Fall 2015 EditionHire a Hawk!  Career Services Newsletter
In This Issue

Fall Career Fairs and Events 

Meet the Firms Accounting & Finance Fair

September 8


Nonprofit Speed Networking

September 22


CareerFest All Majors (UMKC)

October 6


CareerFest STEM (UMKC)

October 7


Spotlight on Teaching

October 7


Mock Interview Day

October 13



Did you know that employers prefer to recruit candidates from face-to-face contact? In addition to learning about different employment opportunities, career fairs allow you to network and let others know what you are seeking. See below for the numerous career events offered in the fall.
Meet the Firms Accounting & Finance Fair

Tuesday, September 8 from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Massman Gallery

Contact mike.theobald@rockhurst.edu for more information


Nonprofit Speed Networking

Tuesday, September 22 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. 

Massman Gallery

 Please contact shelly.oliver@rockhurst.edu to RSVP


CareerFest All Majors (UMKC)

Tuesday, October 6 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

UMKC Student Union, room 401



CareerFest STEM (UMKC)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Majors

Wednesday, October 7 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

UMKC Student Union, room 401



Spotlight on Teaching

Wednesday, October 7

Contact mike.theobald@rockhurst.edu for more information


Mock Interview Day

Tuesday, October 13 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Career Services, Massman 3

Contact shelly.oliver@rockhurst.edu to schedule an interview

Attention Faculty: Don't Cancel Your Class!
Let Career Services come to you


Before you cancel your class, contact Career Services at 816-501-4861. We can go over topics such as building a resume, networking, creating a personal brand, LinkedIn, articulating the value of a liberal arts education, and other career development related topics during your scheduled class time.

Intern Feature: Ruby Moore
Interim Healthcare
Psychology Major

From Saint Louis, Ruby Moore (Senior) was originally an Exercise and Sports Science Major. However, after taking Psychology as a required course, she quickly realized that this field was more suited to her. She has always felt a calling to help others, and believes this degree is her ticket to do that.


Why did you decide to seek out experience related to your major?

Courses prepare us academically, but it is important to do an internship or field-related work experience to give you a better feel. It can help you decide if this is what you want to do.


What is the most valuable thing you have learned?

Learning to have patience and really listening to clients. They may tell you one thing, but by observation you can learn other important aspects of what is going on, which makes a big difference in their treatment plan. I also learned that I like challenges, whereas before I might have been afraid. It's a great feeling to overcome a challenge with a client, especially when it makes someone's day.


What advice do you have for other students regarding internships?

Don't go straight into a career field without testing it out first. Know if this is what you want to do. Academic courses only prepare you so much, internships give you hands-on experience.

Find Out What Other RU Interns Are Doing

Hear interns in the Cooperative Education Program reflect on their experiences on our blog site. According to a report from NACE*, 67.7% of interns were offered full-time employment, and of these, 83.6% were accepted.


Please contact shelly.oliver@rockhurst.edu if you are seeking internship opportunities or if you are interested in receiving academic credit for an internship experience.


*National Association of Colleges and Employers  Experiential Education Survey.

Are you still deciding on your major?
A Career Development Course May Help
Did you know that Career Services offers a 2 credit hour career development course in the fall and spring semesters?
In Career Planning, CT 1120, students participate in three different career assessments, explore various majors and career paths, formulate a resume, learn how to network, develop interview skills and attend one career fair. Questions? Contact Career Services.    
New Features Coming This Fall

The RU Career Account allows you to view part-time, full-time and internship positions that have been posted directly to Rockhurst from employers. You can also post your resume to be visible to recruiters, set up alerts for positions specific to your major, take a free career assessment and explore careers.



Follow employers from our directory that you are interested in, and receive updates on news and employment postings.


You are not automatically signed up to the account! Attend one of the workshops (Career Services, Massman 3) listed below, or contact Career Services to make an appointment.

Tuesdays 3:30 p.m.
Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.
Thursdays 1:00 p.m.

Spring 2015 Event Highlights

Students in health-related fields, such as Nursing, Communication & Sciences Disorders, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy were able to meet with area hospitals and clinics during the Spring Health Services Fair held in Massman on February 25.

Do Americans Really Work More?
There is a popular belief that Americans typically work longer hours throughout the year than those in other countries. However, according to a report done by the OECD*, there are fourteen other countries that average longer hours per year than in the United States.
Top Five
Mexico - 2228 (43 hours per week)
Costa Rica - 2216
Greece - 2042
Chili - 1990
Russia - 1985
Least Amount
Germany - 1371 (26 hours per week)
Netherlands - 1425
Norway - 1427
American workers are reported to have worked an average of 1789 hours per year, or 34 hours per week, in 2014.
*Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development https://stats.oecd.org/

Rockhurst Career Services

Massman 3



Mike Theobald, Director




Shelly Oliver, Assistant Director

