29 APRIL 2016

Le Journal

From the head of school

Who Will Win the Challenge?

Dear Families,

Unlike my counterpart at the Cherry campus (see below), I do not have a pink cowboy hat. I do have a Royals crown and a Senegalese shepherd's hat but nothing like the pink cowboy hat. That is about to change. Musketeer Hat The Musketeer Hat (the campus prize for the Musketeer March jog-a -thon) is destined for the Oak campus. That is why I am challenging all students at Oak and their families to support this campus in the Musketeer March. The campus that raises the most in student sponsorships for the Musketeer March on May 13 will be awarded this important symbol of success. I will be cheering every student. We are a campus of winners!

But early sponsorship totals are not looking good right now. Oak students have only raised $4,000 compared to Cherry students who have raised $6,000. See in the graph to the left how your student's grade level is doing! 

Funds raised at the Musketeer March support the unique travel opportunities available to all students! Please encourage your students to call Uncle Joe,  Auntie Taunya, Grandpa Paul and others to support them with a sponsorship for the Musketeer March. Anyone can make a sponsorship online by clicking here. We also need volunteers to help the day go smoothly. Click here to help.


Monsieur Mbengue

From the Cherry Principal

A Word From Cherry Street

Dear families, 

All the students know that Mme Royce wears the pink cowboy hat on special occasions. As much as I love the pink hat, I think I would look even better in the Musketeer hat. That's where I need the Cherry students and parents to help. The campus that raises the most sponsorships for the Musketeer March on May 13 will be awarded the coveted hat.  

I have been training, and I will be running along with the students. Please help us win! Please talk to neighbors, friends, grandparents and co-workers -- and turn in those sponsorship forms.  

Go Cherry, Go Cherry, Go Cherry!


Madame Royce

From the OAK Principals

Thank You Parents

Dear families,

As you already know, we started administering the MAP Tests to students in 3rd to 8th grade. Thanks to you, students arrived rested and ready for testing. We still have 3 more weeks to go (two at Oak, one at Cherry), but we are off to a great start! 

Please keep in mind:

  • Young brains tire fast and need a full night of sleep, about 10 hours, to rest and grow. 
  • Make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast before the test (at home or at school). 
  • Please arrive early so that students can get settled in their classrooms before testing starts promptly at 8:30 am. 
  • Avoid scheduling appointments that can be done at a later date. 
  • Encourage your child to bring a book to read when done with the test, as all students will have to remain quietly seated until all students are finished testing.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization (think positive thoughts) with your child so they can relax on the big day! 
Thank you for your support. 

Madame Houfaidi, 4th and 5th grade Principal,
Monsieur Roskam, Middle School Principal


Upcoming Events

April 25
MAP Test Begins -
Ends on May 20th

May 10
PTSO Meeting
6 pm, Cherry Campus

May 17
Cherry Journ�e Culturelle

May 27
Oak Field Day

End Of Year Picnic

May 5
Stone Soup Event
5:30 pm, Oak Gym

May 12
France 2016 Trip - 
Mandatory Meeting - 
6 pm, Oak Auditorium

May 18
Conseil d'Ecole
6 pm, Oak Music Room

Oak Journ�e Culturelle
6 pm, Oak Auditorium

May 30

May 9
Board Meeting
6 pm, Oak Music Room

May 13
Musketeer March

May 24
Orchestra Concert
7 pm, Oak Auditorium

May 31
Last Day For Students

Cherry Field Day

8th Grade Graduation
6 pm, Oak Auditorium

Summer School Session: June 8 - July 22
No Summer School July 4 and 5

Download the 2015-16 School Calendar by clicking here.
Access the 2016-2017 School Calendar here

Info Sharing

Deadline To Re-Enroll Is Tomorrow 4/30

Just turning in the Letter of Intent and proofs of residence to the office DOES NOT mean that you have successfully completed the re-enrollment process. The full application is online, and the deadline is tomorrow, April 30th. 

Every family should have received an email with instructions to re-enroll your student(s) and to sign-up for summer school in one easy packet. If you did not see it, please check your spam folder using the search word "SchoolMint". If you still don't find it, contact Peggy at parians@academielafayette.org.

We are still missing 40 Letters of Intent. If you have not turned yours in, please do so at this time. If you are not planning on coming back, please let us know so we can start your exit paperwork. 

Questions? Contact Peggy Arians parians@academielafayette.org

Info Sharing

Summer School Notice

The cut-off date to enroll for summer school is April 30th, and any applications received after that date will be on a waiting list. If there are still openings or cancellations for the 2nd week of summer school, you will receive a phone call to fill the spot. 

Questions? Contact Peggy Arians parians@academielafayette.org

Info Sharing

Will You Need Y-Care This Summer? 

After-school care for summer school students will be available through the YMCA. There are currently only enough enrolled students for one program, which will be held at the Cherry campus. Students enrolled at Oak who want to participate in Y-Care will have bus transportation provided to Cherry. 

However, if enrollment numbers meet the required minimum (20-25 at each campus), Y-Care for the summer will be available at both Cherry and Oak. A decision will be made about a program at Oak following the deadline for summer school applications, April 30.

Info Sharing

AL T-Shirt Design Contest

We are crowd-sourcing next year's school t-shirt design... it could be yours! Show off your artistic talent and enter your design. Entries are open to students, staff and parents. Entries are due Monday, May 9th, will be vetted to ensure they meet the criteria (PE appropriate) and posted for one week of voting.  The winning design will be available to pre-order over the summer and ready for pick up at Meet the Teacher Night in August.  

Info Sharing

Info Sharing

The PTSO Is Getting Social!

We want to make sure that you are always in the know, so we have started a Facebook page (well, Abby did actually! Thanks!), and we want you to be part of that page. It contains activities, events, info and much more. We are committed to being transparent and improving our communication as best we can!

Info Sharing

MS Dance: Spring Fling

The dance is May 6th from 8 to 10 pm for 7th and 8th grade, and May 7th from 8 to 10 pm for the 6th grade. The dance will be held at the Cherry Street building. The cost is $10 in advance, or $12 at the door. Students may bring one (paid) guest. 

Students received a permission slip for the dance and should return it to their home room teacher no later than Tuesday, May 3

From the oak counselor

Oak Says Bienvenue To 3rd Graders

This week 3rd grade students from Cherry campus got a taste of what it will be like to be a 4th grader at Oak. They were greeted by Principal Mme Houfaidi who talked to them about student life at this campus. Then, our responsible 7th grade students led the 3rd graders on a building tour. The students wrapped up their visit in the 4th grade classrooms and had activity time with current 4th grade students. Third graders were able to meet many teachers and other important staff members at Oak. 

We enjoyed having you here and look forward to seeing you next year! Thank you to everyone who helped the 3rd grade students feel welcome.  


From the Cherry counselor

Pop Tab Celebration Invitation  

Join Ryder & Mme. Beth at the Pop Tab Pandemonium Celebration!  

When: Saturday, May 7th
Time: 9am - noon
Where: Ronald McDonald House - 26th & Cherry

We will be donating our BIG collection of pop tabs - so please join us for the fun! Meet Ronald McDonald and participate in all the fun events! We hope to see you there!  

Thank you so much for helping us collect 6 boxes of tabs this year - its been our biggest donation thus far! We couldn't have done it without you! Merci!

Mme Walker

Info Sharing

PTSO Executive Board Nominations

Spring is upon us and PTSO is looking for fresh faces for our Board! The purpose of the PTSO (Parent, Teacher, and Student Organization) is to bring parents together to encourage healthy relationships and fruitful cooperation between the entire AL community-parents, students and teachers/staff-all in a collective effort to propel our children forward toward educational and lifelong success.

If you love AL and want to get more involved in the inner workings of the school, the PTSO Executive Board may be just the place for you. The ideal candidate will be a solutions oriented go-getter who knows how to collaborate with other parents, teachers and stakeholders to bring positive change to our school. If you are interested in joining, please submit your letter of interest (stating why you want to join and why you would be a good fit) to any of the following members:
Nominations due by May 6, 2016. Election will be held at PTSO's final general meeting on May 10th, 6 pm at Cherry.

Info Sharing

Journ�e Culturelle Update For Cherry

Please plan to join us at Cherry for the Journ�e Culturelle on May 17. Classes will be singing and dancing outside on the playground. We will start with a brief opening ceremony at 11:00 am, and then the classes will perform at the following times:
  • Kindergarten: 11:00 am
  • 1st grade: 12:00 noon
  • 2nd grade: 1:00 pm
  • 3rd grade: 2:00 pm
Parents can join us for just their child's class time or for the whole day. Please bring a blanket or a folding chair (and even lunch if you want).

See you on the 17th!

Info Sharing

Oak Journ�e Culturelle 

At Oak, students will celebrate during the day with their peers and teachers on May 18th. Parents are invited to attend the evening celebration from 6 to 7:30 pm, as the celebration during the day is only for students and staff. More information will follow as the celebration approaches. 

This event is meant to be entertaining, educational and enlightening for our students. Through each other's diversity we become aware of our own cultures and we gain a sense of pride for the diversity of others and ourselves. 

Info Sharing

You Can Host An Intern Next Year

Families provide the intern a private room, shared bathroom, and meals when you are together as a family

Our interns are native French speakers and interested in a career in education. They work in Kindergarten classrooms and live with host families in the community. 

It's a great way for your children to practice their French at home! 

Questions? Interested? Contact Amandine Brown abrown@academielafayette.org

Info Sharing

3rd Grade Family Cookout

DON'T MISS the 3rd Grade family cookout on Wednesday, May 11th6 to 7:30 pm! The inaugural Cherry Street class will be soon transitioning to Oak Street campus... Join us to thank our 3rd grade teachers and get to know some of the teachers and staff at the Oak campus.  

We'll pull out the grills and ask families to bring side dish, beverage or dessert. Click here to sign-up. Contact Becky, smith.rebeccabogen@gmail.com, if you have any questions or would like to help plan the event.

Info Sharing

No All Calls Until May 1st

Because of a change in the company that provides the All Calls, there will be no all-school calls or texts until after May 1st. Please watch the newsletter and school Facebook page for information. Thank you for your patience during this transition. 


Shout-Out To AL MS Girls Soccer Team

A big shout out to the first ever AL Middle School Girls Soccer team! This week they finished their inaugural season with the K.C. Metro League UNDEFEATED 5-0! This middle school league is made up of Acad�mie Lafayette, KIPP Endeavor Academy, Frontier School of Excellence, Foreign Language Academy, Lincoln College Prep and Northeast Middle School. You can be very proud of the AL girls and the way they have represented our school with hard work, team spirit and excellent sportsmanship! They couldn't have done it without the coaching and leadership of M. Djiba and M. Dieng - Thank you coaches! When you see these girls in the hallways, wish them luck as they head into their league tournament this Saturday, April 30th, with hopes of moving on to the final championship on May 7!


MS Girls Volleyball Fall 2016 Tryouts

Attention volleyball enthusiasts! We are hosting tryouts for the middle school girls' volleyball team for the 2016/2017 year in May.
In order to provide opportunity for all current 5th, 6th and 7th grade girls to tryout, the plan is to host 3 tryouts (all before the trip to France). Only one tryout is required but your child may attend all if she'd like. We will take the best out of their tryouts into consideration.

They are currently planned as follows:
*Wednesday, May 11th            6 pm - 7:15pm Cherry gym
*Sunday, May 15th                  1pm - 2pm Cleaver YMCA
*Tuesday, May 17th                 6 pm - 7:15pm Cherry gym

NOTE: bring water bottles, knee pads, tennis shoes/sports clothes and a volleyball to tryouts (and practice if you are attending practice). 

Players will be selected based on skill level ranging from serving, bumps, sets, communication, team play and agility. For those who would like a practice prior to tryouts, one is currently planned for May 4th from 6 pm - 7pm at the Cherry gym. Please sign-up to secure a spot via the sign up genius link (for the practice only). 

For those who make the team, Middle School volleyball practices will begin in August prior to school starting and will be held twice a week until games begin. The season runs through October. Those trying out should recognize the time commitment for this sport.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, Sheila Dougherty, at scdthatisme@gmail.com. Rodney Riffle and I will be co-coaching.


Cheer Team Tryouts For 2016-2017

The Middle School Cheer Team had a very successful first year! The members worked hard to promote school spirit and create exciting cheers and dances. For interested students entering 6th - 8th grade for the 2016-17 school year, informational sessions will be held at the Oak campus on May 10th, 12th, and 16th at the Oak Campus Gym from 4-5 pmYou must attend at least one of these sessions in order to participate in tryouts, which will be on May 19th. If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Wallace at jwallace@academielafayette.org

Painless fundraising

It's That Time Again... 

If you haven't yet, please send in Boxtops, Best Choice, Labels for Education and Tyson A+ labels. We will be collecting them on May 13th. Please send them in to your teacher and be sure to label your baggie with your teacher's name so your child's class gets credit. The class with the most labels gets a special treat! Remember this is an on-going program so please continue collecting throughout the year. 

If you are interested in helping to count on May 15th please contact Alise at alise713@hotmail.com.  

Info Sharing

Soup For All On May 5

Please join your AL friends and the Ambassador Team at Acad�mie Lafayette for an evening of shared cultures on May 5th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Oak campus gym and overflowing into the auditorium as needed. We will share a feast created by many. Click here to go to the SignUp Genius page to bring food. Please bring a dish to feed about 10. You will notice that you can sign up for a country. You will need to find out what foods come from that region of the World and make something 
with your children to share with the community. We will provide plates, napkins, and silverware as well as water. Spots on the sign-up page will be added as needed. This event is meant to bring us together to celebrate our diverse community and perhaps to learn a few new things in the process. We will also have entertainment, but that is a surprise. You will have to come to see what we are all about! The event will be hosted by Monique Hall, Amanda Campbell, La Wanda Swoopes, Mbarou Mbengue, and Leslie Kohlmeyer. 

Questions? Contact Leslie Kohlmeyer 816-606-1646

AL in the community

Report your sightings of Acad�mie Lafayette parents, staff, or students accomplishments to communication@academielafayette.org.  


Newsletter Contact

The school newsletter is used to communicate weekly with families. It is published on the last school day of the week. It contains vital information about upcoming events, school issues, as well as PTSO news and articles about what goes on in the classrooms. 

We have several mailing lists, and if you receive emails not pertinent to you or your child, please let us know by emailing communication@academielafayette.org. Unsubscribing will remove you from all of the mailing lists, so please contact us before hitting the button!

If you know someone that is not receiving this newsletter, please encourage them to email the address above as well, so we can add them to our system.

To place articles and/or ads, please read the 2015-2016 Newsletter guidelines before contacting us. 


YMCA Summer Sports And Swim

Promote the power of play this summer! Summer is just around the corner and with it children's break from the routine. Make sure kids stay active and engaged this summer YMCA sports and swim lessons. 

            T-Ball: Ages 5-6  
            Coach Pitch: Ages 7-8
            Kid Pitch: Ages 9-10
Early Registration by May 1st:  $45 Y members, $65 community participants
Regular Registration May 2nd and later: $90 Y members, $110 community participants
Final day to register: May 16
7 Games: Starting June 4, Saturdays, 8am-4pm
YOUTH BASKETBALL                          
            Boys K-1st       Girls K-1st
            Boys 2nd-3rd   Girls 2nd-3rd                                        
            Boys 4th-5th    Girls 4th-5th 

Early Registration by June 2nd: $40 Y members, $60 community participants
Regular Registration June 3rd and later: $80 Y members, $100 community participants
Final day to register: June 20th 
6 Games: July 9 - August 13, Saturdays, 8am- 4pm

Learn to swim at the YMCA, the nation's most trusted source for swim safety. We teach life-saving skills in our year-round swim lessons. With six levels of classes from water adjustment and fun to knowing all strokes and skills, there is a Y swim lesson for every age and ability. Classes are designed to make learning fun and "advancement" is not the priority. 

Click here to learn more and see the full schedule of sports and swim sessions offered! 


Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109
