13 May 2016

Le Journal

From the head of school

Merci, Merci Beaucoup!

Dear families,

Thank you to our fine students who have raised almost $20,000 to support the Musketeer March!  

Congratulations to Mme Royce whose campus raised more than $11,000. She will get to wear the Musketeer Hat this school year but I plan to win it next year.

Two of our teachers encouraged their classes to raise more than $2,100. Mme Hanriot's 5th grade raised $1,127 and Mr J. Jones' Kindergarten class raised $1,055.  

Bennett Kumm (1st) and Amelia Kalahurka (K) with Mme Royce
Andrew Robinson (7th), Benjamin Robinson (5th), and Eliza Anderson (5th) with Mr. Mbengue
Congratulations to our students at both campuses who raised almost $1,800 in sponsorships. At Oak, there was a three-way tie with each student raising $400. At Cherry, there was also a tie with both students raising $295. They were awarded the Golden T-shirt to wear at the Musketeer March. Names of students who secured $250 or more in sponsorships were placed in a hat and two were chosen to win two season passes to Worlds of Fun. The lucky winners are Amelia Kalahurka at Cherry and Aidan Hershberger at Oak. 

This event could not have been pulled off without the support of our teachers and the skills and dedication of our two amazing coaches Brenda Kumm and Kristi Odums. Thank you!  

Please join the Oak campus as it celebrates a new event in the life of our school: the Journ�e Culturelle. This unique event, developed by our teachers, presents dances and songs from different cultures and traditions. It is being held instead of the Grand Spectacle this year.

This year, instead of requiring students to participate, we offered them the opportunity to volunteer to perform. Therefore, not every student has chosen to participate on stage, but all students will participate as audience members on Wednesday during the day. Parents are invited to a performance just for them on Wednesday, May 18th, at 6:00 pm.  To accommodate this time slot we have moved the Conseil d'Ecole from 6 pm that night to 5 pm. I hope to see you at the Journ�e Culturelle.

If you are a Cherry parent, the Journ�e Culturelle will be held on May 17 -- details below.

Bon weekend!

Monsieur MBengue

From the Cherry Principal

Journ�e Culturelle At Cherry

Dear families, 

Students and teachers have been practicing for the Journ�e Culturelle on May 17. I've enjoyed seeing the dancing, and hearing the singing and music as they get ready to perform for their peers and families. The times are as follows:

Opening Ceremony and Kindergarten: 11:00 am
1st Grade: noon
2nd Grade: 1:00 pm
3rd Grade: 2:00 pm

We will be performing outside on the playground, using the steps and the new addition as our stage. Please plan to park in the church parking lot or on the street and enter via the playground gate on Kenwood. You do not need to come to the front door and get a sticker. VERY IMPORTANT: to avoid getting a ticket or blocking the buses and car rider lane- do not park on the school side of the street.

Parents are encouraged to bring a folding chair or a blanket, and even a sack lunch if you come during your lunchtime. You can stay for the whole day or just come for your child's individual grade level performance.

We look forward to seeing you on May 17 at Cherry!

Madame Royce


Upcoming Events

April 25
MAP Test Begins -
Ends on May 20th

May 24
Orchestra Concert
7 pm, Oak Auditorium

May 31
Last Day For Students

Cherry Field Day

8th Grade Graduation
6 pm, Oak Auditorium
May 17
Cherry Journ�e Culturelle

Board Meeting
6 pm, Oak Music Room

May 27
Oak Field Day

End Of Year Picnic 
3:45 pm, Oak Campus

May 18
Conseil d'Ecole
5 pm, Oak Music Room

Oak Journ�e Culturelle
6 pm, Oak Auditorium

May 30

Summer School Session: June 8 - July 22. No Summer School July 4 & 5

Download the 2015-16 School Calendar by clicking here.
Access the 2016-2017 School Calendar here

Info Sharing

Yearbooks For Sale

Did you miss the deadline to order a yearbook this year, or need an extra one as the end of the school year nears? We still have a few extra yearbooks for sale, $15 each. Please contact Carlos McClain, cmclain@academielafayette.org, or come to the front desk at the Oak campus to get one. 

Info Sharing

Field Day Is Coming Soon

Hi, Parents! Ready for some End of Year Field Day fun? Please sign-up to join us as much-needed and much-appreciated volunteers! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jeff or Val Johnson at 816-651-7726. Thanks!

Volunteers: click HERE to register for Oak (5/27) and HERE to register for Cherry (5/31). 

Info Sharing

End Of Year Picnic 

Let's celebrate the end of an awesome school year! Come to the Oak campus on Friday, May 27th, from 3:45 to 7 pm. Bring the family and enjoy a night of food and fun at the Oak campus parking lot. We will have free bouncy houses for the kids! Bring your picnic blanket and lawn chairs. Acad�mie Lafayette will provide hotdogs, meat and veggie burgers. 

What to bring? 
  • K-1 grades bring drinks (bottle water, cans, or juice boxes)
  • 2 -6 grades bring a side dish (salads, fruit etc.)
  • 7-8 grades bring desserts. 
  • EVERYONE:  Please bring your own dishes and silverware. 
***There are lots of volunteers still needed to help monitor the bouncy houses***

Info Sharing

End Of Year Logistics

This is a very exciting time of year as we all look forward to the upcoming class trips, Journ�e Culturelle, end of the year picnic, graduation, the last day of school, and then our AWESOME SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM. The weather is beautiful and a good time to run errands and get some things done. However, we have to remember that all students need to be picked up by 4:00 pm from the Oak Campus and 3:45 pm from the Cherry Campus. We will not allow students to leave the building at the end of the school day who do not have permission to walk, and students found on the playground that haven't been picked up will be brought in to the building and parents called. It is a safety issue to have unsupervised students on the playground and in the building, so please help us keep your child(ren) safe. Feel free to have your children use both playgrounds as long as you are present to supervise them. 

Just as a reminder, in the past, there has been a late fee charged when picking up late, but we have not been enforcing that rule. However, it will be enforced next year with no exceptions: any student not picked up on time will be charged a $1.00 per minute late fee.  

Thank you for your cooperation.

Info Sharing

Oak Expansion Clarification

The construction is scheduled to begin at the Oak campus this summer, but this will NOT impede the 3rd grade students from attending summer school at the Oak Campus to start their 4th grade experience.

Info Sharing

Stay In The Know

As part of our commitment to transparency and improving our communications, we've created a PTSO Facebook page. Follow the PTSO on Facebook for updates on activities, events, and much more. You can even subscribe to the events feed to be reminded of Acad�mie Lafayette events and deadlines.

Info Sharing

PTSO Survey

The PTSO (Parent, Teacher, Student Organization) represents the families at Acad�mie Lafayette and we want to make sure we are aligned with the needs of our families. The PTSO works to raise funds for school programs that are not covered by state funding, such as the sports teams, robotics program and many field trip subsidies. In a typical year we raise over $300 per student through events and fundraising activities such as discount cards, Allez 5k, Trivia Night, and EIP (to name a few).

We would like additional feedback from the larger community to improve upon the events, making them more attractive to more families. Please spend a few minutes answering these questions. Click here to access the survey. Merci!

Info Sharing

SchoolKidz Kits Help Everybody

Ordering your back-to-school supplies has never been easier! SchoolKidz is America's #1 source for hassle-free school supply shopping. It's customized for Acad�mie Lafayette and personalized based on your child's teacher's needs. Every Acad�mie Lafayette teacher made adjustments to the supply list this year to keep the price low. 

This program not only saves you time and gas, it is also a fundraiser for our school. 10% of your purchase comes back to AL! The PTSO is hoping to raise $3,000 through this program to benefit our kids. Your school supplies will be delivered to your child's classroom the week before school starts - no hassle!

The SchoolKidz school supply sale will run from May 10 - June 10 and all orders must be made online. Parents will receive an email with online order information and an informational letter came home with your child this week (click here to access the letter). You can order online here

Info Sharing

Re-Enrollment Information

Thank you to everyone who has completed the re-enrollment forms. Most of you should have received a verification email. This means we have everything and it matches your proof or residency. Anyone who finished their apps this week will be verified soon. 

If you are one of the 35 people who have not turned in your proof of residence, or if it was returned to you as incomplete, then you have not completed the enrollment process. This means your child is not enrolled for next year, or for summer school. The intent letter, proof of residence, and the re-enrollment forms are all required for enrollment. 

We will send emails about summer school next week to confirm that you have applied. Confirmation letters will be coming home in your child's backpack the last week of school. Remember, summer school starts on a Wednesday this year (June 8th). 

Anyone who completed their re-enrollment AND had their proof of residence in by April 30th has a seat in summer school. Please direct all questions to Roxanne Troxell at roxtrox12@gmail.com

Info Sharing

Will You Need Y-Care This Summer? 

If you are interested, you need to register directly with the Cleaver YMCA, (816) 285-9622). Simply stating that you are interested on the re-enrollment form does not register you. 

Info Sharing

Vote For Your Favorite AL T-Shirt Design

Our talented community submitted many creative designs for next year's tee-shirt. This shirt will be approved for PE wear and just for knocking around and showing your school spirit. It will be available in youth and adult sizes.  

We will set up the ALSPIRIT.com website in early June to order this shirt and any of your spiritwear needs over the summer. Everything will be ready for pick up at Meet the Teacher Night on August 15th or the first day of school August 17th if you miss Meet the Teacher night.  

Use this link to vote for your favorite by Monday, May 23rd!

Info Sharing

Oak Journ�e Culturelle 

The first Journ�e Culturelle at Acad�mie Lafayette Oak campus will be May 18th. This assembly will be for students only. Parents are invited to attend that evening, May 18th at 6:00 pm. 
Parents: please note that not all students are performing on stage, ONLY the students and teachers who have volunteered to be a part of the Journ�e Culturelle will be in a performance. 

If you have not been notified, then your student is not in the performance.

Info Sharing

Still Looking For Intern Host Families

Families provide the intern a private room, shared bathroom, and meals when you are together as a family

Our interns are native French speakers and interested in a career in education. They work in Kindergarten classrooms and live with host families in the community. 

It's a great way for your children to practice their French at home! 

Questions? Interested? Contact Amandine Brown abrown@academielafayette.org

From the cherry counselor

Thank You From Ryder & Mme Beth!

Thank you to everyone that came out to the 2016 Pop Tab Pandemonium on Saturday! Your efforts helped us to donate approximately 150 pounds of pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald House. We are starting our collection over and hope to donate even more tabs for 2017. Keep collecting!


Congrats MS Soccer Team! 

Congratulations to the Girls Middle School Soccer team for their undefeated season and their KC-Metro League Championship! We are so proud of the AL girls for their hard work and effort! This past Monday evening, the team was honored to stand before the AL School Board to present the school with the championship trophy.  Thank you to the coaches, M. Djiba, M. Mamadou and M. Moulaye, for their guidance and encouragement to the team throughout the season.  

Soccer is new to Acad�mie Lafayette with this year being the first year to have organized teams. The middle school boys (grades 6-8) play in the fall and the middle school girls (grades 6-8) play in the spring. If you love soccer and the idea of representing our school, consider being a part of this excellent program in coming years!


MS Girls Volleyball Fall 2016 Tryouts

Attention volleyball enthusiasts! We are hosting tryouts for the middle school girls volleyball team for the 2016/2017 year in May. Only one tryout is required but your child may attend all if she'd like. We will take the best out of their tryouts into consideration.

They are currently planned as follows:
*Wednesday, May 11th            6 pm - 7:15pm Cherry gym
*Sunday, May 15th                  1pm - 2pm Cleaver YMCA
*Tuesday, May 17th                 6 pm - 7:15pm Cherry gym

NOTE: bring water bottles, knee pads, tennis shoes/sports clothes and a volleyball to tryouts (and practice if you are attending practice). 

Players will be selected based on skill level ranging from serving, bumps, sets, communication, team play and agility. For those who make the team, Middle School volleyball practices will begin in August prior to school starting and will be held twice a week until games begin. The season runs through October. Those trying out should recognize the time commitment for this sport.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, Sheila Dougherty, at scdthatisme@gmail.com. Rodney Riffle and I will be co-coaching.


Cheer Team Tryouts For 2016-2017

The Middle School Cheer Team had a very successful first year! The members worked hard to promote school spirit and create exciting cheers and dances. For interested students entering 6th - 8th grade for the 2016-17 school year, informational sessions will be held on May 10th, 12th, and 16th at the Oak Campus Gym from 4-5 pmYou must attend at least one of these sessions in order to participate in tryouts, which will be on May 19th. If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Wallace at jwallace@academielafayette.org

AL in the community
Student Digs Helping 

Elijah Dastrup, 4th Grade, was the sole cub scout who showed up to plant two KCMO parks beds (Washington Square Park & Deitrich Park) for Dig Day last week. He worked so hard and made some friend from KCMO Parks. He dug so hard he broke his trowel!

Report your sightings of Acad�mie Lafayette parents, staff, or students accomplishments to communication@academielafayette.org.  


Newsletter Contact

The school newsletter is used to communicate weekly with families. It is published on the last school day of the week. It contains vital information about upcoming events, school issues, as well as PTSO news and articles about what goes on in the classrooms. 

We have several mailing lists, and if you receive emails not pertinent to you or your child, please let us know by emailing communication@academielafayette.org. Unsubscribing will remove you from all of the mailing lists, so please contact us before hitting the button!

If you know someone that is not receiving this newsletter, please encourage them to email the address above as well, so we can add them to our system.

To place articles and/or ads, please read the 2015-2016 Newsletter guidelines before contacting us. 


Goppert ad 4.8.2016

Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109
