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June 2014 




Dear Families and Friends, 


As you know, the Sisters pray for you daily. In turn, we ask for your prayers as we begin a nearly yearlong process to prepare for our General Chapter meeting which will take place during Spring Break in 2015. This meeting takes place every five years. 


Read more from Sister Charlene.

125th Signature File

This month's photo and video bonus features 

In this issue, you will find bonus photo and video features in articles including:

*Meet the Sisters: Sister Barbara Jean Laughlin
*Building for the future at Maryville
*Building for the future at Valley Catholic
*Sisters host their 2014 ESOL celebration

We hope you enjoy these additions to "A View from the Dome."

Meet the Sisters: Sister Barbara Jean Laughlin

Each month, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon honor the life and ministry of one of their Sisters.


This month, we are proud to feature Sister Barbara Jean Laughlin, former SSMO Superior General and 2014 Jubilarian. 


Sister Barbara Jean Laughlin: A life and ministry in photos  

An early foundation of faith ultimately led to a visit to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Motherhouse to attend a reception and vow ceremony.
Sister Barbara Jean Laughlin puts it simply: "I was hooked for good."


Building for the future at Maryville 

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Maryville is expanding to meet the needs of residents and patients - and growing health care needs in the region.


On May 12, Maryville held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new Transitional Care Unit (TCU).  

Building for the future at Valley Catholic

Holy water was sprinkled, hard hats were donned and golden shovels were plunged into the ground to mark the beginning of renovations to Valley Catholic's athletic field.

Sisters host their 2014 ESOL celebration 

Lifelong learning is a hallmark of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus.

On May 15, the Sisters hosted a celebration for the students and teachers in their ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes.

Renewing friendships 

Sr. Inviolata Kessy, ALS, Provincial of the Holy Spirit Sisters, came from Tanzania to visit with her Sisters living in Portland. Accompanied by several of the Holy Spirit Sisters from Portland, she shared prayer and dinner with the Motherhouse Community recently. 

Jubilee 2014: Save the date! 

On Sunday, July 27, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon will honor their 2014 Jubilarians with a 1:30 p.m. Mass in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel, followed by a reception honoring the Sisters for their service and ministry.

Saint of the Month: St. John XXIII 

Born in a humble village in Italy, Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli was a stretcher bearer during World War I and a papal diplomat during World War II. In 1958, he was elected Pope. In 2014, he was canonized.

Requests for Prayers

If you would like the Sisters to add a special intention to our daily prayers,

please send an email to


Learn more about the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon