Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
April 17, 2015
In This Issue:

Worship Services


April 19: 
         Easter III

Vestry Member of the Day:

      Nikki Yarbrough


Coffee Hour Host:

     Diane Halim


Nursery Worker: 

     Millie Johnson


Lay Eucharistic Visitor:

     Nancy Lutsko


 Altar Guild: Team 4


 8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I

Celebrant - The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson 

Preacher - The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson

Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Allan Dear

Usher - Max Bontrager


10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant -The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson
Preacher - The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Phyllis
   Holland, Melanie Ford, Brenda Keller
Lay Readers - Merrill Guice, Molly
   Stevenson, Ralph Jackson
Ushers - John Hiers, Will Hanson, Tom
Acolytes - Mike Tanner, Grace Tanner,
   Joshua Hanson

First Lesson - Acts 3:12-19
Psalm 4
Second Lesson - 1 John 3:1-7
Gospel - Luke 24:36b-48

Every Wednesday
Evening Service
6 p.m.
Every Thursday
7 a.m.


Upcoming Events
April 24: Deadline to Register for Parish

April 30: Ladies Night Out - 6:30 PM

May 5: Lavan Robinson Memorial

            Concert 6:00 PM

May 22-24: Parish Retreat - Honey Creek


Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church


The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson


church office (229) 242-5115


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 


Stefani Carroll 

Director of Children's Ministry

church office (229) 242-5115


Angela Duncan, Music Director  

church office (229) 242-5115


Kathy Armstrong, Choirmaster

church office (229) 242-5115



Office hours: Monday - Thursday

   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 



   9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Adult Sunday School
Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 11:15 a.m.
Adult Sunday School will meet Sunday, April 19th at 11:15 a.m. in the Gabard Building, Multi-purpose room. 
Wednesday Night Teaching Series
Wednesday, April 22, April 29, May 6, 2015
Wednesday Night Teaching Series:  Holy Eucharist at 6:00 PM-followed by dinner about 6:35 for all ages and then EYC for ages 10 through high school and concurrently a teaching series for adults.  
Nursery will be provided from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
DR Auction Thank You!
A Great Success
Thank you to all who participated in the Dominican Night Auction and Dinner Thursday evening at the Cotton Corner. As the "Home Team" you are fabulous supporters of our church's mission work in the Dominican Republic. While the final total of the funds we raised won't be available until next week, we are sure that we have many scholarships to offer the children of El Pedregal for the 2015-2016 academic year. The 20 members of the 2015 "Go Team" appreciate your support and enthusiasm for this outreach mission.

Julius Ariail in the DR
April 19-29, 2015
Julius leaves tomorrow for the DR to work with the Dominican diocesan staff on the development of a new website and to visit and photograph three work sites where other mission teams from the Diocese of Georgia are active. In his checked baggage, he will be taking a sewing machine designated for our team's work site at the Episcopal camp in El Pedregal. If this sewing machine transport is successful, then our team will take more machines this summer to add sewing to our traditional knitting/crocheting ministry. He will also spend several days with leaders of the Dominican Development Group and five veteran missioners from Michigan to learn more about strategies of project development as they visit several potential work sites in the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic.

Lunch Bunch
Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 11 a.m.
Lunch Bunch will meet this Saturday at 11:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. There is a volunteer sign-up sheet located in the Parish Hall.  Please plan to join us on a Saturday.
Youth Events in Diocese
Spring Rally 
May 1 - May 3, 2015
Spring Rally is our next big event happening May 1-3 at Honey Creek.  This event is open to all 6th-12th graders.  Our theme is Heros, but this is not your ordinary superheroes weekend.  We will go deeper into the mission of the church and what we are called to do as young people in the church.  During the weekend, we will talk about what it takes to be a hero, what is our hero's code for following Christ, how to start a movement, and so much more. Participants will also get to share input into next years youth programs. Register for Spring Rally
EYC Haven Project

Our Junior and Middle School EYC groups are collecting hotel/sample sized toiletries which they will bag and send to The Haven for their clients. There will be a collection bin in the Parish Hall. Thank you so much for helping our youth do God's work in our community!

Parish Retreat at Honey Creek
Friday, May 22 - Sunday, May 24
A Parish Retreat has been planned for Friday, May 22 - Sunday, May 24, 2015.  The Retreat will be held at Honey Creek. 
  • Lodge rooms are $164 for weekend, 
  • Dormitory rooms are $42 per person for weekend.  
  • Meal plan is $59 per person (8 and over) for 3 meals on Saturday and 2 meals on Sunday. 

Please contact the church office by April 24, 2015, if you plan to attend the Parish Retreat.

G-Force VBS Volunteers Needed
June 8 - June 11

You're invited to experience God's unstoppable love with Christ Episcopal Church for G-Force VBS! 

Join the team on June 8 - 11 as we explore God's love in action. We will need:

  • Group Leaders and helpers to help guide children through stations
  • Music Leader(s)
  • Snack Team Leader and Helpers
  • Games Leader and Crew
  • Decorating Leader and Helpers

As planning continues, there will also be opportunities to donate any items needed for VBS!


To register as a volunteer, go to VBS Volunteer Registation or contact Stefani Carroll


The Vineyard
The new articles in the Vineyard this week are: Sermons: Easter SundayGood FridayMaundy Thursday, and Dominican Republic Auction and Dinner. Older articles are available at the Online Vineyard.
Birthdays this week
April 18 - April 24

18 Jane Ferrell

19 Thomas Greneker

20 Cathy Hanson

22 Happy Ingeman

23 Sophia Bajalia, Allan Dear, Summer Warrick

24 Patricia Gatchell, Tristan Guice, Anne Singletary, 

     Bobby Yarbrough

Baptismal Anniversaries this week
April 18 - April 24
18 Merrill Guice

19 Jordon Jackson

20 Olivia Nunn, Brooklyn Prine

23 Madison Jackson

Wedding Anniversaries this week
April 18 - April 24

20 Dan & Lee Phillips


Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Baptismal Anniversary, or Wedding Anniversary. 

Remember in your prayers

Katherine Berkman, Sara Bontrager, Leigh Bradley, Pat Bradley, Carrie Brooks, Willie Bunch, Lesa Cannon, Dave Clark, Lydia Coddington, Beverly Cowart, Cheryl Critchfield, Robert Church, Jeff Crawford, Deborah Davis, Jeff Davis, Jerry DeMott, Jackie Dennis, Leroy Dorminy, Ann Embry, Weston Flail, Cindy Foster, Gene and Pam Garner, Gil Gjertsen, Beau Gray, Travis Grove, Karen Gunter, Helen Hartz, Cheryl Hatcher, Laney Hays, Karen Hipsher, Rena Holmes, Charles Hunt, Julie Jackson, Renee Jackson, Vernell Jackson, Linda Justice, Linda Kerr, Barney Knighton, Jerrianne Levy, Brady Lloyd, Bob Matarazzo, Bill Maynard, Rick McClosky, Mary Louise McRae, Mike, Bobbie Ann Mitchell, Dot Mowrey, Gladys Murphy, Laura Paine, Patel Family, Ivey Plair, Ella Mae Rawlings, Ellene Reddick, Bernice Roberts, Reva Rollins, David Sandbach, Sr., Edi Shepherd, Pat Sims, Ed Smith, Daphne Stacks, Danelle Starling, Suzanne Sullivan, Maria Taylor, Sylvia Warrick, Emory Warrick, Sr., Carolyn Watson, Mickey Williamson, Marilyn Willis 

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta