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May 2013




Dear Families and Friends, 


Now and again, someone (priest, Sister from another Community, parishioner, etc.) will ask what is the charism (pronounced: care - ism) of my Community. When I tell them, "We, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, living as women of prayer, in simplicity and sisterly love, are called to be compassionate, joyful servants of the Lord," most often the response is "I meant what do your Sisters do?" 
Read More From Sister Charlene >

125th Signature File

This month's photo and video bonus features 

In this issue, you will find photo and video bonus features.
They appear in stories including:

    * Meet the Sisters: Sister Catherine Hertel  
    * Story of Faith: Sister Marcella Parrish and Casa Adele 
    * SSMOs soar at the 2013 Valley Catholic Gala 
    * Bustling with birds, books and blessings

We hope you enjoy these vibrant additions to "A View from the Dome."

Meet the Sisters: Sister Catherine Hertel 

Drawn to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Sister Catherine Hertel loved learning - first as a student, then as a teacher. Today, she leads classes in English for Students of Other Languages (ESOL) and helps men and women earn their GEDs.



Sr. Catherine Hertel: Inspired by teachers, she inspires students. 

As a student, she was inspired by the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon who taught her. Sister Catherine Hertel became a teacher herself. We are proud to honor her life and ministry in photos.  


Story of Faith: Sister Marcella Parrish and Casa Adele 

A place for migrant farm workers to live in dignity. A place to provide hot meals, clothing, referrals and support to homeless individuals and families. That was the dream.  Learn more about the remarkable journey of faith that made Casa Adele a reality.


In her own words: Sister Marcella Parrish and Casa Adele 

In a video interview for "A View from the Dome," Sister Marcella Parrish describes the story of faith that led to the creation of Casa Adele.  

SSMOs soar at the 2013 Valley Catholic Gala  

The theme of the 2013 celebration was "Fly Me to the Moon."  It was a night when the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon soared, welcomed by guests as shining stars. 

Living with serious illness  

At the final Bethany Center event of the 2012-2013 year, Chaplain Kurt Smidt-Jernstrom of Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center shared his experiences with the compassion that is the foundation of palliative care.

Bustling with birds and books and blessings 

The third floor of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Motherhouse has been bustling with activity this month. 

Welcome to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Gift Shop 

Mother's Day is almost here and, if you're searching for a special gift, we invite you to visit the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Gift Shop.

Saint of the Month Reflection: St. Joan of Arc 

You may have seen plays or movies about her life.  This month, read the true story of St. Joan of Arc. 

Requests for Prayers

If you would like the Sisters to add a special intention to our daily prayers,

please send an email to


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