Christ Church Valdosta Weekly Bulletin
June 14, 2013
In This Issue:
Christ Church side view
Worship Services


June 16: 4 Pentecost Proper 6


Vestry Member of the Day: 

   Robin Coleman


Coffee hour hosts:  Hospitality


Flowers this Sunday are given by Ken and Sue Ellen Rumstay to the glory of God in loving memory of Ken's mother; Audrey Rumstay



8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
    (no music)
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Patricia Marks
Lay Eucharistic Minister - Allen Dear

10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Patricia Marks
Deacon - Patricia Marks
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Molly
   Stevenson, Allen Dear, Pat Bradley
Lay Readers - Molly Stevenson,
   Rena Nelson, David Sandbach
Ushers - Will Hanson, Charles
Acolytes - Beth Baker, Pierce Baker,
   David Holland, Phyllis Holland
6:00 p.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Patricia Marks
Deacon - Stella Clark
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Sandra
   Fletcher, Nancy Lutsko
Lay Readers - David Singleton,
   Michael Black
Ushers - John Hiers
Acolyte - Nancy Lutsko
6:00 p.m.,  Vespers, Gabard Bldg.
 Compline with homily or discussion 
First Lesson - 1 Kings 21:1-21a
Psalm - 5:1-8
Second Lesson - Galatians 2:15-21
Gospel - Luke 7:36-8:3

Every Wednesday
6 p.m.

Every Thursday
7 a.m.

Upcoming Events

June 15-22: D.R. Mission Trip

June 17: Vestry Meeting - 5:30 p.m.


Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

The Rev. Laura "Joye" Q. Cantrell, Interim Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115


The Rev. Tar Drazdowski,

Assistant Rector 

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 249-0895



The Rev. Jim Elliott, Assisting Priest  

church office (229) 242-5115  

other (229) 242-3333
Currently assigned by the Diocese of Georgia as Vicar, St. James Episcopal Church, Quitman, GA


The Rev. Deacon Stella Clark 

church office (229) 242-5115

other (229) 559-6159


The Rev. Deacon Patricia Marks 

church office (229) 242-5115 

other (229) 630-8644


Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator 

church office (229) 242-5115


Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper 

bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 




Sunday Evening Eucharist
June 2 - July 28

The Sunday Evening Eucharist started on June 2nd and will continue through July 28th.  A light meal will follow the service each Sunday. Those who are planning on attending the supper, please bring a drink and a medium bag of chips or some type of salad to share.  The meat will be provided.  The cost of the meal will be $3.00.

Search Committee 

We are winding down this phase of the search with the last "make-up" focus group on June 23 immediately following the 10:00 service.  Please continue to pray for the Search Committee and the search process as we work with the Vestry in the coming weeks.


If you have questions, please contact Phyllis Holland, 242-0577.


With our sincere gratitude,

The Search Committee members: Michael Black; Allan Dear; Phyllis Holland, Chair; Jeani Synyard; Mike Tanner; Helen Tucker; Nikki Yarbrough.

New Articles in the Vineyard
Published this week
The new article in The Vineyard this week is a summary of the May 2013 Vestry meeting. 

Automatic Pay for Church Pledge
From your bank
An easy way to pay your church pledge is through automatic bill payment at your bank. Set up the details with your bank either in person or online, then email Bookkeeper Amy Creasy to let her know your new arrangements. It's easy and a free service.

New Thursday Bible Study
Starting June 20, 2013

Thursday Morning Bible Study will meet again June 20, 2013 at 11:00 in the Parish Hall. The group will be studying the Book of Acts. This will be the start of the study of Acts, a great time to add the bible study to your weekly calendar.

Stewardship Committee
Needs your help
The Stewardship Committee is trying to update our church records.  They have posted a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of members.  When you get a chance, please stop by the Parish Hall and check out the list. Corrections for your information can be made directly to the list.  If you see names on the list that you know have moved, or have transferred their membership, or you do not see your name on the list, please let a member of the Stewardship Committee know, or send an email to the church office.

2013 D.R. Mission Trip
June 14 - June 22

Please pray for the 2013 Mission team this week as they prepare to make their way to El Pedregal.  Six members of Christ Church and 12 from other churches make up the team: Julia Ariail, Julius Ariail, Carol Cowsar, Jim Drazdowski, the Rev. Tar Drazdowski, Jim Ellis Fisher, the Rev. Dcn. Susan Gahagan, Grady Lacy, Fred Richter, Penny Spivey, Savannah Spivey, Paul Stevenson, Julia Timmons, Helen Tucker, John Welch, Liz Welch, Casey Wesselman and Michael Wood. They will be leaving to go to Orlando on the 14th, fly to the DR on the 15th and then return home on the 22nd.  Thanks to our home team for your prayers and support!


Depending on Internet access in El Pedregal, trip updates and some photos will be posted on Christ Church's Facebook page, here:


Christ Church's Facebook Page

Go here for a daily trip journal:


Daily Journal of the 2013 Mission Trip

Email messages to individual team members may be sent to this email address:



A complete set of photos and a trip summary report will be available online once the team returns from the Dominican Republic and unpacks their bags.   


Teacher and 2 Aides needed
Our preschool is looking for a new teacher and two paraprofessionals for the 2013-2014 school year.  Interested persons should contact the Rev. Tar Drazdowski or Elise Sandbach.
Birthdays this week
June 15 - June 21

17   Caty Carter

18   Louis Levy

20   Beulah Murphy, Eleanor Parten

Wedding Anniversaries this week
June 15 - June 21

15   Chris & Karen May, Bill & Sally Nunn

17   Ken & Marilyn Davis, Kip & Tina Nunn

18   Clinton & Jeana Beeland 

19   Aaron & Elizabeth Davis

20   Bob & Nola Johnson

Baptismal Anniversaries this week

June 15 - June 21

15   Lucy Tomberlin

20   Leigh Long


Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary.
Remember in your prayers
Dave Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Joan Bailey, Mimi Bajalia,
Helen Bennett, Katherine Berkman, Jeff Bezona, Carmen Boatwright, Pat Bradley, Judy Carter, Dave Clark, Lydia Coddington, Cheryl Critchfield, Leroy Dorminy, Ann Embry, Gene and Pam Garner, Travis Grove, Harriett Hester, Margaret Hiers, Velma Hobgood, Ramona Hoffman, Frances Jessup, Andrew Martin, Nancy Martin, Jayne Nyhammer, Lee Page, Valerie Page, Terry Parsons, Mark Reading, Bernice Roberts, Reva Rollins, Marti Schert, Eloise Smith, Patsy Smith, Tom Smith, Danelle Starling, Ronnie Thompson, and Emory Warrick, Sr.

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta

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