Studio News &


What's ahead in 2013?


My 2013 plans include two artist residencies (one in the US and one in Ireland), a museum exhibit in Alaska, and nine workshops around the US. I'm looking forward to meeting many new artists and to reconnecting with others with whom I have worked in the past. Here's a summary of what's ahead, plus information about a new website I have created for those interested in abstract painting with cold wax medium:


Workshops: This year I'm offering introductory level workshops in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Alaska, Colorado, and Wisconsin. A Level Two class is scheduled in North Carolina. Workshops vary in length from two to five days. While shorter classes cover all the basics, 4 and 5 day classes offer a more intensive experience.  Detailed descriptions of my workshops and their locations are in the section below, and the sidebar to the right lists dates, registration/contact information and venue websites. 
New website: I've just launched a new website devoted to painting with cold wax medium. Please visit and explore--you'll find lots of information and resources listed. This project has been a long time in the works! I invite contributions of information, articles and websites to expand the content of the site, and financial donations are also very welcome.
Studio news: I've been awarded two artist residency fellowships for 2013--during March at AIR Serenbe, near Atlanta, Georgia, and during October and November at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation in County Mayo, Ireland. I value these times of intense focus on painting and immersion in new environments. You can read about these experiences and other writings about art/life on my blog, which I update every 7-14 days.  
Also in 2013, the Pratt Museum in Homer, Alaska will hold a solo exhibit of my work, opening August 2nd. Titled Beneath the Surface, the exhibit is an aesthetic response to the mystery and beauty of objects from the past, unearthed during archaeological digs around the Kenai Peninsula. Objects from the museum collection will be displayed alongside my paintings. (I'll be giving two workshops in Alaska when I'm there for the exhibit--see sidebar.) 
I continue to exhibit my work in galleries in Santa Fe, Colorado, Toronto, Milwaukee, and Ireland. Please see my website for details and my facebook page for the most recent work. Also please note that I have changed gallery affiliation in Santa Fe and I am now pleased to be represented by McLarry Modern at 225 Canyon Road. 
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Description of workshops


Oil and Wax Workshop (Introductory level)Discover the versatility and beauty of cold wax medium used with oil paint, pigment sticks and powdered pigment in abstract painting. There will be plenty of working time and opportunity for experimentation. Presentations about abstraction are also included in the workshop. (Prior painting experience is desirable.) There are options this year for 2,3,4 and 5 day intro level classes.


Oil and Wax Workshop (Level Two): Share with others who are experienced with cold wax medium, learn about new techniques, materials and approaches, and refresh your memory on anything that did not "take" the first time. This class places emphasis on developing personal style and expression, and includes an optional private critique session. The level Two class this year is an intensive 5-day session.


Please note: advanced students may choose to re-take the Introductory class but Level Two classes are exclusively for those who have had an intro class. 
Master Class:  For those who have completed Intro and Level Two classes, a Master Class is a chance to reconnect with other artists who have several years of experience working with cold wax medium The emphasis is on sharing information, understanding and practicing critique skills, and delving further into insights and philosophies of abstraction. Private critique sessions with the instructor are an included option. 
Please note: the 2013 Master Class is already filled, but please contact me if you're interested in a future class. 


Workshop Locations:


Delray Beach, FL: a 3-day class covering all the basics at this charming seaside community an hour north of Miami. The workshop is held at Delray Beach Center for the Arts, a complex that includes an art museum as well as well-equipped classroom facilities. 
Atlanta, Georgia: this 4 day intensive workshop will be held in the painting studio of the art department of Agnes Scott College. Atlanta is an exciting city with a strong visual arts scene, including many contemporary galleries and the High Museum of Art.
Osseo, WI:  enjoy the full resources on hand in my studio, and the small group interaction of these 3-day classes at my studio--located in rural west-central Wisconsin. Travel details provided upon request.
Cullowhee, NC: my class is one of many held at Cullowhee Mountain Arts, a summer program held on the campus of Western Carolina University, about 50 miles west of Asheville, NC. Be part of a week long community of artists, meet students and instructors in other classes, enjoy optional evening studio hours and faculty talks. Campus housing is available. I will be teaching both a Level 2 and an Intro class. Click here for more information. 
Anchorage, AK: this three day class will be held in a private art studio during the most beautiful time of year in Alaska, when the sun does not set until almost 11pm.  Spectacular wilderness areas exist not far from the city, and if traveling in, allow extra days to see this unique part of the US as well as to explore its culture and history.


Homer, AK: this is a condensed two-day workshop (beginning on Friday evening and concluding on Sunday morning)  held in the art facility of the Kachemak Bay Campus/Kenai Peninsula College. Homer , a small city with spectacular mountain views and active cultural scene, is home to the Pratt Museum, where an exhibit of my paintings, Beneath the Surface, opens Aug. 2, 2013 (the weekend preceding the workshop.)
Ah Haa School for the Arts, Telluride, CO: A gorgeous mountain location, with hiking trails nearby, free gondola service up the mountain and all the amenities of a popular ski resort--restaurants, galleries, and shops. Click here for information about the Ah Haa School and here for more about Telluride. 

Testimonials from workshop students:


"Rebecca is a natural when it comes to teaching. In her workshop, one doesn't feel "being taught" at all, but rather being directed on a step by step journey of discovery - discovery of techniques, of philosophy, of resources, of "self". Unlike many workshops, the journey continues after the event...Rebecca reaffirmed my belief in the connection between the intuitive process and the intellectual decision-making when creating artwork."
--Barb Chappelle, Ontario, Canada 


"In addition to being an extraordinary painter (and a lovely person), Rebecca is an amazing teacher. I've been in education, on one level or another, for most of my professional career, 40+ years, so I know a bit about great teaching. Rebecca is a remarkably talented teacher: organized, helpful, tolerant of a multitude of student styles and abilities, supportive of individual work, and completely selfless about sharing ideas, techniques, and approaches. I highly recommend Rebecca's workshops, which have been a principal, positive influence on my own work."

--Max McConkey, Tucson, AZ

Rebecca is the best!  I have taken two workshops with Rebecca and her generosity, professionalism and wonderful way of instructing has changed my painting in a new direction - one I am totally thankful for!  I plan to attend another of her workshops in the future as she is overflowing with knowledge and inspiration."  

--Ginnnie Cappaert, Michigan


Please click on these links for contact and information about my work: 

and to learn more about using cold wax medium:

Thanks very much, and best wishes for 2013!
2013 Workshop Calendar
These are my currently 
scheduled group workshops for 2013. To arrange private and semi-private classes, 
please email  me (

Materials list available upon request for any class.
February 15-17, 9:30-4:30pm 
Delray Beach Center for the Arts /at Old School Square
(3- day, intro level class)
for info and to register, click here
or phone  561.243.7922
$540 + materials

ATLANTA, Georgia
March 9-12, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Agnes Scott College
(4- day, intro level class)
for info and to register, email me ( or phone 715.597.2001
$550 + materials

May 3-5, 9:30 am-4:30 pm
location: my studio
(3- day, intro level class)
For info and to register, email me ( 
Please register by April 30.
$400 + materials, includes lunch. 
May 30-June 1
Shake Rag Alley School for Arts & Crafts
(Master Class--sorry, no vacancies.)
CULLOWHEE, North Carolina
June 16-21, (M-F 9:30am to 4:30) Cullowhee Mountain Arts
Western Carolina University
(5-day, Level Two class)
for info and to register: click here
or phone 828.342.6913.
$600 + $30 lab fee +materials 
Please note: this class is filling fast--don't delay! 
CULLOWHEE, North Carolina
June 23-28, (M-F 9:30am to 4:30) Cullowhee Mountain Arts
Western Carolina University
(5-day, intro level class)
for info and to register: click here
or phone 828.342.6913.
$600 + $30 lab fee +materials 
Aug. 5-7, 9:30 am-4:30pm
location-private studio
(3-day intro level class)
for info and to register email 
( or phone Terisia Chleborad  907.696.0449
$400+ materials if paid in full by July1/ $450 + materials by July 22.
HOMER, Alaska 
Aug. 9 (6-9pm) Aug. 10 (9am-
4pm;) Aug. 11  (9am-noon)
Kachemak Bay Campus, 
Kenai Peninsula College
(equivalent of 2-day intro level)
for info and to register, click here  ( or phone 907.235.7743
Registration opens March 4; deadline July 15.
$160 + materials 
TELLURIDE, Colorado 
September 6-9, 9:30am--4:30pm
Ah Haa School for the Arts
(4-day, intro class)
for info and to register, click here or phone 970.728.3886 
$550 + $35 fee +materials


Workshops may be canceled 
due to low enrollment or emergency situations. Contact individual venues for specific refund and registration
policies. Most venues require a deposit that is non-refundable unless the venue itself cancels the class.


Please do not purchase non-refundable travel tickets until 
your workshop is confirmed by the venue.

About Me: I've been a professional exhibiting artist since the mid-1980s, when I received my Masters of Fine Arts degree from Arizona State University. For a number of years I taught classes at the university level, and bring this experience and background to the workshops I now teach. 
I currently exhibit my work in galleries in Santa Fe, Telluride, Milwaukee, Toronto and Dublin, Ireland. I work almost every day in my studio in rural Wisconsin, with time out for teaching and travel, including artist residencies in Spain and Ireland. 

About ten years ago I began to mix cold wax medium with my oils and discovered how beautifully it enhances texture, depth of color and paint handling. I went on to develop many original techniques that I now share in my classes and use in my own painting. I've been teaching workshops around the country and in my studio since 2009.   
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