Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
April 11, 2014
In This Issue:

Worship Services


April 13:  Palm Sunday

Vestry Member of the Day:

   Larry Wisenbaker


Nursery Worker:

   Keri Wilkin


Coffee Hour Host:

   Sheri Gravett, Jane Kinney



8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    (no music)
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Lay Eucharistic Minister - Rita
Usher - Max Bontrager  
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Tar Drazdowski
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Eric
    Nielsen, Stefani Carroll, Julia Ariail
Lay Readers -   Kathy Armstrong,
   Sally Querin, Rob Waldman
Ushers - Ron Borders, Richard
   Coleman, Bill Sineath 
Acolytes - Grace Tanner, Hudson
   Tanner, Mike Tanner

6 p.m. Vespers - Sanctuary 


First Lesson - Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 39:9-16
Second Lesson - Philippians 2:5-11 
Gospel - Passion of the Lord Jesus
   Christ According to St. Matthew

Every Wednesday
6 p.m.

Every Thursday
7 a.m.


Statistical Information

(Latest Available Financials)

General Fund

February: Income - $ 46,379

         Expenses - $ 43,181

YTD: Income - $ 127,347

         Expenses - $ 86,598


Attendance for April 6th:

8:00 a.m. - 14

10:00 a.m. - 114


Upcoming Events
   April 13: Palm Sunday - 8 & 10 a.m.
   April 14: Vestry meeting, 5:30 p.m.
   April 16: Stations of the Cross -
         6 p.m.
   April 17: Maundy Thursday - 6 p.m.
        NO Agape Meal
        Stay awake with Jesus - 7 p.m.
   April 18: Good Friday - 8, Noon, 6
   April 19: Holy Saturday - 10 a.m.
Decorate for Easter - 10:40 a.m.
   April 20: Easter - 8 & 10 a.m.
   April 21: Office Closed
   April 24: Dominican Night at 
       Cotton Corner

 Senior EYC:  at Church
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

The Rev. Laura "Joye" Q. Cantrell, Interim Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115


The Rev. Tar Drazdowski,

Assistant Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 249-0895


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 


Angela Duncan, Music Director  

church office (229) 242-5115



Holy Week Schedule
Sunday - April 13 - Palm Sunday 

10:00 a.m.


                        Evangelist - Jane Kinney

                        Jesus - Joe Tomberlin

                        Judas - Mike Tanner

                        High Priest - Walton Carter

                        1st Serving Made - Ann Kasun

                        Peter - David Sandbach

                        2nd Serving Maid - Sherri Gravett

                        Pon. Pilate - Alan Johnson

 Wednesday - April 16

 6:00 p.m. - H.E. - Stations of the Cross


Thursday - April 17 - Maundy Thursday

 6:00 p.m.

            Lectors: Andrew Greneker, Katie Wisenbaker

            LEM: Carter Elliott, Phyllis Holland

            Acolyte: Hudson Tanner

            Helpers: Christopher Hanson, Andrew Diamond


 7:00 p.m. Stay Awake with Jesus - Sign-up sheet in Parish Hall


Friday - April 18 - Good Friday

8:00 a.m.

Noon                                       6:00 p.m.

John:              Duke Guthrie                          Michael Black

Jesus:             Joe Tomberlin                        David Sandbach

Soldier:           Nancy Lutsko                         Nancy Lutsko

Chief Priest:    Jim Drazdowski                      Allan Dear

Peter:             Walton Carter                         Mike Tanner

Pon. Pilate:     Mike Holland                           Mike Holland

Woman:          Julia Ariail                               Patty Cosey

Slave (W):       Julia Ariail                               Molly Stevenson

Saturday - April 19 - Holy Saturday

10:00 a.m.

            Lector/LEM: Rita Hightower

10:40 a.m. 

     Decorate Church for Easter


Sunday - April 20 - Easter Sunday

10:00 a.m.

            LEMs: Molly Stevenson, Walton Carter, Joe Tomberlin

            Lectors: Jane Kinney, Michael Black, Phyllis Holland

            Acolytes: Mimi Allen, Ellie Copeland, Julia Copeland,

                    Josie Parten, Hudson Tanner, John David Greneker
LACC (Lowndes Area Crisis Care)
Needs Volunteers
Lowndes Area Crisis Care (LACC) is a new ministry of the congregations in Lowndes County organized to respond to emergency financial needs of our citizens.  The planned start date is May 1, 2014.  Trained volunteers are needed so the ministry can open.  Please consider becoming a LACC volunteer.

Training sessions will be held in April to prepare volunteers to be intake workers and interviewers.  Two Saturday sessions have been scheduled to accommodate those who work during weekdays.  LACC will also be open on Saturdays so weekday workers can still volunteer some time on the weekends.  

The scheduled training is as follows:  Saturdays, April 5 and 12 from 10:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m (Lunch will be provided) at First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.  For more information, please contact Rev. Richard Hart (242-3468) or Rev. Jerry Long (242-8376).
Preschool Registration
Open enrollment
The Christ Church Preschool is now accepting applications for open enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year.  If you are interested, or know someone who has a young child pre-school age, applications can be found online.  We offer 2, 3 and 4 year old classes. Classes are filled on a first come, first served basis.
Christ Church also offers a Parents Morning Out (PMO) program for children 6 months to 4 years of age.  Enrollment for the summer program has started.  Please contact the church office for more information.
Vestry Meeting
Monday, April 14, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.
Please note the next vestry meeting will be held on April 14, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.  This will be the 2nd Monday of the month for April. If you have items that you would like on the agenda, please contact Jeff Hanson, Frances Guice or the Rev. Joye Cantrell.
Dominican Night - April 24, 2014
Dinner, Tribute to the Drazdowskis and Auction
This year's annual Dominican Night is special. The Beelands contributed their beautiful Cotton Corner event site in downtown Valdosta, and we have an opportunity to party with and say "Thank You" to the Drazdowskis before they leave Christ Church.

Enjoy a catered buffet, and help us continue the outstanding support of one of Christ Church's signature ministries, the Dominican Mission Trip. This year's missioners plan to build a house for a young mother, build playground equipment designed by Jim Drazdowski for the Episcopal School our church helped build, and teach knitting and crochet to the women and girls of El Pedregal. We also plan to bring as many scholarships as we can. In 2013 we were able to donate 25 scholarships at $350 each.There will be a live auction of 12 items valued over $100 each, plus donations toward scholarships will be gratefully accepted.

Come to the party: Dominican Night Dinner and Auction, April 24th, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., at Cotton Corner, 101 N. Ashley Street. Advance tickets $20. At the Door $25, if available. Space is limited to 144. Please consider buying your tickets early from the church office, or from Helen Tucker, Jeani Synyard, Marilyn Miller or Julia Ariail.

For more information on Christ Church's mission program in the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic, click here
Angela Duncan to perform
Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.
Angela Duncan will be performing in Dr. Inderguard's studio recital this Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in the Whitehead Auditorium, Fine Arts Building on VSU campus. All are invited to attend.
Canterbury Club - Blood Drive
May 14, 2014 from 12 - 4 p.m. - Parish Hall

Canterbury Club (Episcopal Campus Ministries) will be hosting a Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 from 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  If you are interested, or for more information, please contact Brenda Keller.

Youth Presence Ministries
May 16 - 17 - St. Anne's, Tifton
The Diocese of Georgia is teaming with Youth Presence Ministries. The purpose and focus of this special partnership is to help multiple congregations create or further develop a strong youth presence in their context of ministry. It is the belief of Youth Presence Ministry that Youth Ministry is different in every place and possible in every place. The programs offered will focuses on the local congregation and their unique setting, circumstances, challenges and hopes for the future. This model also fosters church growth by the presence and interface of young people in their midst.

All Congregations wishing to participate must send at least six participants to the workshops. The workshops will be held Friday from 6-9 and Saturday from 8:30-3:30. These participants should be people who are passionate about creating a youth presence in your church community. They don't have to be the adult youth leaders. At the vision workshop, they will be given skill to help find these people. Participants must commit to coming to the training sessions and, most importantly, working to implement the vision plan in the congregation.

Cost: The cost is $30 per person. This will cover the cost of food, which includes dinner on Friday night, a light breakfast on Saturday and lunch on Saturday.

If you are interested in forming a group, please contact the church office.  For further information check out the website.

Happening #93
May 30 - June 1, 2014
Happening #93 will be held at Honey Creek May 30 - June 1, 2014, and is open to those in grades 10 - 12.

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.  Applications will be posted soon.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 9 - June 12, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
This year's Vacation Bible School has been scheduled for Monday, June 9th through Thursday, June 12th from 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. The theme for VBS is Workshops of Wonders. Our VBS webpage is now open to register children or to volunteer as an adult or teen helper:

Search Committee Update
3 candidates to visit

The Search Committee has invited three candidates for rector to visit Valdosta.  One has been here in March and the other two will come in the first two weeks of April.  They will have an opportunity to see the church and the community to assist in their discernment process.  The Committee will see them in the Christ Church and Valdosta community context to assist with our discernment process.  We continue to pray for guidance and appreciate your prayer support.  


Many have expressed surprise that the candidates are not invited to preach or to meet members of the Parish beyond the Search Committee.  We are following guidelines set down by the Diocese that have been developed from years of experience with searches.  The months of preparation of the profile (remember all those meetings and focus groups last Spring?) have provided the Search Committee with an understanding of your vision for the church and the characteristics you desire in a rector.  We promise to be faithful to that understanding.


We appreciate your patience and support throughout this search. -- Phyllis Holland, Chair

Adult Education Classes
Sunday mornings at 9:00
Adult education classes continue at 9 a.m. each Sunday morning in the front of the Parish Hall.  The current schedule is below:   


April 13:       NO Adult Sunday School

April 20:       NO Adult Sunday School

April 27: John Hiers - Flannery O'Connor and Christianity

May 4: Eric Nielsen - Dance as identifier of cultures and religions

May 11: Bill Querin - Medical Ethics - Part 3 (by popular demand)

Last Call for 2014 DR Mission Team
Deadline is April 15
At present fifteen people have signed up for the June 7 through 14 mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Our team leader, Fred Richter, has sent out a letter of encouragement with more information for anyone who may be thinking about joining this year's team. Click this link to read this letter.  For more information about the trip, click this link.  or contact Julia Ariail at 559-7329 or Helen Tucker at 242-1900.
The Rev. Tar Drazdowski
Last Sunday - April 27, 2014
The Rev. Tar Drazdowski will assist with worship services through Easter.  Her last Sunday at Christ Church will be April 27, 2014. 

The Rev. Tar Drazdowski has been a member of our Christ Church family for a very long time.  We have all had special moments with her, funny times, sad times, crazy times.  As one of our gifts, we would like all of you to write down one (or more ) of those  memories. There is a box in the church office in which you will place your stories.  You can seal them in an envelope or on flat paper....your choice.   (Only Tar will read your stories.)  On Sundays, you can  hand them to Frances Guice, Jeff Hanson, or any member of the Vestry who will see that they are placed in the box.   We will present this gift to her at her good-bye reception to be held April 27, 2014 following the 10:00 a.m. worship service.   

We will have a reception for Tar+ following the 10:00 worship service on April 27th.  A purse will be presented to her at this reception. If you would like to make a donation to the purse, please send it to Amy in the church office and be sure to note that it is for Tar+.   

Summer Camps
Honey Creek
Registration is open for the 2014 season of Summer Camp at Honey Creek. There is another action packed, memory filled summer planned this year. Don't delay in registering for camp! Spots are already starting to fill. Camp tuition is $425.  A link to the summer camp online registration can be found here.  

2014 Summer Camp Schedule 
June 15-21- High School Camp (completed grades 9-12, 
                                  not yet started college); 
June 22-28 St. Joseph & Mary I (completed grades 3-5); 
July 6-12 St. Peter I (completed grades 6-8);
July 13-19 St. Joseph & Mary (completed grades 3-5); 
July 20-26 St. Peter II (completed grades 6-8).

Please let Elizabeth Burns know if you have any questions. 

The Vineyard
New articles in the Vineyard this week included these topics:
Preservation award for Christ Church, The Gospel on TV (reprint of 1987 sermon by the late Dr. William Frierson), and a letter from our senior warden.These articles and the older articles are available here: Online Vineyard
Birthdays this week
April 12 - April 18

12 Sis May 

13 Jake Adams, Elizabeth Davis    

15 Bobbie Ann Mitchell

16 Joel Williams

17 Lucy Tomberlin    

18 Jane Ferrell 


Sorry we missed your birthday!

February 21 - Robert Church

March 22 - Brenda Keller

Wedding Anniversaries this week
April 12 - April 18
14 Mike Richardson & Nancy Sartin
17 Dave & Stella Clark
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
April 12 - April 18

12 Sue Ellen Rumstay

13 Robert Church, John Roberts, Keith Tucker

15 Jessie Querin

17 Will Armstrong, Janet Dickman

18 Merrill Guice 


Sorry we missed your baptismal anniversary!

April 5 - Bill Tucker


Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary.

Remember in your prayers

Dave Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Joan Bailey, Katherine Berkman, Pat Bradley, Carrie Brooks, Judy Carter, Lydia Coddington, Cheryl Critchfield, Robert Church, Jeff Crawford, Jackie Dennis, Leroy Dorminy, Elizabeth, Ann Embry, Kathy Failor, Gene and Pam Garner, Gil Gjertsen, Natalie Gjertsen, Travis Grove, Cheryl Hatcher, Rena Holmes, Velma Hobgood, Ramona Hoffman, Charles Hunt, Renee Jackson, Vernell Jackson, Linda Kerr, Barney Knighton, Jerriann Levy, Brady Lloyd, Daniel Mayer, Rick McClosky, Bobbi McGraw, Mary Louise McRae, Jayne Nyhammer, Valerie Page, Laura Paine, Paul, Alice Pendleton, Andrew Pritchett, Cathy Rippeon, Bernice Roberts, Reva Rollins, David Sandbach, Sr., Pat Sims, Eloise Smith, Jack Spenser, Danelle Starling, Dr. Joe Stubbs, Ronnie Thompson, Sylvia Warrick, Emory Warrick, Sr., Carolyn Watson

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta

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