Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
December 6, 2013
In This Issue:

Worship Services


Dec. 8:  Advent 2


Vestry Member of the Day: 

   Jeff Hanson


Nursery Worker: 

   Geri Coleman 


Lay Eucharistic Visitors:

   Allan Dear

   Nancy Lutsko

   Maggie Roberts


Coffee Hour Host:

   Hospitality Committee


8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    (no music)
Celebrant - Tar Drazdowski
Preacher - Tar Drazdowski
Lay Eucharistic Minister - Martha
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Tar Drazdowski
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Molly
   Stevenson, Allan Dear, Sheri
Lay Readers - Cecilia Carroll, Rob
   Waldman, Susan Elliott
Ushers -  Ron Borders, Richard
   Coleman, Bill Sineath
Acolytes -  Mimi Allen, Pat Bradley,
   Josie Parten

6 p.m. Vespers - Sanctuary 


First Lesson - Isaiah 11:1-10
Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19
Second Lesson - Romans 15:4-13
Gospel - Matthew 3:1-12

Every Wednesday
6 p.m.

Every Thursday
7 a.m.


Statistical Information

(Latest Available Financials)

October: Income - $ 38,028

         Expenses - $ 46,792

YTD: Income - $ 376,599

         Expenses - $ 407,864


Attendance for November 24th:

8:00 a.m. - 12

10:00 a.m. - 96



Upcoming Events

December 8: Lessons and Carols at St.

   Barnabas at 4 p.m.

December 16: Vestry Meeting - 5:30 p.m.

December 19: Caroling and Desserts - 

   7:00 P.M.

December 22: Decorate Church for

   Christmas after 10:00 a.m service.

December 24: Children's Service - 

   5:30 p.m.

December 24: Midnight Service - 

   10:30 p.m.

December 25: Christmas Day Service
   10:00 a.m.


Senior EYC meets Wednesday at

    the Beelands.

Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

The Rev. Laura "Joye" Q. Cantrell, Interim Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115


The Rev. Tar Drazdowski,

Assistant Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 249-0895


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 



Search Committee

Please pray that the Search Committee will be open to God's guidance as we evaluate the candidates.  We are thankful for Christ Church and its clergy, ministries, and activities. 

December 31, 2013
Do you remember what you pledged for 2013?  Is it up to date? Contributions for the 2013 church year are down by $40,000 to date. Please contact Amy Creasy at 242-0616 or via email to check on your pledge.

Donations for the 2013 tax year must be given to the church no later than 12/31/2013 or mailed to the church in an envelope postmarked no later than 12/31/2013.  Any donations made after December 31, 2013 will be posted on 2014 giving sheet.

Happening Lock-In
Friday, December 6, 2013 6 p.m.
The Happening group will be having a lock-in at Christ Church, December 6, 2013 starting at 6:00 p.m. and will conclude Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.  For further details and information, please contact Molly Stevenson.
Lunch Bunch Group
December 7, 2013
Lunch Bunch group will meet Saturday, December 7th at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall.  We will be preparing lunches for 150 this week.  If you are interested in helping out with this ministry, please come to the parish hall Saturday.
H.E.P. Party
December 23, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

Everyone is welcome - H.E.P. (Happy Episcopal People) Party, Monday, December 23, 2013 at 6:30 PM at David and Elise Sandbach's - 2607 Pebblewood Dr. Please mark your calendar and plan to come and enjoy an evening of Christmas Cheer - bring a hors d'oeuvre.

Vestry Members 2016
The five new vestry members are: Len Carter, Sheri Gravett, Bill Querin, Mike Tanner and Bill Tucker. 
The five rotating off this year's Vestry are: Clinton Beeland, Stefani Carroll, Sparky Greneker, Steve Roberts, Lucy Tomberlin. 
We congratulate those who have been elected, and thank those who were willing to serve. We also thank our outgoing vestry members for their time, dedication and years of service.
UTO offering
Sunday, December 8, 2013

The United Thank Offering will be collected this Sunday, December 8, 2013.  The United Thank Offering (UTO) is used to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church. Envelopes to help support UTO will be found in the church bulletins Sunday.

Christmas Flower Donations
It is that time of year again. We are accepting donations for poinsettias to decorate the church for Christmas. Donations can be sent to Amy Creasy in the church office, or placed in the offering plate. Please make a note for Christmas Flowers.  
Flowers can be donated in honor or memory of loved ones. Please email Kim at the church office with the names.
Advent Lessons & Carols
At St. Barnabas, Dec. 8, at 4 p.m.
For the past 18 years the three Episcopal churches in Valdosta and St. James in Quitman come together at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Valdosta to participate in the Advent Lessons and Carols. The Nineteenth Annual event will be held Sunday, Dec. 8 at 4 p.m. at St. Barnabas with a reception following. The service is traditional advent scriptures with appropriate hymns and musical presentations between each reading. Members from each of the churches will participate in the program. The address is 3565 Bemiss Road, Valdosta.

This Week in The Vineyard
New articles in the online Vineyard this week include: the Thanksgiving Feast; Advent Readings and Prayers; Vespers; The Vineyard from Dec. 1973; and a Thank You Note from Deacon Patricia Marks.
March 19 - 23, 2014

The next Cursillo weekend is March 19-23, 2014. In order to sponsor someone for the weekend you must have attended both a 3-day weekend and a sponsor's workshop. 

Adult Christian Education

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 
Schedule for the following Sundays: 


December 8  Irene Dodd will discuss how art has been used to                            describe the nativity through the ages.


December 15  David Johnson will discuss Advent Music and lead                           us in singing some of the music. Meet in the transept.


December 22  Clinton Beeland - "The Power of Symbols"
For information contact Maggie Roberts
Valdosta Camellia & Garden Show
December 7, 2013

Everyone is invited to the 49th Annual Valdosta Camellia & Garden Show being held on December 7, 2013 at the First United Methodist Church in the parish hall from 1:00 to 5:30 P.M. There will be a camellia plant sale from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. There were 1,161 blooms in last year's show. The public is welcome to bring and enter camellia blooms from their yard. The show is FREE to everyone.


On Saturday, November 23, the Valdosta Camellia & Garden Club planted 14 new camellia plants in our Memorial Garden in honor of Hulyn and Janet Smith. The grafted plants were varieties that had been hybridized over the years by Hulyn. In the years to come these camellias will be enjoyed by all as they are all  beautiful!


Your presence would be appreciated,

Gene & Sandra Seago  

Christmas Caroling Adventures and Desserts
December 19 at 7 p.m.
Join in Christ Church's Christmas Caroling Adventures and Desserts on Thursday, December 19th, at 7:00 p.m. Lovers of carols and caroling should bring a dessert and gather in the parish hall. We will split into groups and go to about three to five homes of elderly or ill Christ Church members and sing carols accompanied by guitars. We will then return to the parish hall to continue singing and enjoying desserts and hot spiced tea. All ages are welcome. There is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. For more information, contact Frances Guice.
Planning Page for DR 2014 Trip
June 7-14, 2014

A web page has been established as part of Christ Church's website for planning information for the June 2014 mission trip:


2014 Mission Trip Planning Page


Prospective mission team members can consult this page for all information available at this time. The page will be updated frequently as the planning for the trip moves along.


Fred Richter, the team leader for the 2014 trip, currently plans to limit the team to 18 people. Previous mission team members who would like to reserve their spot on the 2014 team should contact him as soon as possible to discuss their 2014 participation. New team members are also encouraged to contact Fred to talk about the 2014 team. Please do not purchase flight tickets until you have contacted Fred (his email address and telephone number are on the planning page).

Valdosta - First Friday
December 6, 2013
The VSU Jazz Program (featuring faculty and students) will be at Hildegard's downtown, Friday, December 6, 2013 for First Friday. Music will start at 7 PM.  No Cover Charge. Contributions toward the VSU Foundation c/o Jazz Ensemble will be accepted.
Birthdays this week
December 7 - December 13
8   Thomason Gilchrist, Dylan Whiddon
9    Frances Guice, Mark Weston
10  Wilby Coleman, Griffin Kirk
12  Frank Corker, Katherine Miley
13  David Schert, Joe Stubbs, Maddie Yarbrough
Wedding Anniversaries this week
December 7 - December 13
12  Emory, Jr. and Summer Warrick
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
December 7 - December 13

11  Frances Guice


Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary.


Remember in your prayers

Dave Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Joan Bailey, Mimi Bajalia, Helen Bennett, Katherine Berkman, Barry Barnes, Pat Bradley, Carrie Brooks, James Byrd, Judy Carter, Lydia Coddington, Cheryl Critchfield, Jackie Dennis, Leroy Dorminy, Elizabeth, Ann Embry, Kathy Failor, Gene and Pam Garner, Gil and Natalie Gjertsen, Travis Grove, Velma Hobgood, Ramona Hoffman, Charles Hunt, Renee Jackson, Barney Knighton, Lee, Christopher Lutsko, Jerriann Levy, Brady Lloyd, Andrew Martin, Bobbi McGraw, Mary Louise McRae, Jayne Nyhammer, Lee Page, Valerie Page, Laura Paine, Terry Parsons, Adair Pizer, Mark Reading, Cathy Rippeon, Bernice Roberts, Bill Rogers, Reva Rollins, David Sandbach, Sr., Marti Schert, Curtis Segars, Pat Sims, Eloise Smith, Tom Smith, Danelle Starling, Krystle Stotler, Ronnie Thompson, Joe Tomberlin, Chris Warren, Emory Warrick, Sr.

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta

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