30 JANUARY 2015

Le Journal 

A message from our head of school

Fund-A-Need at Work!

Dear Acad�mie Lafayette Parents,


Thanks to more than 100 people who gave over $22,000 at last year's Fund-A-Need auction at Evening in Paris, we now have a new sound and projection system in the auditorium at Cherry and a new projection system in the auditorium at Oak. 

Technicians install a new screen at the Oak auditorium


This type of project is very expensive but by working together through Fund-A-Need we were able to raise the money to provide this important equipment.     






Larry Cook works at the Cherry campus to install the new screen

I want to thank the PTSO, the EIP Committee, Lin Buck, Bradley Lewis, and the many, many parents who worked on this project, as well as our own staff, led by Roger Goudiaby. Working together, we made this important project possible. Thank you again. 


Have a good weekend.


Elimane Mbengue 

A message from our cherry street principal

Volunteers Readers Needed! 

Parents and Grandparents: we need volunteers to read to students in 2nd grade English classes. No educational experience necessary. We just need people who are willing and able to do the following:

1. Commit to read to individual or small groups of students in English for 30-45 minutes- once or twice a week (Wednesday and Friday mornings).
2. Complete a background check (if the approximate cost of $59 is prohibitive-  please contact the school and we will assist).
3. Attend a brief orientation/training.
4. Work under the supervision of the 2nd grade English teachers.

If you need more information or are ready to sign-up, please email dbalagna@academielafayette.org or call the Cherry campus- 816.888.7400.

Bon weekend!

Madame Heather

in this issue

* Leadership Notes 

* Calendar

* PTSO events

* In the Spotlight

* Sports 

* Info Share

* Fundraising 


Deadlines for the newsletter are Wednesdays at noon (for a five day week).

Advertisements and payments must be turned in Wednesdays by noon.


Upcoming Events

February 3 
Room Parent Coffee: Oak, 7:45am; Cherry 5:30pm

February 23 
PTSO General Meeting - Cherry Campus, 6pm
February 9
Board Meeting - Oak Campus, 6pm

February 25
NO SCHOOL - Staff In-Service

February 16 
SNOW MAKE-UP DAY - President's Day - School will be in session

February 26-27 
NO SCHOOL - Parent- Teacher Conference

February 18
AL Open House - Cherry Campus, 5-7pm

SUMMER SCHOOL DATES FOR STUDENTS:  Wednesday, June 10th, to Thursday, July 23rd. Summer School will not be in session on Friday, July 3rd. 

Download the 2014-15 School Calendar by clicking here.

info sharing

Have an Article for the Newsletter?  

Send to: communication@academielafayette.org
Deadlines are each Wednesday at noon (for a regular five day week.) Please put "Newsletter Article" in the subject line. 

Art or photos should be in .jpg format. Ads in .jpg format. AL reserves the right to approve all items for the newsletter. 
info sharing

info sharing

PTSO: Upcoming events

PTSO General Meeting - Monday February 23, 6pm, Cherry Campus.  Agenda topics will include Evening in Paris update, fundraising, PTSO budget process for upcoming year and PTSO executive board election process.  Both budget and new officers will be voted on in May meeting.  Past meeting notes can be found here: http://www.academielafayette.org/parent-association/
AL Sightings

School Choice Week

The Missouri Charter Public School Association, charter school leaders, national education reform leaders and other organizations rallied in Kansas City for school choice during National School Choice Week. 
Jeff Johnson, Heather Royce, Leslie Houfaidi, Chad Phillips, Jacque Lane and Sarah Guthrie attended the School Choice event at the Kauffman foundation (not pictured:  Mike Zeller and Tracey Lewis)

"The Missouri Charter Public School Association is excited to co-host this important event. All of Missouri's families should have the opportunity to choose the school that best meets their child's needs. We believe students sharing why school choice is important to them will impress upon the citizens of Missouri that every family deserves great educational options regardless of their zip codes," said Douglas Thaman, executive director, Missouri Charter Public School Association. 


Celebrated every year in January, National School Choice Week shines a positive spotlight on all types of effective education options for children, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, online learning, and homeschooling. The celebration is nonpartisan and nonpolitical. National School Choice Week 2015 will feature a history-making 11,082 independently planned and independently funded events across all 50 states.


Alumni Sightings

AL Alumni Dad in the News

Alumni Dad Ivan Helmrich (Peter Helmrich, class of 2008) shares his engineering skills with area students. 

Engineer mentor Ivan Helmrich helps Lincoln Prep students Kara Richardson (clockwise from left), Steve Thatsanithone, Taylor Corn, Thao Duy Nguyen and Viet Nguyen work on a robot at the KC Engineering Zone at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. (Photo Credit: Allison Long/Kansas City Star)

Read more HERE.


EIP:  The Fun Begins

Join your friends at the Bier Station on Monday, Feb. 16 -- President's Day -- for the Evening in Paris: Studio 54 pre-party!  The fun begins at 4:00 pm!


EIP:  Unique Silent Auction Item Returns!

Remember the great progressive dinner from last year?  
Well, it's back and better than ever!  BUT you should know that only the first 40 people who sign up will get a place at the table -- or multiple tables. REMEMBER to get you name on the list when the silent auction opens at Evening in Paris: Studio 54 on March 7, 2015!


Volunteering Opportunities at "Studio 54"

Have you ever wondered what is An Evening in Paris? What do the volunteers do at An Evening in Paris?
This is your year to find out! The EIP Committee would like to have fun, energetic and ready to shake a tail feather volunteers. Volunteering at An Evening in Paris: Studio 54 is the best decision you could ever make for the school's largest fundraiser. So, parents, grandparents, neighbors, and friends: come set up the silent auction, work Qtego, serve food and drinks to our guests while having fun. Find a time and position that you will enjoy on Signup Genius http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a084fa4a928a75-2015 . Merci!

Leilani Grover-Marshall 
2015 An Evening in Paris; Studio 54, Volunteer Coordinator
816-694-0005 call/text
Info sharing

Students Organize Supply Drive for Jamaica 

Hello AL Families,


In February 2015 we are going to Jamaica with the Jamaica Medical Missions group.   Last year we had a great response from students and parents donating toothpaste and school supplies. This year we hope to take some supplies to the school nurse at Oberlin High in Jamaica who does just what our wonderful school nurses do and more! 


Unfortunately, her supply closet is nearly empty. Students must pay for even a Tylenol. To help them out we are taking supplies and over the counter medications. The Oberlin High school nurse in Jamaica and our school nurses have been in contact. If you would like to help out or would like to contribute to any of the needed supplies please contact either our mom (Katherine Haggard, haggard.perry@gmail.com) OR you may send a check to Nurse Alexis Cook, or Nurse Mary Ammatelli made payable to Acad�mie Lafayette.


The deadline for sending supplies is Wednesday, February 11thAnything you can do would be greatly appreciated! With gratitude to you for your kindness and in service of helping others,

Jack & Ella Perry

AL community members spotted

Student and Mother Raise Money for Operation Breakthrough

Cora Jones and her mother will be raising money for Operation Breakthrough on Thursday, February 12th, from 5pm to 8pm. Thank you for making our community a better place Cora! 

Report your sightings of Acad�mie Lafayette parents or students accomplishments to communication@academielafayette.org.  



Painless Fundraising Works!

In December of 2014 Acad�mie Lafayette received a check for $1299.60 from Box Tops for Education thanks to all of your who clip and send in box tops! These funds are donated to the General Fund and each AL child benefits! Price Chopper is offering an opportunity to get 80 bonus box tops by purchasing items with box tops and sending in the form that you can download and print HERE. Please stock up on a few items that have box tops and earn extra cash for our kids. Questions? Contact Alise at alise713@hotmail.com


Girls' and Boys' Basketball Schedule 

The basketball season has begun! Come out to support the teams and see the exciting games first hand! Ticket prices are $1 at the door (cash only). Girls play first and boys' games follow.



Important Amazon Update!   

We received notice that Simple Fundraiser, the administrator of the fundraising program through Amazon, updated their program resulting in a new link for our Amazon fundraiser! Please delete the original link and use http://amzn.to/1BKBztB.

Additionally, they have agreed to donating 5% of each purchase made rather that 1-6% as originally offered. Please pass it on to friends, coworkers and family and ask them to update to the new link.


Thank you to everyone who has been using the AL Amazon link when making purchases on Amazon. We have raised over $500 in November and December and over $40 in January! It is so easy, isn't it?! Please remember that this is an ongoing fundraising opportunity and 5% of each purchase is donated to the AL General Fund. Please contact Alise with any questions at alise713@hotmail.com. The website for Simple Fundraiser is http://simplefundraiser.net


Please, and Thank You! 

Dear parents, please consider the ALFrance15Cards to be Acad�mie Lafayette School Property and doing the buyout/return if you aren't going to sell the discount cards. Please, at least return them if you are not going to sell them. We need to account for each and every card. Acad�mie Lafayette can still sell them, as they are very coveted and of great benefit to the buyers. So don't throw them away, and if you have, please consider a donation or buyout. It benefits all of the students at our school, by keeping the travel pathways open and the connections strong.

A HUGE thank you to the families that have participated in the Discount card campaign, the Trash Bag sales and Chipotle nights. We look forward to helping your classes out as well. We are all one WONDERFUL school.

Info sharing

Will You Have an Incoming Kindergarten Student in 2015-16? 

It's that time of year again, the time when we collect names from our families for next year's Kindergarten class!

If you have a sibling of a current (or graduate) AL student, please let our Cherry Street Office Manager, Diane Balagna (dbalagna@academielafayette.org) know, by sending an email with "K sibling" in the subject line with the following information:

-the incoming child's name and birth date
-parent name and address (including city, state and zip) and phone number
-sibling name and grade

To be eligible for the 2015-16 school year, applicants MUST be 5 before September 1, 2015.

The open application period will begin on January 20, 2015 and end on March 5, 2015.

Children of current full-time Acad�mie Lafayette staff members who meet the above criteria are also eligible for enrollment. Please forward the same information to Diane Balagna. Thank you!

Trashbag Sale: One More Chance!    

If you missed the deadline for ordering trash bags we will be placing ONE more order. The deadline for turning in your order is Monday, February 2nd at the very latest. Please turn in your order form with your money to either the Oak Street or the Cherry Street campus. 

If you ordered trash bags and did not pick them up last weekend, your bags are at the Oak Street Campus. Please ask for Marcia Berry when picking them up. 

Click HERE for the order form for additional orders. There are also extra forms at the office of each campus. Again, the deadline is February 2nd. Please include your full name, phone number and email address on your order form. 

Contact Amy Lee North at amyleenorth@gmail.com with questions.

info sharing

School Reach Message Retrieval Line     

We use the School Reach system to alert families via phone or text about important announcements. If you miss a School Reach message, please do NOT call the school. Instead, use the Message Retrieval number from a phone that gets calls from the system.


Looking for a Great Preschool?   

Ward Parkway Preschool is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year beginning February 9th. Accredited by the Missouri Center for Accreditation of Early Childhood Education Programs, Ward Parkway Preschool offers a stimulating program for children ages about 3 to pre-kindergarten. Classes are 9:00-2:30 or 9:00 to 12:00. Before and after care is available. Partial week summer camp is also available. Enrollment for summer camp 2015 begins March 23rd. 

Address: 7406 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64114    Phone: (816) 361-2201

Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109
