06 November 2015

Le Journal

From the Head of SCHOOL

Community For The Win

Dear Families,

I am constantly amazed by the generosity of our families not only to the school but to each other. As you can see below, there is a beautiful thank you note from the Flavin family for the support they have received since a fire destroyed their home. I know this means a lot to them.  

At the Middle School assembly this week students presented Sarah Guthrie with a check for $804 to support our 2015-2016 Annual Fund. I want to commend our students for helping us close the $270,000 gap we face each year.

I also know that our second grade students are decorating cardboard boxes that will carry holiday gifts to members of the Military who are serving overseas.  

Gestures like these build community. I am proud to call Kansas City my home.

Have a great weekend!

Elimane Mbengue
Head of School


Upcoming Events

November 9
Board Meeting - 
6 pm, Oak Campus

November 21
Holiday Art Market

December 1
Cherry Principal - Parent Coffee

December 8
K Winter Concert -
6 pm, Cherry Campus
November 13

November 24
Generations Day

December 2
Oak Principal - Parent Coffee
Oak Winter Concert #1

December 10
1st - 3rd Grade Winter Concert
6 pm - Scottish Rite Temple

November 18
Early Release Day
Cherry - 12:45 pm
Oak - 1 pm

November 25-27
Thanksgiving Break

December 3
Oak Winter Concert #2

December 14
Board Meeting - 
6 pm, Oak Campus

Download the 2015-16 School Calendar by clicking here

Info Sharing

Last Day For Holiday Sponsorship

The holiday season is fast approaching and Acad�mie Lafayette is preparing to make it a little brighter for some of our own families in need this year. We greatly appreciate your generosity in sponsoring a child or family. Please contact Lara Troutner at Oak by Friday November 6th if you are interested in giving to child or family this season. You can contact Mme Troutner by phone 816 361 7735 or by email at ltroutner@academielafayette.org

Info Sharing

All Calls Information

If you do not receive all calls or all texts and would like to be included, please contact Edem Addoh in our IT Department at eaddoh@academielafayette.org

Info Sharing

Coins For The Cabinet Extended 2 Days

coins for the cabinet This yearly opportunity to support the Kansas City Medicine Cabinet was overshadowed by the excitement generated by the Royals parade. You can bring coins to help the Medicine Cabinet on Monday and Tuesday of next week. 

Please help us fill our jars at Cherry and Oak! Thank you for your generosity.

Info Sharing

Looking For A Very Part-Time Job? 

There is an opportunity at the Oak Campus for a morning crossing guard. This person will ensure the safety of children crossing the street in front of the school. Hours are 7:30 am to 8:30 am daily. This is a paid position. Contact Carlos McClain (cmcclain@academielafayette.org) for more information. 

Info Sharing

Attention All Holiday Bakers!

Please consider baking some delicious treats to donate to our fabulous annual bake sale at the Holiday Art Market. We need cookies, cupcakes, brownies, and anything else yummy that you can dream up. Get creative in the kitchen to support our kids! This is a great chance to show off those amazing homemade treats we are not allowed to send to class with our kids.

Bring your wrapped or bagged treats to the Cherry Campus after school on Friday, November 20th, or drop them off when you come to shop on Saturday, November 21st.

We will handle the pricing, but if there is something unique about your creation (gluten or sugar free, contains nuts, etc. please label the packages). 

If you love to EAT holiday treats or share them with your family, be sure to stop by the bake sale tables to pick up your favorite goodies before they're gone. All bake sale proceeds go directly to the school!

Questions? Contact Jessica LaFollette jessieandbrett@hotmail.com

Info Sharing

Calling All 2016-2017 K Students

It's that time of year again, the time when we collect names from our families for next year's Kindergarten class!

If you have a sibling of a current (or graduate) AL student, please contact our Cherry Street Office Manager, Diane Balagna (dbalagna@academielafayette.org), by sending a message with "K sibling" in the subject line with the following information:

- the incoming child's name and birth date
- parent name and address (including city, state and zip) and phone number
- sibling name and grade

To be eligible for the 2016-17 school year, applicants MUST be 5 before September 1, 2016.


The open application period will begin on Monday, January 11, 2016 and end on Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. 

Info Sharing

High School Fair on November 14

Previously Acad�mie Lafayette has hosted a high school fair for middle school students and their parents to help them learn about area high schools. This year, there is a new resource: Show Me KC Schools. Their website allows parents and others to research high schools, but the organization is also holding a comprehensive high school fair on Saturday, November 14

In addition to information about specific schools there will be workshops for parents and students on topics including "How to Afford a Private School Education" and "Tips for Your Shadow Day". The Family to Family High School fair is free. It will be held from 10 am to 1 pm at UMKC's Pierson auditorium. Click here for more information and to view the list of high schools that will be present.  

Show Me KC Schools is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to "help families make well-informed decisions about their child's education by providing vital information about the school options available". On their website you can find out information about admission dates for schools, shadow dates, and other information such as test scores and admission requirements. 
Show Me KC Schools

Info Sharing

Generations Day Flyers in Backpacks

Generations Day flyers are going home in backpacks. Please let grandparents or special friends know about this fun event! Generations Day will be held on Tuesday, November 24, at both campuses. Invitations were mailed and emailed to the grandparents or special friends whose addresses we have. 

Grandparent and Special Friend information can be updated from the Acad�mie Lafayette website by clicking here. Grandparents can also use this form to RSVP.  

Please contact Sarah Guthrie, sguthrie@academielafayette.org, with questions about Generations Day or to volunteer at this great event.

AL MEMBERS In the community

Blast From The Past, Supporting The Future

Acad�mie Lafayette alumni from the class of 2015 came back to the Oak Campus to help serve pizza. The October fundraiser directly benefited Acad�mie Lafayette. How you ask? Before every pizza buffet, the current 8th grade class picks a charity, a cause or an organization that could really benefit from the proceeds of the event. This past month, they chose the Annual Fund. Together, students and staff raised $804! The check was presented to Sarah Guthrie, AL Director of Development, during the Middle School Assembly held Thursday, November 5th. 

From left to right: Kathryn McCabe, Keenan Johnson, Liliana Reyes, Kaitlyn Carter, Kollin Battle, Blaise Dauzvardis, and Olivia Michka. Elizabeth Frye and Lucie Heuser present Sarah Guthrie with the big check!

Report your sightings of Acad�mie Lafayette parents, staff, or students accomplishments to communication@academielafayette.org.  

AL members in the Community


Middle School Boys and Girls Basketball

The middle school boys and girls basketball season is about to begin. We will be holding a meeting on Monday, November 9th, 2015 at 5:00 pm in the Cherry campus gymnasium. All students interested in playing for the middle school team should plan to attend along with their parents.

To register for the team contact Mr Djiba edjiba@academielafayette.org


AL 2015 Soccer Team

Congratulations to the middle school boys soccer team for a great first season! They played with amazing effort and teamwork, and improved each game. Coach Djiba, and Coach Moulaye did a great job. Players included: Donovan Browning, Spencer Duffendack, Stephen George, Roan Hesse, Rocco Hesse, Logan Hoss, Brenden Maltbia, Frederick Marshall, Syrus Menteer, Joseph Mun, Samuel North, Isaac Perrigon, and Finn Sjue.


Allez 5K A Huge Success

THANK YOU families, friends, alumni and community members. We had a great turn out and the weather was fairly cooperative. Darron Story provided great entertainment - someone needs to post the pre-race warm-up, I know there was video. Our kids (and their families) FLEW through the course! I was so impressed. 

If you have pictures on Facebook, please tag Acad�mie Lafayette in them and/or #Allez5k2015. If you don't FB, feel free to send them to meghkflavin@gmail.com.

I also have additional medals/dog tags if anyone missed getting theirs. Please let me know if you need them. For those that didn't get a shirt that wanted one, I have those ordered and it will be about 10 more days until they come in. I will package them and your child will bring it home in their back pack.

I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Thank you for the support for our school and the Musketeer fund! I look forward to doing this all again next year - I hope you will join us again and bring a friend!

Some fun facts from the race:
232 pre-registered participants and many walk-ups and late registrations.
Overall Male: Jackson Berry (son of Marcia and AL Alum) screamed in at 18:11!
Overall Female: Molly Hendrickson (7th grader) crushed her time at 21:50!
Top Teacher: M. Tsafack (6th grade)

Top Division Finishers:
6-8: Aden Patt-Rappaport (22:38)
9-11: Ethan Schaafer (19:32)
12-14: Ilyes Ait Abdelkader (19:10)
15+ : Brian Verkler (18:12)

5 and under: Amelia Williams (40:37)
6-8: Halia Victorine, Maya Bird (32:41)
9-11: Olivia Williams (27:30)
12-14: Katie Riffle (24:19)
15+ : Zo� Hommertzheim (22:35)


Newsletter Contact

The school newsletter is used to communicate weekly with families. It is published on the last school day of the week. It contains vital information about upcoming events, school issues, as well as PTSO news and articles about what goes on in the classrooms. 

We have several mailing lists, and if you receive emails not pertinent to you or your child, please let us know by emailing communication@academielafayette.org. Unsubscribing will remove you from all of the mailing lists, so please contact us before hitting the button!

If you know someone that is not receiving this newsletter, please encourage them to email the address above as well, so we can add them to our system.

To place articles and/or ads, please read the 2015-2016 Newsletter guidelines before contacting us. 

Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109
