Exciting times at CTS ahead
All of us are settling in to the new year with the management and safety trainers busy with new and existing coaching clients, the training and assessment trainers with the new online course and our resource trainer with trainees in the Goldfields, Pilbara and Great Southern regions.
Our new look website and forum are almost complete and will be rolled-out shortly - we'll keep you posted, they're looking really great.
Jonathan Potter has joined us as a safety, training and assessment and management trainer (see his photo on our facebook page) and Lisa Donaldson has left to join the FIFO ranks. Apart from that, we're all still here! |
How much of a risk is social media to your business? With most employees having one or more social media accounts there is a potential risk for every business.
CompliSpace have released an eBook in response to the increase of reported social media incidents occurring in Australian workplaces and gives examples of these potential risks with suggested responses and advice on policy development. Assess the risk for yourself - read the full article in the HC newsletter. |