The Companion

Weekly E-Bulletin of
Rockhurst University's Campus Ministry

January 26, 2014
Sunday: Student Mass

Tonight, Sunday January 26th, 6pm student mass will resume at St. Francis Xavier.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday: LIFT's January Gathering
Would you like to submit questions for the panel?  You can do so here.  
Tuesday: Reconciliation
Leftovers with Love

Service Opportunity:

 Leftovers with Love needs YOU to transport our cafeteria leftovers to St. James Place soup kitchen at 39th and Troost,  

Mondays and Thursdays at 4pm. 

Sign up here.

Sr. Helen Prejean
Sr. Helen Prejean, well-known anti-death penalty advocate, is speaking in Lawrence next weekend. 
Interested?  Here is a flyer with more information.
Men's Jesuit Come and See Weekend

All men interested in learning more about the vocation to religious life are invited to participate in a Come and
See Weekend scheduled for the weekend of February 7th-9th. 
Questions? Contact Fr. John Craig, SJ. 
Evening with Jesuit Novices

 Feb 16 after the 6 pm Sunday mass

Get together with the Jesuit novices  

at the Jesuit Residence: Claver East

for sharing of Vocation stories. 

Evening with Jesuit Novices
Many thanks to all who participated in the MLK Day of Service!

Question of the Week
Question of the Week: What Jesuit was canonized a saint by Pope Francis on December 17, 2013? 
question mark
Last Week's Answer: MLK Day was signed into law by President Reagan in 1983.                                             
Last Week's Winner: Philip Calcagno

Send your answer to Cindy Schmersal by 8:00am on Wednesday.  Of those students who respond, one will be chosen at random to receive a free (and delicious!) twister from the Pub.  The winner will be announced in the following week's bulletin.

Prayer for the Week

You who are over us,

You who are one of us,

You who are also within us,

May all see you in me also,

May I prepare the way for you,

May I thank you for all that shall fall to my lot,

May I also not forget the needs of others...

Give me a pure heart - that I may see you,

A humble heart - that I may hear you,

A heart of love - that I may serve you,

A heart of faith - that I may abide in you.


--Dag Hammarskjold, 1905-1961
From The Doubleday Prayer Collection, compiled by Mary Batchelor ( New York: Doubleday, 1996, p. 13)

In This Issue
Sunday Masses
LIFT January Gathering
Leftovers with Love
Sr. Helen Prejean
Men's Come and See Weekend
Jesuit Novices
Question of Week
This Week in
Campus Ministry


Sunday, Jan 26th

Retreat on the Rock Team Day

6:00pm: Mass (SFX)


Monday, Jan 27th 

Noon: Mass (MC)

4:00pm: LIFT (Finucane Jesuit Center)

9:00pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (MC)

10:10pm: Mass (MC) 


Tuesday, Jan 28th

Noon: Mass (MC)

4:30pm: Pasta & Prayer (MC)

6:00-7:00pm: Reconciliation (Jesuit Residence) 


Wed, Jan 29th

12noon: Mass (MC)

9:00pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (MC) 

10:10pm: Mass (MC)


Thursday, Jan 30th

12noon: Mass (MC)

9:00pm: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 

10:10pm: Mass (MC)


Friday, Jan 31st

Noon: Mass (MC)


Sunday, February 1st

6:00pm: Mass (SFX)

Need Prayer?


Email the Campus Ministry staff with your name and your intention, and we will happily hold you in prayer throughout the week.

Office of Campus Ministry
Massman 4 (lower level)
(816) 501-4063 
