Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
October 11, 2013
In This Issue:

Worship Services


Oct. 13: 21 Pentecost
   Proper 23


Vestry Member of the Day: 

   Robin Coleman


Coffee hour hosts: 

   Pat Bezona


Nursery Worker: 

   Phyllis Hiers


Altar Flowers: Given by Lou Gabard to the glory of God in memory of Dr. Malcolm F. Rainey.  He was instrumental in the establishment of the Valdosta Theatre Guild and helped to found the Valdosta Symphony Orchestra.




8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    (no music)
Celebrant - Tar Drazdowski
Preacher - Patricia Marks
Lay Eucharistic Minister - Martha
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Patricia Marks
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Nancy
   Lutsko, Rita Hightower, Allan Dear 
Lay Readers - Tammy Borders, Julia
   Ariail, David Sandbach
Ushers - Ron Borders, Richard
   Coleman, Bill Sineath
Acolytes - Mimi Allen, Pat Bradley,
   Josie Parten
6:00 p.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Joye Cantrell
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Rita
Lay Readers - Rena Nelson 
Acolyte - Rena Nelson
Ushers - Dave Armstrong

6:00 p.m.,  Vespers, Gabard Bldg.
 Compline with homily or discussion 


First Lesson - Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
Psalm - 66:1-11
Second Lesson - 2 Timothy 2:8-15 
Gospel - Luke 17:11-19

Every Wednesday
6 p.m.

Every Thursday
7 a.m.


Statistical Information

(Latest Available Financials)

August: Income - $55,764

         Expenses - $49,640

YTD: Income - $390,206

         Expenses - $413,504


Attendance for October 6th:

8:00 a.m. - 20 

10:00 a.m. - 111

6:00 p.m. - 5


Upcoming Events
Oct. 20: Bishop Benhase visit
Oct. 21: Vestry Meeting
Oct. 24: Oktoberfest
Nov. 10: Parish Picnic


Senior EYC meets Wednesday at:

the church.

Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

The Rev. Laura "Joye" Q. Cantrell, Interim Rector
[email protected] 

church office (229) 242-5115


The Rev. Tar Drazdowski,

Assistant Rector
[email protected] 

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 249-0895



The Rev. Deacon Stella Clark

[email protected] 

church office (229) 242-5115

other (229) 559-6159


The Rev. Deacon Patricia Marks
[email protected] 

church office (229) 242-5115 

other (229) 630-8644


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
[email protected] 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper
[email protected] 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 




Bishop Benhase at Christ Church
October 20, 2013
Sunday 6:00 p.m. service
Concludes October 27, 2013

The 6:00 PM Sunday Evening Service will conclude on October 27, 2013. Please make note of this change, and adjust your schedule as needed.

Stitching this Sunday
Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.

Stitch a Square! Sunday, October 13 at 3 pm. Come to the Parish Hall, Sunday and learn to stitch a square for our Syrian project.  No experience or supplies needed.  See you there!

Fruit Cup Sunday
The Lunch Bunch group is trying to collect Fruit Cups. If you are able, please pick up a package of Fruit Cups (any fruit variety) and bring to the church on Sunday. All fruit cups collected will be added to the lunch bags to be distributed each Saturday.
"Help Improve Body" - H.I.B
Each Thursday at 6:00 p.m.
Here is a way to improve our bodies along with our minds and souls.  Beginning Thursday, October 3, from 6 to 7 p.m., Cheryl Hatcher, Bonnie Hanson, Ann Kasun, Tammy Borders and Eric Nielsen will teach a sedentary exercise class. These classes are targeted to those aged 55+, the class is designed to improve balance, strength, flexibility, and stamina while having fun. It is not an aerobics class! If you have trouble walking, want to participate to help improve your posture, become more active, or sleep better, join us. Classes are each Thursday, 6 to 7 p.m., in the Parish Hall. For more information contact Cheryl Hatcher.
Project Lunch Bunch
Each Saturday morning

Christ Church's brand new ministry, Project Lunch Bunch kicked off on October 5th.  Through this ministry, we will be delivering bag lunches and information each Saturday morning to children who depend on the free school lunches during the week. We encourage all church members to get involved with this church-wide ministry through a variety of opportunities: bagging lunches, decorating bags, and delivering meals one Saturday morning a month. We will have a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall starting on Wednesday. For more information, please contact Lauren Sandbach or (229) 630-2229.

March 19-23, 2014

The next Cursillo weekend is March 19-23, 2014. In order to sponsor someone for the weekend you must have attended both a 3 day weekend and a sponsor's workshop. If you are interested in attending a sponsor's workshop, get in touch with Jim Drazdowski.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild teams need more "hands" to prepare the table for our Lord.  There is a 5-week rotation and wonderful fellowship as we serve our God and King. Please contact Judy DeMott or Eloise Smith if you would like to be part of this ministry.

Adult Christian Education

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 
The schedule for our Adult Christian Education features:


October 13 - Deacon Patricia Marks will speak on "Brattahild, the First Church in the New World." Deacon Patricia and her husband, Dennis, recently returned from a trip to Iceland and Greenland, and visited Brattahild in Greenland, the site of this early church settlement. She plans to show some photographs from this trip. The class will be held in the transept, not the parish hall. 


Schedule for the following Sundays: 


October 20      Bishop Benhase
October 27      Fellowship of Christian Athletes
November 3    Ann Kasun: Getting from Here to There -- Thriving in
November 10  Dr. Carol Stiles of the Unitarian Church:  Science and


For information contact Maggie Roberts

Stewardship Committee
Stewardship Update
Stewardship Logo


Christ Church is blessed with 105 church families who have chosen to be a part of the 2014 "I Love Christ Church" Stewardship Campaign.  To date we have $398,167 pledged and we are close to reaching our financial goal, however we are 59% away from reaching our 100% participation of church families pledging.   Pledge cards are available in the church tower and can be filled out and put in the collection plate on Sunday.  Pledges can also be taken over the phone by Amy Creasy and Kim Dudley in the church office Monday - Friday. The next phase of the stewardship campaign is personal visits from Stewardship committee members - Merrill Guice,  Mike Holland, Nancy Lutsko, Sally Querin, David Sandbach and Elizabeth Wisenbaker. 


Update from the Dominican
Julius Ariail returns after visiting El Pedregal
Julius Ariail returned on October 8 from the Dominican Republic after a successful 10-day trip photographing several sites for the website and other publications of the Dominican Development Group. He also spent two days in El Pedregal to visit the families who are living in the two houses that were reconstructed by our June 2013 mission team. He has posted an initial report on these two houses as a Vineyard article, here:

New Articles in The Vineyard
Published this week
The new articles in The Vineyard include a stewardship update, a report from the Dominican Republic, a letter to the parish from Deacon Patricia announcing her retirement, and the Vineyard -- 40 years ago. 
Birthdays this week
October 12 - October 18 

12 Joan Dear, Ginger Macheski, Chappell Wolfson

15 Jessie Querin, Phillip Roberts

16 Meg Hiers, Landon Miley

17 David Sandbach, Sr.

18 Blake Ellis, Grace Tanner

Wedding Anniversaries this week
October 12 - October 18 

14 Tom & Stefani Carroll, Ken & Sue Ellen Rumstay

15 Freddie & Shayla Bajalia

18 David & Jennifer Singleton

Baptismal Anniversaries this week

October 12 - October 18 

15 Bill Nunn, Bryant White

18 Pauline Brown


Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary.

Remember in your prayers

Dave Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Joan Bailey, Helen Bennett, Katherine Berkman, Jeff Bezona, Carmen Boatwright, Barry Bonds, Pat Bradley, Carrie Brooks, Judy Carter, Dave Clark, Lydia Coddington, Aleta Corley, Beverly Cowart, Cheryl Critchfield, Leroy Dorminy, Elizabeth, Ann Embry, Kathy Failor, Gene and Pam Garner, Natalie Gjertsen, Travis Grove, Frances Hatcher, Velma Hobgood, Ramona Hoffman, Renee Jackson, Barney Knighton, Lee, Jerriann Levy, Brady Lloyd, Andrew Martin, Mary Louise McRae, Jayne Nyhammer, Lee Page, Valerie Page, Laura Paine, Terry Parsons, Adair Pizer, Mark Reading, Bernice Roberts, Reva Rollins, Dave Sandbach, Marti Schert, Curtis Segars, Eloise Smith, Tom Smith, Danelle Starling, Krystle Stotler, Ronnie Thompson, Joe Tomberlin, Chris Warren and Emory Warrick, Sr. 


Family of Dr. Malcolm F. Rainey

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta

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