May 12 - Easter 7
Vestry Member of the Day:
Frances Guice
Coffee hour hosts: Mary &
Alexandra Peeples
Flowers in the church this Sunday are given to the glory of God in honor of Mother's Day and in loving memory of: Jennie Belle Perry Gillis, Louginia Youmans Gillis, Annie Mae Gillis, Kate Gillis Thomson; given by Lou Gabard.
8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
(no music)
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Joye Cantrell
Lay Eucharistic Minister - Rita
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
(Youth Sunday)
Celebrant - Joye Cantrell
Preacher - Andrew Greneker
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Holly
Querin, Carter Elliot, Andrew
Lay Readers - Madison Jackson,
Cecilia Carroll, Katie Wisenbaker
Ushers - Hudson Tanner, Robbie
Acolytes - Chris Hanson, John David
Greneker, Grace Tanner, Joshua
UTO - Noah Carroll, Cassidy
Coffee Hour - Mary and Alexandra
6:00 p.m., Vespers
Compline with homily or discussion
Old Testament - Acts 16:16-34
Psalm - 97
New Testament - Revelation 22:12-
14, 16-17, 20-21
Gospel - John 17:20-26
Every Wednesday
6 p.m.
Every Thursday
7 a.m.
Upcoming Events May 19: Pentecost; 10:00 a.m. DR Mission live auction and 3rd Sunday lunch 11:00 a.m. May 20: Vestry Meeting - 5:30 p.m. |
Clergy and Staff of
Christ Episcopal Church
Sunday, May 12, 2013 - 10:00 a.m.
On Sunday, May 12, at 10:00 a.m. we will be having our annual Youth Sunday Service.
All Youth who are participating in the service are asked to meet at 8:45 a.m. in the conference room in the church office.
We will be collecting an offering for UTO at this service as well.
To celebrate our combined service summer schedule and welcome our guests, we would like for everyone to wear nametags at the 10 a.m. service for the next two Sundays. The nametags will be available at the front door on both days.
Youth and Children's Services
College Scholarship Applications Due May 15
Episcopal Youth and Children's Services is an organization within the Diocese of Georgia that offers needs-based college scholarships. Funds to provide these scholarships are raised each year through the annual Thanksgiving Appeal - the "gold envelopes." If you know a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student who might be interested, please encourage them to download the application, which is due May 15. All applicants must be an Episcopalian, 22 years of age or under, and legal residents of and members in good standing within the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.
Keep the flames burning brightly for our DR Mission!
Pentecost Red T-shirt Sale
As we get ready to spread God's love in the Dominican Republic, the mission team is selling red Christ Church t-shirts for $10 each with the Episcopal shield and the words Christ Episcopal Church on the front. On the back are the words, "Come on, let us light your fire!" We are taking orders on Sunday, May 5 and 12 for delivery on May 15. We hope many of our parishioners will wear the red t-shirts on Pentecost, Sunday, May 19. Children and adult sizes are available. All proceeds go to support scholarships for the children in the village of El Pedregal at the Episcopal church school our mission teams helped build.
DR Live Auction and Picnic Lunch
On Pentecost Sunday, May 19
As the 19 members of the DR Mission "go team" prepare for the 12th year of working in the village of El Pedregal, June 15 - 22, we invite our "home team" to come to the live auction and picnic lunch following the 10 a.m. Sunday service, May 19. For a donation of $5 each there will be food, fun for the children in an outdoor bounce house, and several large items auctioned to raise scholarship, knitting and construction funds for our mission projects. We hope to take enough funds to support 25 children at $350 each, the cost of a full one-year scholarship. If you would like to sponsor a scholarship or go together with others to do so, please contact the Rev. Tar Drazdowski. Come to the picnic, learn about what we do in the DR, and help celebrate one of our signature outreach missions!
This year's auction to support our DR Mission will feature 10 large items at live auction. They include paintings by well-known local artists, vacation weekends, season tickets to the Peach State Summer Theatre, a 1-hour airplane ride around Lowndes County and more. Be prepared to outbid the low bidders to support our missionaries. You are the Home Team! The Go Team depends on you.
Christ Church Softball Schedule |
Freedom Park - Tuesday and Thursday's |
The Christ Church Softball Team games are in the final month. Below is a schedule of the remaining game dates and times. All games are played at Freedom Park on Tuesday or Thursday evening. Please come and support your Christ Church Team.
Date: Field: Time:
May 14 1 9:15 PM
May 16 2 9:15 PM
May 21 3 9:15 PM
May 23 1 8:00 PM
The Search Committee will meet May 16 to finalize the summary of survey results, continue work on the parish profile, and make plans to share the results of the survey with the vestry and parish. Thanks for your prayers!!
If you have questions, please contact Phyllis Holland, 242-0577.
With our sincere gratitude,
The Search Committee members: Michael Black; Allan Dear; Phyllis Holland, Chair; Jeani Synyard; Mike Tanner; Helen Tucker; Nikki Yarbrough.
Mike Holland walks the El Camino de Santiago
Christ Church member Mike Holland arrived in St. Jean Port au Pied and met his walking partner. His walk to Santiago, Spain, the way of St. James, begins today. Please pray for his safe travel. More information will be forthcoming. The Rev. Deacon Stella Clark completed this pilgrimage in 2010. Here is a link to more information about the walk.
Summer Camp Dates - Scholarship Information |
Here's the 2013 summer camp schedule at Honey Creek:
June 16-22 High School (completed grades 9-12,
not started college);
June 23-29 St. Joseph and Mary I (completed grades 3-5);
July 7-13 St. Peter (completed grades 6-8);
July 14-20 St. Joseph and Mary II (completed grades 3-5);
July 21-27 St. Peter II (completed grades 6-8);
Cost per session: $420
If you are interested in donating funds to help summer campers with the cost of a camp session, please contact the Rev. Tar Drazdowski by May 15th. Campers who might need scholarship assistance should also contact Tar+ by May 15th, and she will then proceed to match the donations with the needs of campers.
For more information and registrations:
New Articles in the Vineyard
There's a new article with linked photo album about our team's participation in the Relay for Life event on May 3, 2013.
Would you like to be automatically notified by email every time a new article is posted in the Vineyard? A signup form for this service is available in the right-hand column of the Vineyard under the heading, "Receive New Articles Via Email." Just enter your email address in the form provided and indicate the frequency of the email messages you prefer. |
Our Vacation Bible School will be held at Christ Church from June 2-5, 2013, in conjunction with First Christian Church. The activities will start with a hot dog supper at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 2, and then will continue with the first VBS session from 6:00-8:30 p.m. that evening. The next sessions will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, June 3-5, concluding with a youth presentation and picnic at noon on the 5th. Open to all children who have completed Pre-K3 - rising 5th graders. Registration is available online here:
The Community Depot, a nonprofit retail center, is soon to open at 1602 N. Ashley Street (next to El Cazador Mexican restaurant). We will be accepting donations of gently used clothes, shoes, appliances, tools, furniture and other items to support the American Red Cross, Easter Seals and the Humane Society.
Contact Ralph Jackson @ 229-630-4840 or Phyllis Hiers for more information.
11 Dave Clark, Ann Johnston
12 Marilyn Miller
14 Eric Nielsen
15 Julia Copeland
17 Elizabeth Hanson
Wedding Anniversaries this week
12 Michael Holt & Miranda Edmonds
15 Michael & Krystle Black
Bill and Anne Shenton
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
16 Bill Tucker
Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary.
Dave Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Joan Bailey, Mimi Bajalia, Jeff Bezona, Carmen Boatwright, Pat Bradley, Dave Clark, Lydia Coddington, Cheryl Critchfield, Leroy Dorminy, Ann Embry, Gene and Pam Garner, Travis Grove, Velma Hobgood, Ramona Hoffman, Frances Jessup, Andrew Martin, Nancy Martin, Bill Nunn, Jayne Nyhammer, Lee Page, Valerie Page, Terry Parsons, Mark Reading, Bernice Roberts, Reva Rollins, Marti Schert, Eloise Smith, Danelle Starling, Emory Warrick, Sr., and Mark Whatley.
Family of Rev. Bill Diamond