Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
August 16, 2013
In This Issue:

Worship Services


Aug. 18: 13 Pentecost Proper 15


Vestry Member of the Day: 

   Jeani Synyard


Coffee hour hosts: 

Hospitality Committee


Altar Flowers are given by Steve Roberts in thanksgiving of Maggie Roberts.



8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    (no music)
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Joye Cantrell
Lay Eucharistic Minister - Martha
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Tar Drazdowski
Preacher - Joye Cantrell
Deacon - Stella Clark
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Molly
   Stevenson, Mike Tanner, Stefani
Lay Readers - Walton Carter, Joe
   Tomberlin, Nancy Lutsko  
Ushers -   John Hiers, Tom Carroll
Acolytes -  Andrew Greneker, John 
   David Greneker, Chris Hanson,
   Joshua Hanson 
6:00 p.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Tar Drazdowski
Preacher - Tar Drazdowski
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Rita
    Hightower, Molly Stevenson
Lay Readers - Duke Guthrie, Rita
Ushers - Helen Tucker
Acolyte - Katie Wisenbaker
6:00 p.m.,  Vespers, Gabard Bldg.
 Compline with homily or discussion 


First Lesson - Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm - 80:1-2, 8-18
Second Lesson - Hebrews 11:29-12:2
Gospel - Luke 12:49-56

Every Wednesday
6 p.m.

Every Thursday
7 a.m.



Statistical Information

(Latest Available Financials)

July: Income - $30,449 

         Expenses - $54,303

YTD: Income - $334,443

         Expenses - $363,864


Attendance for Aug 11th:

8:00 a.m. -  21

10:00 a.m. - 110

6:00 p.m. -  26


Upcoming Events
Aug. 18: Financial Peace Univ.
     and EfM class begins
     Stitchers of Love - 4 p.m.

August 20 - FRAXA Fish Fry at

      Dave Clark's little house

       4912 Princess Dr., Lake Park


August 21 - Senior EYC meets at 

the Church

Little Folks and Middle 

School EYC Swim Party

          at Stefani and Tom

          Carroll's house at 1052 Cherry

          Creek Drive, Valdosta

Aug. 23: Fragile X and Autism - 
      Golf Tournament
Aug. 26: Preschool Starts



Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

The Rev. Laura "Joye" Q. Cantrell, Interim Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115


The Rev. Tar Drazdowski,

Assistant Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 249-0895



The Rev. Jim Elliott, Assisting Priest  

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 242-3333
Currently assigned by the Diocese of Georgia as Vicar, St. James Episcopal Church, Quitman, GA


The Rev. Deacon Stella Clark 

church office (229) 242-5115

other (229) 559-6159


The Rev. Deacon Patricia Marks 

church office (229) 242-5115 

other (229) 630-8644


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 




Lock-in and Tubing
August 16 & 17, 2013 - Tonight and Tomorrow

The Youth are planning a lock-in on Friday, August 16th with St. Luke's, Hawkinsville youth starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Gabard Education Building.  Middle School and High School Youth are invited to the Lock-in. Pizza, and snacks will be provided. EVERYONE is invited to join the group for a day of tubing down the Ichetucknee River. We will leave the church Saturday morning at 9 a.m. and should return to the church by 5 Saturday evening.  Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent.  Cost for tubing is $7 each. Anyone interested in attending, please contact David Singleton at 229-834-7757 of Stefani Carroll at 229-560-1817.

There is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. If you are able to help with transportation, please indicate how many people you are willing to transport. 

Haven - Live and Silent Auction
Saturday, August 17, 2013 at 7 p.m.
The Haven will be having a Live and Silent auction this Saturday, August 17, 2013 from 7 PM - 10 PM at Mathis City Auditorium.
Tickets are $15 per ticket or $25 couple.  Tickets can be purchased at the door, or from Lauren Sandbach.  For more information call 241-7047 or visit their website.
Honey Creek Presentation
August 18 at 11 a.m.
What's Happening at Honey Creek?  Have questions about available programs and the status of our beloved Creek? Dade Brantley will be with us August 18th to give a presentation on Honey Creek and how Christ Church may be able to serve our beloved camp. The presentation will take place after the 10 a.m. service. 
Sunday School and 
Worship Schedule
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday School will resume on September 8th, and will be held at 9:00 a.m. Our Sunday worship services will continue to be at 8:00 a.m, 10:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m. The type of music for the 10:00 a.m. service will be the subject of a collaborative discussion between our musicians. 

Call for Sunday School Teachers
Starts September 8, 2013

What a wonderful church family we have! So many have answered the call to guide our youth in their journey to know God and Christ! We only need ONE MORE Sunday School teacher for the middle school class. Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of the Christian formation of our youth - not only the future, but the NOW of our church family!  

Contact Stefani Carroll: or 229.560.1817
Financial Peace University
August 18, 2013     3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m

This life-changing 9-week class taught by Dave Ramsey and the FPU teaching team on video and coordinated by Frances Guice will help you achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and change your family tree forever. Class will meet in the multipurpose room of the Gabard Building.

For more information please contact Frances

Team Up for a Cure Golf Tournament
August 23, 2013 

August 23rd is the third annual Team Up For a Cure golf tournament at Francis Lake Golf Course.  With the love and support of Christ Episcopal and our wonderful friends and family we raised $22,800 last year. Part of this year's proceeds will be donated to buy iPads for two local special needs classes. Please join us in the fight to find a cure for Fragile X and Autism. Contact Patty Cosey 229 292-4944 or via e-mail. 

Adult Christian Education

Begins September 8 at 9:00 a.m.
The September schedule for the Adult Christian Education will feature:

September 8Lauren Sandbach will discuss the "Lunch Bunch Project."  She will talk about the need for this ministry, why it is important for our church community and what we can do to support her efforts.

September 15Irene Dodd and Willa Valencia will lead us in a discussion of spirituality and discipleship.  Irene and Willa are biblical scholars who make the "Word" real for us. 

September 22John Hiers will begin the discussion of Speaking of Sin by Barbara Brown Taylor.  This short book (99 pages) is available from Amazon, or the church office will order you a copy.  This three-week series will last through October 6.


Some classes will be informational, some will be interactive and all will be designed to support you in your Christian life. Hope to see you at 9 o'clock on September 8 in the front area of the Parish Hall. Coffee will be provided. For information contact Maggie Roberts

EfM begins September 8th


Education for Ministry will begin the Sunday afternoon after Labor Day.  EfM is a study program directed by the seminary at the University of the South. There are four one-year curricula: Old Testament, New Testament, Church history and Theological studies. This year a new approach to the study of these topics will be introduced. All are welcome--both new students and those who have taken a break but are ready to finish the program.  For more information, see Will Hanson or Mike Holland. 
Parking Policy
Christ Church members who attend or work at VSU and Canterbury Club members are welcome to park at the church in the back parking lot during the day. Everyone must register in the church office each semester and display the Episcopal Shield on the vehicle.  The full parking policy can be found on the church website.  
Stewardship Committee
Stewardship Dinner September 15, 2013
Stewardship Logo

The Stewardship Committee has been formed and is working on our 2014 Pledge Campaign "We Love Christ Church!"  First we looked at data from 2012 and 2013 to see what our pledge level was and how we could improve. Working with Kim Dudley and Amy Creasy in the church office, we found that only 40% of the 259 households at Christ Church are pledging.  We need to increase the total number of pledges received in order to meet the demanding financial needs of our church.  The Stewardship Committee challenges everyone to "STEP UP" in their giving - whether it's with an increase in their pledge from 2013 or becoming a new pledging member of Christ Church.  Mark you calendars for our "We Love Christ Church" dinner on Sunday, September 15th from 6-9pm at Mathis Auditorium.  More details to come!  Stewardship Committee - Elizabeth Wisenbaker-Chairperson, Mike Holland, Merrill Guice, Nancy Lutsko, Sally Querin, David Sandbach and the Rev. Joye Cantrell.

Episcopal Campus Ministry
Louttit Hall Schedule
Brenda Keller has been recently appointed by the Diocese of Georgia as the Campus Missioner for our college ministry. This week she announced the hours Louttit Hall will be open to students: 12 noon - 9 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, 12 noon to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays. Special Events and change in hours will be announced on the campus ministry Facebook page.
Foyer Groups (Supper Club)
Kick off in September

Foyer Groups are being formed and will be starting up in Sept., beginning with a Kick-off party.  Date, time, and location TBA.


For newcomers to the church, or anyone not familiar with Foyer Groups -  it is like a supper club.  Depending on the number of people who sign up, each group could have anywhere from eight to twelve people.  The groups will meet every other month (six times a year) in a different member's home, or a restaurant, or even the parish hall.  Each group will decide when and where the next gathering will be held.  Then, next year the groups will be reorganized. 


This is a great way for newcomers to meet fellow parishioners, and for all to meet those who attend services at other times.  It is open to singles and couples, young and old (adults only).  If you did not sign up at the Ministries Fair last spring, you still can by contacting Kim in the church office, or Sallie Honeycutt (417) 294-7796.  For more information contact Sallie Honeycutt. 

Important Service Opportunity
Needed: Volunteers willing to spend one (just one!) Sunday every few months helping in the church nursery from 8:45 a.m. until 11:15 a.m. Christ Church has a salaried nursery keeper, Ms. Katie Gamble, but to meet the diocesan implementation of the Safeguarding God's Children program, we need two adults in the nursery at all times. A dozen volunteers will mean nursery duty only once every 3 months. Please sign up now on the calendar in the parish hall or call Jeani Synyard (244-3036 or 834-6004), Phyllis Hiers (244-5942) or Kim Dudley at the church office (242-5115).
Little Folks & Middle School EYC Swim Party
Wednesday, August 21st 


August 21, 2013

1052 Cherry Creek Drive

       6:40 - 8:00 (ish)

Transportation available from church

Pizza and drinks provided!

Please text (229-560-1817) or email Stefani to RSVP for party.

Search Committee 

The Search Committee continues to meet to work on our postings on the Diocesan web page.  The Parish Profile is essentially complete, and the Ministry Profile is in progress.  We are working slowly and carefully on these two documents because they will provide potential rectors their initial impression of our parish.  We appreciate your patience and, most of all, your prayers.


If you have questions, please contact Phyllis Holland, 242-0577.

With our sincere gratitude,

The Search Committee members: Michael Black; Allan Dear; Phyllis Holland, Chair; Jeani Synyard; Mike Tanner; Helen Tucker; Nikki Yarbrough.

Diocesan Videos
Reprinted from the August 13 "From the Field," the weekly newsletter of the Diocese of Georgia:
"My hand at edited the following two videos is probably all too evident to readers of this column. My friend Scott Gunn, whose day job is as Executive Director of Forward Movement (creators of Forward Day by Day), wrote two blog posts designed to provoke thought about the current state and future of the church. While I disagree rather strongly with some of what he writes, such as a desire to close many churches, I do find his work thought-provoking and challenging in a good way. I also know that he travels widely in the church, has a passion for the Gospel, and shares his thoughts out of a love for Jesus and his church. So, I worked with Scott to create a video on Zombie Churches, which are congregations that look like a church but who are not bearing fruit of a living part of the Body of Christ. Then I followed it up with Sharknado Church, a campy video based on how the church can fall into the same culture of fear around us despite our following Jesus who said, "Do not be afraid."
The Rev. Canon Frank Logue
Links to the two videos: Zombie Churches and Sharknado Church
Cancer Prevention Study
Enrollment is September 10 and 11th.
Volunteer today for a cancer-free tomorrow!  The study is open to anyone between the ages of 30 and 65 who is willing to commit to the study long-term which means completing periodic follow up surveys at home for the next 20 years, and has never been diagnosed with cancer. You can watch a 2 1/2 minute YouTube video here, or for more details on date/time/location visit American Cancer Society.
New Articles in The Vineyard
Published this week
The new articles in The Vineyard this week include the Tomberlins' 50th Wedding Anniversary reception; announcements from August 9; message from our Senior Warden; summary of June Vestry meeting; Backpacks, Bears, and Books project; Cancer prevention study and call for nursery volunteers.
Birthdays this week
August 17 - August 23
17   Katherine Berckman
18   Tommy Hatcher, Josie Tidmore
19   Maggie Roberts
20   Robert Tillman
21   Ellis Moser
22   Steve Honeycutt, Josie Parten, Christopher Sandbach
23   Curt Grieve, Robert Porter
Wedding Anniversaries this week
August 17 - August 23
21   Nicky & Leanne Balanis, Joe & Tilda Stubbs
23   Bobby & Nikki Yarbrough
Baptismal Anniversaries this week

August 17 - August 23

18   Katherine Mayer

19   John David Greneker


Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary.

Remember in your prayers

Dave Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Joan Bailey, Mimi Bajalia,
Helen Bennett, Katherine Berkman, Jeff Bezona, Carmen Boatwright, Pat Bradley, Judy Carter, Dave Clark, Lydia Coddington, Aleta Corley, Cheryl Critchfield, Leroy Dorminy, Kim Dudley, Ann Embry, Gene and Pam Garner, Natalie Gjertsen, Travis Grove, Harriett Hester, Velma Hobgood, Ramona Hoffman, Renee Jackson, Frances Jessup, Lee, Brady Lloyd, Andrew Martin, Nancy Martin, Jayne Nyhammer, Lee Page, Valerie Page, Terry Parsons, Mark Reading, Bernice Roberts, Reva Rollins, Marti Schert, Curtis Segars, Eloise Smith, Tom Smith, Danelle Starling, Krystle Stotler, Ronnie Thompson, Joe Tomberlin, and Emory Warrick, Sr.


Family of Chris Pelkowski

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta

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