Ladies Night Out
August 21: Sunday School Resumes
September 1: HEP Party at Rectory
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church


The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson


church office (229) 242-5115


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 


Millie Johnson 

Director of Children's Ministry

church office (229) 242-5115


Angela Duncan, Music Director  

church office (229) 242-5115


Kathy Armstrong, Choirmaster

church office (229) 242-5115



Office hours: Monday - Thursday

   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 



   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Assistant to the Rector:  Philip Ryan
September 1, 2016
Our newly hired Assistant to the Rector, Philip Ryan, along with his wife Amanda and their daughter Greta, will be moving into Louttit Hall on August 26.  He will officially begin on September 1st.  Philip has extensive ministry experience and is a gifted preacher and teacher.  He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies and Languages at Evangel University, his Master of Arts degree in Exegetical Theology at Covenant Theological Seminary, and his Master of Theology degree at Candler School of Theology, Emory University.  Christ Church has a rich tradition of raising up ordained clergy, and along these lines Philip will be entering the ordination process in The Episcopal Church.  In the meantime he will be licensed by Bishop Benhase as a Licensed Lay Preacher and a Licensed Lay Eucharistic Minister.  Here at Christ Church he will be working on developing our college and youth ministries, further developing our local outreach efforts, and doing some preaching and teaching as well.  I ask you to join me in warmly welcoming Philip, Amanda, and Greta into our Christ Church family!

The Ryan's will be here the afternoon of Friday, August 26 around 2 PM.  We need volunteers to help them unload their U-Haul.  

There will be a H.E.P Party at the Rectory on September 1st beginning at 6:00 p.m. to welcome the Ryan family to Christ Church.
Birthday Prayers
First Sunday of Month
Sunday, August 7, 2016 we invite anyone who has a birthday in the month of August to come forward during worship at the appropriate time of the service to receive a Birthday Prayer.
Kick-off Party
Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.
Christ Church Kick-off Party will be held on August 14, 2016 immediately following the 10:00 worship service.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. The Men in Blue will be cooking.  If you would like to bring a dessert or side dish to share that would be great (although not require to attend).  

There will be a water slide a bouncy house and kiddie pool for the little ones, face painting and a dunk tank for "Children of All Ages". Please come and Dunk Father Dave and Bobby Yarbrough.

If you own a tailgating tent and would be willing to bring it and set it up, please do so.  
HEP Party
Thursday, September 1st beginning at 6:00 p.m.
H.E.P. Party will be held at Rectory on Thursday, September 1st beginning at 6:00 p.m to welcome the Ryan family to Christ Church and Valdosta. Please mark your calendar and plan to come and enjoy the evening. Bring a hors d'oeuvre.  Please note: Childcare will be provided in the Gabard Building.
Ladies Night Out
Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
Ladies Night Out will be held on Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Jeani Synyard.  Jeani's address is: 746 Lake Laurie.   All ladies are invited to attend.  Beverages will be provided. Bring a snack to share.
Sunday School Begins
Sunday, August 21st
Sunday School will begin again on Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 11:15 a.m. 

Sunday School registration forms will be in the parish hall on Sunday. 

Please sign your child up and let Millie Johnson know if you are interested in volunteering to help with Sunday School.
In His Holy Name: A Collection of Sermons
By the Rev. Peter L. Ingeman
Over the past six months, some friends of Fr. Peter and Happy have been working to collect and edit 152 of Fr. Peter's sermons for publication. The resulting book, In His Holy Name: a Collection of Sermons, is now available. The website for the book, <>, has information on how to download a copy of the book without charge, and how to order paperbound and hardbound printed editions at a minimal cost, including any discounts that may be available from the publisher from time to time. This website also includes links to the PDF file of the entire book, the 152 individual sermons in PDF format, six audio recordings of Fr. Peter preaching at Christ Church in 2006, and a photographic collage of Fr. Peter and Happy. The book is also available on Amazon <>. Proceeds from the purchase of the printed books will be donated to the Christ Episcopal Church Altar Guild Fund.

Cross Wall in Gabard Building
We are collecting crosses to place on a wall in the Gabard Building.  If you have any crosses you would like to donate to the church, please bring them by the church office. Thank you in advance!
The Vineyard
The new articles in the Vineyard this week are: Sermon, July 31, 2016. Older articles are available at the Online Vineyard.
Birthdays this week
August 6 - August 12
  7 Nan Duckworth, Rusty McCall
11 Pauline Brown
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
August 6 - August 12
  6 Jerry DeMott
  8 Brighton Prine, Julie Prine
 9 Elizabeth Hanson
11 Hudson Tanner
Wedding Anniversaries this week
August 6 - August 12
 6  Ken & Electa Ricket
11 Joe & Norma Tomberlin
12 Billy Tidmore & Jennifer Lawrence

Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Baptismal Anniversary, or Wedding Anniversary. 
Remember in your prayers
Ashley, Robert Church, Danny Clark, Diane Corker, Scott Cregger, Jerry DeMott, Blake Ellis, Cindy Foster, Gage Greneker, Iris Hall, George Halls, Cheryl Hatcher, Laney Hays, Emily Joiner, Kayla LaMere, Jerriann Levy, Bobbie Ann Mitchell, Marjorie Nielsen, Debbie Richardson, Delanie Rogers, Kris Rogers, Reva Rollins, Sarah Parrish, David Sandbach, Sr., Bill Spencer, Kathie Stevenson, Suzanne Sullivan, Emory Warrick, Sr., Sylvia Warrick, Mike and Marilyn Willis

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta